It’s really sweet to me how whenever we visit Dad he and Zach have a fishing routine. They get up early and hit the lake for several hours together. I like that they enjoy each others company and make the effort to have “guy time.” Audrey, Kye and I hung at the house and had a nice time catching up. I am always a fan of one-on-one time with someone because you can really talk and get deeper about things, ya know? It was nice to get to know Audrey a little better during our time together!
After their fishing fun Saturday, Zach had the idea to pick up some crickets on our way to the wedding so we could take Kye out Sunday. It was funny driving around Lawrenceville to the sound of crickets chirping!
Sunday morning we went down to the lake (Audrey is still recovering from a mega bad fall on her ankle several months ago, that required surgery, so she couldn’t join us) and did some fishing. Dad said it was my first time going too. haha. Somewhat true though 🙂
Putting the cricket on the hook
I love Daddy and son moments!
He was very enthralled with the crickets
I was told that since we had crickets we’d be catching fish every 3 seconds…umm…
Taking a break with Mommy
the first and only of the day 🙂 (actually of the weekend…)
Kye and his first catch!
(okay…I have to be honest Zach may have done the catching and just let Kye pull it in…but it’s a cute memory!)
I love how pumped Zach is 🙂
Dad and Zach said it was a small fish, but that looked pretty big to me (I guess they all are when all you’re used to seeing is goldfish though right?)
Dad is going by Grandpa with the grand kids…but Kye has decided to call him “Pee-Paw” which I think is HILARIOUS. It’s so straight up country!!! I hope it sticks b/c my dad is from Maine and always calls me out anytime I sound the least bit southern…so ironic that his grandson calls him the most southern grandpa name ever!
Pepaw checking out the catch of the day!
Kye’s keeping a close eye on his prize
Zach let Kye practice reeling in a legit fishing pole (that other one was some kind of cane pole or something?). He enjoyed it…for like 2 seconds. He’s two, and let’s be honest fishing isn’t very entertaining (I was bored myself after like 5 min down there, thank GOD for the camera to keep me going!).
Watching Daddy and Pepaw fish
And done with that too…
Once we realized Kye was done for the day we headed out on the boat! The water was still too cold for swimming (we’re hoping we can get back for a visit before fall so we can enjoy the lake!) but the boat ride was super fun! Dad took us down to this area with a lot of trees and animals and Kye kept saying he saw monkeys in the trees. So silly!
We did see legit geese!
And made them fly away 😉
Kye loves to drive (and especially beep the horn)
Checking for some fish…
no worries all the fish were safe from our hardcore fisherman this trip 🙂
It was a fun morning and a great memory for us to have with Kye. I hate that Dad doesn’t get to see all of Kye’s milestones but I’m glad he got to be part of Kye’s first fishing trip! I’m also glad that Kye’s first time fishing was at Dad’s house as I have so many wonderful memories down at that lake. How cool is it that his first beach outing was at the beach where I grew up and his first fishing outing was at one of my childhood homes? Love it! I’m looking forward to Audrey being completely able to walk again so they can come visit us and see the house. It made me so happy that Kye’s old enough now to remember them and has talked about them once we got home. He’ll tell you that Pepaw got him his monkey baby and has prayed for Pepaw and Grammie on multiple occasions!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025