Kye is 19 Months Old!
For this months breakdown of where Kye compares to the “norm” for his age from What to Expect The Toddler Years, I’m using more pictures from our fun time at the park in Big Canoe.

They had a BEAUTIFUL field there that just
“down, set, hut!”
Kye can do everything a
The list simply says that by this age he should be able to perform all the previous “should be able to’s…” from the previous months.
I don’t think there was a month that he wasn’t performing something from that list so I guess he’s good to go!
pumpin’ that arm like his mama
Kye can do all the things a 19 month old “will probably” and “may possibly” be able to do including:
- “feed” a doll
- use 6 words
walk u p steps (Big Canoe was great practice!)- build a tower out of 4 cubes
- identify 2 pictures by pointing
Crazy Boy Kye
Kye and I need to work on the things that a 19 month old “may even” be able to do.
I’m pretty sure he can do them, but I don’t like to say he can unless I actually test him out on it! Here’s what we will find out before next month:
- name 6 body parts
- wash and dry hands
Daddy’s Boy
As usual I feel like much of this chapter doesn’t really relate to what I’m going through.
I guess kids at this age want to escape their cribs?
Kye LOVES his and seriously never wants to get up in the mornings.
I think he’d be happy to be in his crib all day…so much so that I’m worried about when the time will come to graduate to a “big boy” bed!
His speech is pretty clear and he’s finally talking plenty so I’m not worried about those issues that this chapter covers either.
There is a HUGE section on ADHD and (at least for now) Kye doesn’t fit the description.
He is very able to follow instructions, stay on task, and focus.
I always tease Zach that I think he’s ADHD and, while it’s a joke, I am kinda serious about it.
Zach is ALWAYS moving. Shaking his legs, restless, always go-go-go.
It wouldn’t surprise me if at least one of our children ends up the same way so I plan to revisit this checklist often to see if Kye shows any signs of it (especially since the book says that ADHD is 4-7 times more common in boys).
At this age I feel like Kye is FILLED with energy. I guess it’s the “norm” as this chapter ideas to help a toddler get their energy out and ones to help a toddler relax. Here’s some activities for energy outlets:
- punching and kneading bread dough
- punching a punching bag or pillow
- “drumming” on pots
- pounding or hammering toys (a fav around here)
- pounding clay
- dancing to lively music
- kiddie aerobics (lead your toddler in fun toe touches, jumping jacks, etc)
- pillow fights (another favorite!)
- bean-bag tossing
- tumbling
- lively circle games and action songs
- running in place (for older toddlers)
- jumping up and down (“how high can you jump?”)
- broad jumps (“how far can you jump?”)
- splashing in the tub (Kye has really started going with the splashing lately!)
- running, jumping, climbing outside
- playground play: swinging, sliding, jungle gym
- ball kicking and throwing
- “rolling” an over sized ball
- pedaling on a trike or other riding toy
- pulling a wagon
- splashing in a pool (can’t WAIT for next summer!!!)
- splashing in rain puddles
- pulling weeds in the garden (Kye loves this!)
- playing follow-the-leader (hop on one foot, spin in a circle, flap your arms)
- tag (both classic and “freeze tag”)
- blowing bubbles and chasing them around the yard (I’m hoping someone will get him a bubble machine for Christmas!)
Once your child has been a “wild man” for long enough, here are some soothing techniques to help them relax and calm their energy (um…I read over them while typing them and good luck! Over half these things Kye does but he’s still mega wild while doing it!):
- hugging, cuddling, or a massage
- soft music, with or without lyrics
- selected, low-key dvds
- a relaxing story
- a warm bath
- playing simple puzzles
- doodling, painting with a brush or fingers, drawing with crayon or chalk
- clay play
- baking or cooking with adult
- water play
- watching fish in fish tank
- petting a gentle pet or stuffed animal
- interaction with a calm parent
- simple parent-child meditation
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025