Last year for Halloween we went all out. It would have been nice to be able to do some kind of family themed costume again this year but it just wasn’t possible. Thankfully, I realized that this Halloween’s costume needed to be easy, cheap, and comfortable for Kye. I spent a day and looked through ALL the toddler sized costumes I could find (which isn’t many, it seems like they make a ton for infants then everything else is big kid sizes…annoying) and emailed Zach and Mom the ones I thought would work. We all agreed-a pirate Kye would be!
His costume was only $15 and I got it big on purpose thinking he can use it in the future for play clothes. Originally we planned on ALL dressing up like pirates but with all our Aflac traveling and house building we just ended up letting Kye go at it alone. Since Halloween was on a Sunday I like that everyone around here kinda silently agreed to celebrate it on Saturday. With our craziness with the potty we debated about what events to attend. The original plan was to hit up the neighborhood gathering at 3:30 and meet some neighbors until 5:00ish then head over to the Trunk or Treat with the church and be home by Kye’s bed time (probably skipping actual trick-or-treating). I didn’t want to risk him having an accident so we skipped the neighborhood thing and just did the Trunk or Treat.
Mrs. Charlotte came over to see her little pirate and we took plenty of pictures in the yard before leaving! Kye mastered both talking like a pirate (like in this video) and saying trick-or-treat (like in this video). What a pro 🙂
Our pirate
he was so silly all night – he reminded me of the pirate at the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney that has his little foot dangling over the exit 😉
special pirate dances
inspecting some “booty”
he made a pretty cute pirate huh?
with what was left of our pumpkins (notice the shovel from the removal of the big pumpkin earlier that day…)
We took 1,000 family pics and only two were decent (typical)
It’s hard to see but I’m actually wearing The Rachel necklace from Stella & Dot (it’s easy to see why it’s the company’s #1 seller!)
Once we got to the Trunk or Treat (we also went last year remember?) Kye wasn’t interested in the other kids (including Lorelai since Matt and Robyn tagged along with us!) or in the games, he only wanted to climb these steps over and over and over
this is his I-know-I’m-annoying-you face
Lorelai was a little ballerina!
they look so pumped???
what 1 clue gives away that this is my mom holding Kye’s hand?
playing with his spider ring
very serious pirate
Mr. Gross was a pirate too!
everyone eating dinner, minus me of course
I never really understood the whole trunk-or-treat concept (last year we had to leave early b/c Kye’s bedtime) but now that I “get it” I love it! Everyone decorates the trunks of their cars (Halloween theme, sports themed, heck I even saw a pig themed one!) and then the kids trick-or-treat from car to car. It’s really a great idea because it’s safer than going around the neighborhood (no worries with cars, strangers, or razor-filled goodies) and it’s an excellent opportunity to fellowship with our church family. Having a toddler makes it tough to be as involved with church as Zach and I want to be but we REALLY want to help out more with the trunk-or-treat fun next year! I think it’s very important for Kye to attend events like these as it helps him make Sunday School/Wed Night Bible Class buddies transition over into hang-out friends ya know?
ready for the trick-or-treat fun to start!
glad Gramma got to be there with us
walking the rounds with Daddy
isn’t his treat bag cute? Keep an eye out for it as I got it for only $10 (including putting his name on it!) from Lillian Vernon!
Poor kid! He got hooked up with candy but yet never saw any of it again…
He loved the trick-or-treating but his favorite part of the night was playing football with the “big kids” (I told Mom I guess some stuff is just genetic)
Even with the craziness of the day (the potty training mostly!), it was still super fun! I can’t WAIT until next year when we get to be hardcore dressed up and decorated for the event and I hope Kye can go legit trick-or-treating next year too 🙂 We need to brainstorm costume theme ideas for sure!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025