Soooo…I’m about 99% sure I’m in labor! I mean I still have my doubts but with contractions coming around 10 min or less and lasting 1 min or longer, I think that means it’s time. Plus I had my bloody show so it MUST be time right?!?!
Went to dr appt this morning…Teresa was super sweet and checked me and I was -1 station, 90% effaced, and 4 cm dilated!!! I asked her to strip me but she didn’t. She talked to me a LOT about inducing me on Thur since that’s her day on call. We ended the session with a LONG prayer which I thought was beyond awesome of her!!! I debated about getting induced but decided I want it to be on God’s time…not on her time, or anyone elses.
Went to Chickfila and got Kye from Mrs. Charlotte. Ran to Dollar Store to get Kye’s gift for the kids name he drew for his school Christmas party and started contracting there. Still went to swim lessons and started having regular contractions that didn’t go away when I would move. Bradley says that’s labor baby!
On the way home I could barely talk to Zach on the phone so we’re pretty sure this is legit. I’m squirming pretty bad writing this b/c I’m mid contraction now 🙂
I’ve texted/called all my people! Kye just went down for his nap and our plan is to stay home as long as we can! Assuming we leave before he wakes up Jordan is going to keep him for us.
Please pray for a speedy, easy, healthy delivery! I probably won’t update again until we have a BABY!!! (Unless this is false labor…then I’ll let you know…I KNEW I wouldn’t be positive when labor came!).
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Yay!! and Yay for Jordan, so fun 🙂
Praying that you have a fast and safe delivery. Cant wait to find out what you had. Good luck!
Yes ma'am! This HAS GOT TO BE IT! The moment we all have been waiting for! Hoping and praying Blitzen comes quick! No looong labor for you. Heck thougn you've been dilated for weeks! It's time Mama! Getting anxious writing this!
Praying for you! Yay! I am so excited for you all!
You go girl!! Can't wait to hear If Blitzen is a boy or girl! Praying for a fast, easy, safe delivery and healthy mommy and baby!!
So exciting! I wish you all the best! I cannot wait to find out what Blitzen is and the name!
So excited to meet little Miss Parker!!! Will be praying for you and for a safe delivery and healthy baby!!
Yay for labor! Will be praying for you all! Can't wait to see some news!
Even we don't know each other, I'm very exited and I'm praying for you, your family and for a smooth and safe delivery.
Best of luck! Praying for all to go smooth for you!
Praying for a smooth, safe delivery!
For those of you not facebook friends with Emily, come to my blog to see a picture!