Here’s a look at how Kye is doing compared to what What to Expect the First Year considers the “norm” for children his age. He’s a boy so I suspect he may start falling behind as I’ve learned that little girls just develop quicker but we’ll see! I thought I’d include some pictures of Kye enjoying his Cozy Coupe that he got for Christmas. He was pretty scared of it at first but has used it a couple times (He just sits there and I push) and is warming up to the idea of it!
(trying to figure it all out)
This month Kye can do all of the things he “should” be able to do including:
- stand holding on to someone or something
- pull up to standing position from sitting
- object if you try to take a toy away
- say “mama” or “dada” indiscriminately (well not mama…)
- play peekaboo
- exchange back and forth gestures with you
(favorite part is the siren!)
Kye can do all of the things that a ten month old “will probably be able to do” and “may possibly be able to do” including:
- get into a sitting position from stomach
- play patty-cake, clap hands, or wave bye-bye (he waves bye-bye but not the other ones)
- pick up a tiny objec with any part of thumb and fingers
- walk holding on to furniture, also called cruising
- understand “no” but not always obey it
- stand alone momentarily
- say “dada” or “mama” discriminately (he says “Sadie” while only looking at Sadie so I feel like he does this but I can’t tell if he says “dada” and actually means Zach because he says it so often)
- point to something to get needs met (he doesn’t actually point but he will reach)
Kye can do some of the things that a 10 month old “may even be able to do” including:
- indicate wants in ways other than crying (signing!)
- “play ball” which means rolls the ball to you (he also throws it!!!)
- drink from a cup independently (sippy counts right? I assume so)
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger
- use immature jargoning, gibberish that sounds as if baby is talking in a made-up language
- say one word other than “mama” or “dada” (he says Sadie, Hey, and Bye pretty well, Levi too but not as clearly)
- respond to a one-step command with gestures, “give that to me” with hand out
Things we will still work on this month:
- stand alone well
- walk well
My Thoughts: Um dang! I thought Kye would be behind this month!!! I don’t know why I thought that though. I guess because you hear about so many babies walking early and he isn’t even standing alone all that great yet. I guess he’s doing “better” than I thought! Yay Kye! I still don’t think he’ll be walking by next month but we’ll see!
Monthly Summary: This chapter focused on a lot of random questions. Pretty much none of them applied to me and the one that does I’ll be making another post on soon (Kye’s temper). It also covered a lot on discipline and an entire page on how spanking is wrong. Obviously Kye is already well disciplined and we will be spanking (“Spare the rod…spoil the child”) so that section didn’t apply to us either! However, Kye is about grown out of his size 3 shoes and for his size 4s I was thinking I should probably get him ones he’ll be able to walk in. This chapter covered tips on what to buy for a walking baby (who knows he could wear 5s before he walks but I figured it’d be smart to assume he’ll walk in his next size shoe just in case!):
- Flexible Soles: the more flexible the better!
- Low Cut: high cut shoes stay on better but they are too confining and interfere with ankle movement
- Porous and Flexible Uppers: made of leather, cloth, or canvas allows feet to breathe.
- Flat, nonskid bottoms: rubber or composition soles, particularly when they are grooved, provide a less slippery surface than leather, unless it is also grooved. Use sandpaper or a few strips of adhesive tape to help make bottoms rougher of shoes that are too slippery
- Firm Counters: the back of the shoe should be firm, not flimsy. You don’t want any irregularities that could cause irritation to the back of the baby’s heel.
- Roomy Fit: the top of the shoe shouldn’t gap open while standing, nor should heels slip up and down with each step. If you can pinch a good bit of the shoe (width wise) with your fingers then it’s too big. You want a thumb’s width between toes and the end of the shoe.
- Standard Shapes: look for a shoe with a broad instep and toe and a flat-as-a-pancake heel (no cowboy boots…dangggg!)
Anyone have any shoe advice?
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Any shoe advice you get, send my way!! Also, if you want to swap stories, e-mail me at