I’m not one to let anyone stop me from doing what I feel is right so even though the last time I asked you all for prayers I had a very dramatic response (remember?), I’m still going to continue to ask for prayers when situations arise that they are needed. I’ve been thinking about prayer lately and what a huge responsibility it is when someone directly asks you to pray for them or for a situation. I feel honored that people trust me to pray and it really is a responsibility to send up those requests to the Lord. In asking for prayer, a person is telling you that they know you are a righteous person who will take the time to talk to God on their behalf. They trust you with this important job and it’s our duty to actually do the praying! Don’t just say “oh my, of course I’ll pray for you” then go on with your busy life and not stop and say the prayers you’ve just promised to say. I’m trying to work on this and am getting myself into the habit of saying a quick prayer right away as the person is still even talking to me and then going again and again to the Lord with more detailed, specific, prayers.
Today is one of those “tough prayer” days. This world is not Heaven. It’s not perfect. Things, so often, do not happen the way we think they should. Sometimes life is unfair, unjust, and uncompromisable. Through prayer we have a way out. We can give our worries to God and He will help. Yes, life will continue to be unfair and unforgiving – but God will make it managable. He will give us the guidance and comfort that we need.
I’m asking each of you to take a moment and pray for two sweet baby boys. Both happen to be named Hayden and both have tough situations going on right now.
Through the years I’ve pretty much met every single girl that Zach’s ever dated (and he hasn’t met most of mine…yet!). I’ve despised some of them and liked others. Bobbi is one of the ones on my “like” list. Throughout her pregnancy with Hayden she truly inspired me. She is, by far, one of the most positive people I’ve ever met and seeing how much she enjoyed her pregnancy made me feel guilt for how much I pretty much hated mine and encouraged me to have a more positive outlook when I go through that experience a second time.
About 7 months ago she gave birth to baby Hayden and he’s adorable (which isn’t surprising since his mom is about as hot as they come and his dad could seriously be a freaking model!!!). I do not know all the specifics of his situation but I know that over the months he hasn’t developed at the “normal” pace. I know he’s had some weak muscles that make it difficult for him to hold his head and sit upright and such. I also know he has grown a little slower than most babies his age and sometimes has difficulty following things with his eyes. They have been running test after test trying to determine what’s going on. Not knowing “why” is beyond difficult for any family, however, Bobbi continues to be her positive, optimistic self and feels strongly that a solution will be found and that, in time, Hayden will be able to put all of this behind him. Every test they’ve ran on him has come back negative which is a blessing as each thing they rule out they make the list of potential things shorter and shorter!
Right now they are waiting for test results back to determine if he has a genetic disorder (Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome). If this is what’s going on then the good news is that he would have a mild form of it since the symptoms are often webbing of fingers and toes and even extra, or missing, digits and he doesn’t have any of that! I pray that if the doctors do say he suffers from this genetic disorder that is is the mild case and that his therapy will continue to go well and in a short time all his symptoms will be gone. In talking to Bobbi’s mom (who works with Aflac – I mean at this point who doesn’t?!?! haha!) she asked that I pray that it is not this disorder as any genetic disorder is not a good thing. In this case it would mean that both Bobbi and Dean, her husband, would be carriers of the gene and Bobbi told me that it would also mean if they had more children there would be a 25% chance that the child would have the full blown disorder and a 50% chance that the child would be a carrier. Also anything genetic related is not something curable and obviously we want something that can be fixed, am I right?!?! They should have the results back in a couple of weeks so in the meantime please pray for their family, that they can continue to have the positive attitude, and that they will have an answer to all of their concerns – especially an answer that has a solution!
I saw Bobbi’s mom, Selena, at the Aflac District Kick-Off Friday night (post to come!) and after our talk I decided to write this post. Then on Saturday I got a text from Ashley Hiott saying that her fiance’s nephew needs desperate prayers as well. His name also happens to be Hayden but he is a newborn who has been diagnosed with an extremely rare (like only 30 known cases rare) genetic disorder called Antley Bixler and only has a 20% chance of survival. They are taking him to Shands (a great hospital in Gainesville, FL) this week where he will have multiple surgeries most likely on his skull, nasal passages, eye sockets, arm and leg joints, and heart. His parents are named Megan and Alan. Although I’ve never met, them my heart aches for them and what they are going through right now.
I hope they are comforted in knowing that God is control and that no matter what the outcome He is there for them. I’ve carried a baby in my womb. I know the feeling of being a new mother. Of going through delivery pains. Of holding that baby for the first time. From what I know, Alan and Megan were not prepared for any of this and did not know anything was wrong until Hayden was born. Can you imagine being a first-time Mom and dealing with all of this? Ashley said she asked me to pray because she knew I really would. I’m asking all of you to pray as well for this same reason. In the post where I asked prayers for Zach and got the rude commenter I saw the amazing faith of my readers and how all of you are quick to defend what’s right. In seeing that, I know each of you will lift these families up in prayer. I also know that God will hear our prayers and, if nothing else, pour His love over these families during such unimaginable, difficult times.
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025