Thursday (May 28th) was mine and Zach’s 2 year Wedding Anniversary! While it’s not as big of a deal as one, five, ten, etc it’s still a milestone so of course we celebrated 🙂
Having a baby slowed us down for sure! I drove Kye out to Charlotte’s for her and Rusty to watch him while Zach and I went on our date and it takes 30 min to get there and then 30 min to get home! Luckily Mrs. Charlotte didn’t mind bringing him back to our house for us because that would have taken another hour!!! I rushed rushed rushed to get ready (which is tough b/c with these boobs NONE of my dresses fit!) and we went to eat at 6:30 and had to be home by 8:30 to feed him!
We went to the Bistro (one of our favs) and drove through Dairy Queen for dessert because we didn’t have time to eat it there.
We decided last year that we’d both give each other the traditional Anniversary gift each year and get either the modern one or the gemstone one. This year the traditional was cotton, modern was china, and gemstone was garnet.
Zach got me an FSU hat (both cotton and garnet colored) and told me that he’ll be getting me tickets to the FSU/UF game in 2010!!! It’s the next time the game will be at FSU and I’ve NEVER been to a FSU/UF match-up before and have ALWAYS wanted to go (Zach hasn’t been either!)! I’m soooo excited and it will be so fun for our little family to experience that together! Since Tebow will be gone maybe the Noles will have a shot 🙂
He also got me a new camera!!!! I’ve really been wanting one because mine, while it’s great, doesn’t do well in certain lighting (like night) and I wanted something with better quality. He got me a Sony still which is wonderful because I can use my memory card and already know how to operate it. I can’t wait to begin figuring out all the fun features this week and put it to good use!
For Zach’s gifts I got him cotton white shorts and a Titletown Tumbler (it’s “china” enough). For his big gift I got him Polo sunglasses. He bought me Coach ones a couple years ago for Christmas and he’s made little hints how he’d like some nice sunglasses for awhile now so I got him some! I’ve never bought him sunglasses before because he has a smaller head and it’s tough to find ones that look good on him but these look great! I was proud of myself for finding some!
Last year we were supposed to eat the top of our wedding cake since it was our first anniversary. Well…we forgot. I’m so bad at that stuff! I forgot to do that and we forgot for Zach to carry me over the threshold when we got married. Oh well! Since the cake was STILL in our freezer we decided to have a bite to say we did it and to be able to toss it in the trash!
I hated the way our wedding cake looked (one of my few regrets of my wedding day) because the lady screwed it up and did the shells some strange color. I didn’t even get to eat any of it on our wedding day but I heard that even though it was ugly that it was yummy!
We fed it to each other haha Zach said it was MEGA nasty
I didn’t think it was too bad…the chocolate shells on top were actually pretty tastey!
Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life and I love looking back at all the old pictures of our special day! Javon did an AWESOME job as our photographer and I couldn’t resist posting some of my favorites to remember the day we became Mr. And Mrs. Parker!
Our first two years of marriage have been pretty crazy seeing as I was pregnant for 9 months and now we have a baby! I’m glad we waited a year to get pregnant as we had that time to really bond and I think it helped us pull through the tough spots during the pregnancy and this new adventure of parenting. I feel like all relationships are like hills where you have peaks that are amazing and lows that are pretty rough. Right now we may not be at a “peak” time in our marriage. It’s tough having a new baby and, to be honest, I know I’m at fault!
I feel like I can relate to Kate Gosselin right now on some levels. I LOVE Jon and Kate and feel so sad at all that’s happening with them. A lot of it is HER fault though! She has a great husband who she doesn’t appreciate enough and who she takes out her frustrations on. I know that’s what I do too!!! I really want to work on that and am posting about it so that way I am held accountable! When you are home all day with a baby and you hardly leave the house it’s SO easy to get frustrated and to take that out on the only person who you see…your husband. I know I snap at Zach and treat him badly sometimes when he doesn’t deserve it. I’m so blessed with a husband who bends over backwards to make my life better and to be the head of our family…I should appreciate that more!
I was talking to my preacher’s wife, Shauna, about our children and being a mother and she made a good point…she said she often looks at her marriage and checks herself by asking, “If my son’s wife treated him the way I treat my husband would I like her?” I’ve been asking myself that and I’m not quite sure that I’d want my son to be treated the way I typically treat my husband!
While no relatonship is perfect I am so thankful to be in a relationship where I know I never have to worry about it ending. I know we will always work things out and that we are both commited to having a happy home! I plan to spend the next year of my marriage working hard so that way we’ll have more peaks than valleys!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Hooray for the new camera!!!
Happy Anniversary!