We got back to the hotel in great timing. I settled in with Brittlynn to nurse while the guys got unpacked and ready to get their swim on! One of the BIG things I was looking for when I booked our hotel for this trip was an indoor pool. Kye needs to get in the pool as often as possible to practice his swim stuff, it’s something FUN we can do for FREE, and I thought it’d be fun for Britt to get her first pool experience.
can you tell someone was excited to nurse?
Kye’s new thing is taking our food “orders”
The guys went ahead down to the pool while Britt and I finished up her feeding then we met them down there. I ordered Brittlynn an adorable bathing suit online in a 3-6 month size and when it arrived it was WAY too small. She ended up wearing one I had gotten at a kids sale that was a size 6-9 months!
Kye was LOVING the pool when we got down there. NO ONE was there other than he and Zach and they were enjoying it. They even made up a new trick where Kye jumps off the edge and Zach zooms across the pool to catch him…you can see a video of it here.
waiting for her turn!
Here’s a video of her first time in the pool (excuse Zach’s finger…it was SO warm in there that my lens kept fogging up)
Kye was so excited to play with her
Zach’s turn!
Here’s a video of the three of them swimming together
She REALLY liked it and never fussed one bit!!!
love this one
Here’s another video of the three of them. THIS video shows why ALL of our kids will have survival swim! It’s easy with one kid to keep track of them in the water, but with two it’s harder. Zach didn’t even realize that Kye wasn’t holding onto him!
We didn’t keep Britt in too long…she had to get down for her next nap and we wanted her to nap well since we’d be rushing to dinner after she woke up. She did GREAT in the pool though and I think it was nice that her first experience was in a warm, heated pool. Plus NO sunscreen to mess with or worry about! BIG bonus 🙂 It makes me excited for the summer so we can enjoy our pool but I need to buy a baby float for SURE! I wanted to get Britt nice and dry before taking her upstairs so we watched the boys swim a little longer before we left.
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
love these shots!! and so excited to see you tomo 🙂
I love the first two pictures of her, I actually think she is looking like you there. And Macy LOVES taking our orders, so glad she is not the only one. And the wine menu is good for other things. LOL