Taking a break from all the catching up to share the pictures from Kye’s 18 month photo shoot! This time around we got to work with Lindsay Colson who is a blogger herself and pregnant and an artist and a fabulous photographer! She’s got great prices and AMAZING work so check her out here (I think her company name is sooo catchy btw: Captured by Colson)!
We ended up meeting at Kinderlou (a nice golf community neighborhood here) on a Sunday morning before church (Sept 19th to be exact so he was 18 months old when these were taken I promise!). Kye was in as decent of a mood as you can ask for from a wild, running like mad, toddler. I thought Lindsay did a GREAT job! She was fun, professional, and patient. I LOVE so many of the images so I posted a ton on here. And the rest are in this album on my picasa site (who knows when I’ll update my facebook albums…maybe next year?!?!). When I looked through these the first time I just couldn’t get over how OLD he looks. Remember his last photo shoot? Can you believe that was only 6 months ago? Can time please freeze?
this one is one of my favorites I think!
Crazy Boy Kye Face #1
I’m glad Lindsay got some of just Kye and I together as usually I always get Zach and Kye
All pictures with Daddy always turn out adorable!
the reason Kye always looks cutest in pictures with Zach? I provide endless entertainment 😉
this is 100% frame worthy 😉
these are my favorite with me
in all of these I’m wearing the Stella & Dot Boca Chic Necklace, Bloom Charm Bracelet in Gold with the Palm Beach Charms ~ check ’em out 😉
SUCH a Daddy’s boy
I love all these on the golf carts – if we do his new room in a golf theme won’t they be adorable?
I love his “proud face” in the one above and just how happy he is in the one below
Crazy Boy Kye #2!
these are really “artsy” family shots 😉
fruit snacks helped us make it through the shoot!
love the little footprints in the grass
Thanks so much again, Lindsay! Hope everyone else enjoyed them as much as I did…I’d love to hear thoughts on the ones you guys think I should frame in the new house 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025