Wow, seriously..month 10?!?! I have a little calendar that I keep next to the computer where I write down all the little things Kye does throughout the month so I can keep track of it. And guess what? It only goes through his first 12 months…so after this month it has ONE left. So crazy! I’m not sure how long I’ll continue to do his monthly summaries, we’ll see. It may stop at a year or I may go to two. Not sure yet!
Teeth: As you can tell from other posts, Kye now has 2 teeth! Both his bottom ones are in and I love it! They look so cute and make him look so grown up. I hear that after the first tooth that the rest come in all at once so I’m wondering when we’ll start seeing the top ones poke through!
Rough Playing: My child is all boy. I never really got that expression until now! His friend Lorelai came over to play and she was so sweet and just naturally gentle with the dogs. Kye pretty much will hit the dogs every time he comes near them and is totally WILD. He loves playing rough with his daddy (which scares me so I try not to watch). This video shows one of their latest games. All his rough play results in a lot of bruises. Like enough to wear people probably think we should have social services called on us! So embarrassing! I guess having a boy makes me think “I want him tough” so it doesn’t bother me too much that he gets so many boo-boos! You can see two HUGE ones on his forehead..awesome…
Jumping: It’s taken 10 months, but Kye does actually go pretty wild in his jumperoo. Don’t they stop using this thing once they can walk? I will miss it! It’s great because it entertains him and keeps him contained haha! Here’s a video of him actually jumping in it!
Temper: The biggest thing, in my opinion, that’s affected this month is Kye’s temper. Mrs. Charlotte has always told me that Zach was a very whiny baby and I think Kye may have inherited this trait (they say what goes around comes around). He will be playing fine then suddenly get frustrated and pitch a little fit. He’s also started doing this when he wakes up in the middle of the night (which we had to deal with some this month, the first time it became an issue since he was 8 weeks old!) as well as when he wakes early from naps. We’ve just let him work it out on his own. He will thrash around the crib, arch his back, the works! Finally he’ll realize it’s not working (our only guess is that he’s mad b/c he wants to get up?) and he gets tired, grabs the paci and monkey, and goes back to sleep! During the day when he does it he’ll just randomly bust out crying, let out a yell, and throw his toys. Then he’ll get over it and keep playing. He even will get super mad when we don’t let him do something (like when I’m taking pictures and he wants to touch my camera). I really don’t like it! It seems so snotty!!! Hopefully it’s a phase and he’ll get past it. If anyone has any tips of what to do it’d be great! I was thinking that maybe he’s frustrated and that teaching him some signing may help? I heard that helps with temper issues? Here’s a pic of my angry child! And no, no video of this, but maybe I should take one to remind him someday of what he put us through haha
Dancing: He likes to break it down! He still loves his Laugh and Learn table (even after all the new Christmas stuff) and will push the button then dance to the song then stop and push another one and dance some more. Here’s a video showing off his skills (already a better dancer than mommy!)
“No”: Kye may not be able to say much yet but he does communicate decently well with us about things. He’s gotten pickier with his eating and knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. If he doesn’t want to eat something, he lets you know about it! Here is a video of me trying to get Kye to eat something and how he will shake his head NO! If he accidentally gets something in his mouth that he doesn’t like (broccoli) he will CRY and keep his mouth open and continue to cry until you take it out haha!
Doors: Kye’s favorite thing to do right now is open and close things. He enjoys the laptop on the Laugh and Learn table, the gate door on his baby gate, any drawers, and especially doors to rooms. He will open and close it over and over again and gets very frustrated when he closes it all the way where he can’t open it back up again! Yes, he’s had plenty of slammed fingers this month but it doesn’t seem to really phase him! Here’s a video of Kye opening and closing the door.
Wild Before Bed: I know a lot of books and such advise to be careful about making your child too hyper before bed time. The time before bed should be relaxing and soothing. Well, not at our house! Even if Kye is practically asleep at the dinner table he gets mega pumped for some bath-time. He’ll play like crazy (with his favorite duck toy especially) and then be sooo wild when we have some family time in his bed room. I have to chase him around the room with the lotion to put it on him (forget “massaging”). It takes both Zach and I to get his pjs on! Here’s a video of how wild he is! Yet right when we (usually Zach) lay him down in the crib we (typically) don’t hear a peep until 7 am! 🙂
Holding Bottle, Sippy, Sharing: Before making the switch to sippys I knew it was time because Kye started holding the bottle on his own. Here is a video of it. Since switching to the sippy cup I’ve been so much happier! I love the Take and Toss cups! They are cheap (like $4 for 5 at ToysRUs), easy for Kye to hold, and they can fit 10 oz which is great! Here is a video of Kye practicing holding the sippy on his own. It’s also cute because it shows another thing he’s mastered this month: sharing! He is so sweet and tries to share stuff with everyone. He’s not always so great at letting go of the item, but at least he offers!
