Last Saturday was a busy day! I had the Mother-Daughter Luncheon in the morning then got home around 2:30. Once Kye got up from his nap we headed over to Katie’s house for her housewarming party. I really, really adore Katie’s new home and am so proud of her for becoming a homeowner!!! The place looked great all decorated and it was nice to visit with her and her sweet family.
Kye had a BLAST and was walking around like crazy…the most he’s walked yet FOR SURE. He had fun just walking from one chair to the next and cracking up about it.
It was nice spending some REAL time with Katie. I’ve been so busy lately that we’ve mostly just been getting together when Zach’s out of town to catch up on our Grey’s Anatomy or occasionally grabbing some lunch together. Katie is a VERY valuable friend to both Zach and I and we want to make spending time with her more of a priority!!!
After Katie’s house we decided to head out to the strawberry patch to pick strawberries! I’ve never done it before and it seems like all my friends have been taking their kids out to do it. So duh, I wanted to go too! haha! Since Zach doesn’t like strawberries we just got a small tub of them and it was only $2.00, very cheap fun entertainment which is always a plus. While it only took us about 45 min total, we had a good time and got LOTS of pictures:
strawberry boy
helping Daddy do the picking
he didn’t want to let it go
I love all his concentration faces
he seriously has his mouth opened in majority of the pictures
workin’ hard or hardly workin’?
I eat strawberries practically everyday for lunch so I was pretty pumped to try these out!
where’s Kye?
Happy Boy!
I think he enjoyed the piggy back ride more than the strawberry picking
time to go home after a FUN Saturday
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025