“MMM”: While eating (I’m LOVING the real food by the way, another switch I’m glad we made this month!) Kye is very expressive. I already mentioned that he lets us know when he doesn’t like something. Well, he also lets us know when he does! He will say “mmm” all the time! He started doing this on his own but now we’ll do it to get him to do it haha. I’ll especially say “mmm” when he tries a food I’m not sure he’ll like. I’m hoping it’ll trick him into like it haha. Here’s a video of Kye saying “mmm” while enjoying his yummy food!
Cruising: Yes, he cruises now! While I guess this is a sign of walking soon, I don’t really feel like he’s going to actually walk. Maybe I’m in denial about it? But I just don’t think he’s very close yet. He doesn’t cruise all the time and he can’t stand unsupported for more than like a 1/2 a second so I think it could be after his first birthday before he is actually walking but we’ll see! Here’s a video of my cruising man!
Shooting Hoops: Basketball is one of my least favorite sports. So duh, I wasn’t super pumped that Santa got Kye a basketball hoop for Christmas! It has turned into a pretty fun toy though! At first Kye just played with the little balls but now he makes baskets. It’s very cute and it’s fun to see him enjoy a true boy toy (if we have a girl next, this will not be a toy she gets to play with!!! haha)! Here’s a video of course! (can you tell from all the videos that my real camera wasn’t working this month…there will be a post to come on that!)
Signing: With communicating, I’ve always tried to teach Kye how to sign both “more” and “all done.” He has actually done this a couple times this month! It’s pretty exciting and I feel like he’s starting to understand! his “all done” sign has now turned into more of a “bye bye” but whatever! It works!
Dogs: Kye has always loved the dogs. But this month with him being sick (and me being sick) they have been SO awesome. They totally cheer him up and make him so happy! I’m so thankful we have them!!! Even though Kye did get his first piece of dog food this month (we caught it before it got swallowed though haha) While Kye can STILL not say “mama” he does say both “Sadie” and “Levi.” Of course, it’s one of those things that I can tell he’s saying it but I’m not sure other people can! I tried to get a video of him saying their names but I think he only managed to say “Sadie.” Check it out for yourself! At least it did capture how happy they make him, I love it and think EVERYONE should have a dog! 🙂
Copying: Kye’s really become a copy-cat this month. I first realized it when we were at church and a little boy who was playing with Kye had some gum he was smacking. Kye started “chewing” gum too! It was so precious! He’ll also copy me when I put my arms up and say words. He’ll say: mmm, bye-bye, hey, dada, Sadie, and Levi 🙂
Hiding things: I think Kye is starting to learn cause and effect and that when he can’t see something that it doesn’t mean it isn’t there! He’s been really into hiding things. He will put things under the pack and play in his play area and have fun trying to reach them! Here’s a video of him doing it as well as some pictures!
Tall Kid: I know Kye’s always been around the 90th percentile for length but he just seems SO tall now! He will stand up and be able to reach the top of his changing table (he adores opening all the drawers then pushing them all back in haha). It’s crazy to me! I remember my mom saying that she loved when I couldn’t reach the counters in the kitchen because she could hide things up there and not worry about me seeing them…I feel like at this rate Kye will be looking over the counters in no time!!!
Peek-a-boo: It’s continued to be a fun game with Kye this month, especially before bed where he will put his towel over his head a thousand times. He’s so fast with it that we don’t have time to say “where’s Kye?” half the time! We never really play it using our hands and I guess we should? But the towel works so great! I don’t often “hide” either, I let him do all the work haha. Here’s a video!
Reading: I mentioned in the baby-led weaning post that Kye came and sat next to me and read his book. He’s done this pretty often this month when we leave him alone. If we’re interacting with him he doesn’t go grab a book but if we’re just sitting there not really messing with him he’ll go pick it up and “read” it. This includes turning the pages and even talking some! I’m so glad he has a love of books and hope it never fades. Here’s a video I caught when I spied on him 🙂
Climbing: I know that if we actually had trees in our yard that they’d be being climbed in the future! Kye will intentionally throw a toy over me so he has to crawl up and over my body to reach it. He has actually crawled all the way over the Tonka truck my mom got him. And he’s even climbed over the Laugh and Learn Table! One day I was in the kitchen and looked over to see him inside his toy box! haha
Eating: Since I stopped nursing all together this month, Kye has adjusted very well. He drinks 2 sippy cups of breast milk and 2 of formula a day. He still downs 8 oz at his 7, 11, and 7 feedings and drinks 6 at the 3 feeding. He has done well with the solids although he has his days where he just won’t eat much of them. We’ve realized with all the company and go-go-going with the holidays that Kye doesn’t do well in a loud environment (he never has really!). He just won’t eat because he’s too interested in everything else going on. Lately he’s been drinking 1/2 of the sippy then fussing so we give him solids and he finishes the sippy while eating the solids in the high chair. I think it’s a good thing as eventually he WILL drink while eating instead of drinking all the drink then eating the food ya know? I honestly don’t feel like Kye misses nursing at all. He was ready to move on, and so was I! Also I wanted to mention he RARELY pukes now 🙂 It took 10 months but I hardly ever even need a burp rag. It’s AWESOME!
“Tada!” Kye will work to get a toy then when he has it he’ll hold it up in the air. Every time he does it Zach says “tada!” We now realize that he’s super proud of himself for being able to hold it in his hand and he’s wanting some recognition for his achievement. It’s funny how we all look at it differently. When he does it Zach always says “tada,” my mom says “so big!” and I say “arms up.” Whatever we may say about it, we all think it’s adorable!
“Bye Bye”: Kye’s biggest achievement this month has been waving bye-bye. Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Charlotte actually get the credit for this one as he was doing it when we got home from skiing. It’s been neat to see him learn it more and more. At first he’d only do it when we held his elbow, then he started doing it on his own but only when we did it too, then he’d do it at random times on his own, then when we said it he’d do it, then he started kinda talking when he did it, and now he’ll actually SAY “bye bye” and do it!!! Along with bye-bye he’s also learned how to give 5s (they are low 5s not high ones, and he’s also started giving 10s haha). And he also says “HEY” allll the time (several of the videos this month caught that one!) Here’s a video of Kye doing both bye-bye and giving 5s. Here is another video taken earlier in the month before he could actually say “bye-bye,” and here is one recently when he actually started saying it! So neat how so much changes in such a short time!!!
Personality: This month has been so great, the highlight obviously being Christmas! It’s been amazing to see Kye’s little personality really develop this month. While I don’t like some aspects of it (the temper) I do love how cute and fun he has become. His little noises and faces are just so precious and it’s such a joy to watch him interact with us and with the dogs. He keeps me fully entertained for sure!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
OMG these posts are so long I always have stuff to say but forget by the end!!! 🙂 :)Teeth: Macy had 2 bottoms ones for al ong time but all 4 of her top teeth came in at once (thank goodness) Be ready for a change in eating- she didn't eat much when those came in.Playing: I saw a bruise on Macy's chest- I think it might have been from tickling- although it could be a million things! Luckily her helmet kept her from alot of head brusies.TEMPER! It get's worse. I have no advice, but I do say… "Macy that's enough" in a harsh tone and she usually dries up. I typically ignore her…. a lot…. Greg is a little more soft than I am 🙂 Sometimes though I know she is just having a ROUGH day and snuggle with her a lot. When I tell her- not in the mouth she THROWS the toy down. I don't say anything- but maybe I should?? She understands- be gentle…This is so redneck but we use zip ties on our cabinets to keep Macy out. So far it has been fine- I mean- I really don't open up kitchen cabinets LOL…..Greg wasn't crazy about putting holes in the cabinets. I am SO paranoid about Macy losing a tip of her finger!!Macy does "more" and "all done" also! It is so cute…. but I don't think she really gets it yet. When we are done with a diaper change I say All done! and she waves her hands and smiles like THANK GOODNESS!LOL my dogs avoid Macy like the plague- unless of course she has food…Bye Bye is so fun- and he will start waving A LOT. Macy does it all the time, at nothing. Well at least I hope it's nothing and that she isn't seeing ghosts in our house!
I found your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend (you know how that story goes). I've been following you for almost a year now. I really enjoy reading, even though we have never met. My son, Kaedon, was born on March 3. This month, I had to comment because I'm experiencing some of the same issues that you are! Its nice to know that someone else knows where I am coming from!! I'd love to stay in contact with you! And good luck!
Okay – get ready – here comes my novel:1-The video of Kye and Zach scared the crap out of me, made me stare with my mouth wide open, and made me laugh all at the same time. Funny, but really freaked me out! The differences between what you do to boys and girls is amazing!2-Lorelai does the same crazy dancing! Maybe it's the age? Learning how to move their bodies and stuff? I dunno. There'll be a video on my new post if it'll ever load!3- I don't think that LL would have figured out the basketball thing by now – I really think that he's kind of ahead of her in a lot of ways!4- I LOVE him saying "hey"! I need to work with LL more on that. MEGA cute!