July 4th ~ Afternoon

After our fun morning we went down for naps and KYE FINALLY SLEPT!!! It wasn’t a full nap but it was much better than the naps the other days πŸ™‚ I’m telling you, it was an all around great day πŸ™‚ After naps we all got our Independence Day gear goin’ and headed outside to take some pics before heading over to Katie’s “beach house.”

I know majority of you have never met, and most likely will never meet, Brittlynn in person. Legit…she’s SUPER cute. I do feel like, though, that she’s not super photogenic. At least not at her current age. While I’ll occasionally snap a super adorable picture of her I typically think she’s MUCH cuter in person than in pics. On this day, however, she was in a pretty great picture taking mood! We got some of the cutest pics of her yet!!!

Best one of me with my babies!

Everyone cheesin’! LOVE THIS!

Kye wanted me to take a picture of his “list”

We attempted kid pics…

Kye really wanted to get to hold her for a picture but Britt was making hilarious faces!

Katie’s fam stays at the same condo in St Augustine every year. And every year we go visit with them on the 4th! You know we love us some traditions! It’s always a fun time. We go around and say why we’re thankful to live in America and we also sing American songs. Kye got SUPER into it this year. He was all about waving the flag for us while we sang. He would have kept going and going with it! There aren’t much toys (well any toys) or anything at the condo but Kye behaved beautifully (typically we NEVER worry about Kye’s behavior but with the lack of sleep he had on the trip I was a tad nervous about it). He REALLY wanted to “help” so he set the table…

We def had plenty of plates!

Katie is ALWAYS willing to get some family shots for us!

Favorite from this year πŸ™‚

Like I said, Britt was in a smiley mood. So a LOT of pics were snapped of her and I…and I loved it πŸ˜‰

I feel like you can tell we’re mother and daughter in this one, it’s my fav πŸ™‚

Katie and Hannah!

It was SUCH a great time! Brittlynn got rather fussy and I was semi-embarrassed by her behavior. But it’s like I told Zach…I’d rather her be upset than Kye be upset. Babies behavior isn’t really a reflection of their raising ya know? I mean they are BABIES. Kye’s behavior, however, is a direct reflection on how we have raised him. So I’m thankful he was awesome πŸ˜‰ We bathed them there and fed Britt her bottle there as well (which she was SO much happier afterwards!)

We headed back to the room and enjoyed people watching on the way back. The whole trip anytime we passed by the fort Kye would talk about how the army guys lived there. I REALLY want him to get to see it and think it’ll work out great for us to do next year. Britt will be down to one nap a day by the time we go back so we’ll have a lot more free time! Kye was cracking up in the car ride b/c Brittlynn was cracking up at Zach! She could see him in her car seat mirror and he was making faces so she’d laugh at him then Britt would laugh at her…and of course I started laughing at Kye. It was so precious πŸ˜‰

We were debating what to do about the fireworks. They started at 9:30 which is SO LATE. Especially since Kye hadn’t been sleeping well. But we decided to go for it anyway! We let him chill and watch a movie while we waited for the time to pass. Zach was also watching some type of tv show or something on his Ipad πŸ˜‰

We can see the fireworks from our patio at the hotel! It’s SO perfect! Brittlynn kept right on sleeping and we just took her monitor outside with us! This year I bought some sparklers for the first time. Kye was not a fan. Maybe next year he’ll like them better!!!

There were some VERY loud, obnoxious, RUDE people nearby. They were setting off their own fireworks which we didn’t appreciate. I mean HELLO there is a HUGE fireworks show in the sky. Why do you want to set off your own dumb ones? They were beyond  annoying. And using fowl language. And were obviously very drunk while lighting fire crackers and allowing their young children to light them. Quality. I moved up some to get away from them so they wouldn’t affect Kye’s enjoyment. I was proud of Zach for not saying anything. I know it was hard for him!!!

Kye really enjoyed the fireworks!!! Much better than last year for sure! We kept saying all the colors we saw and which ones we liked. He kept thinking we’d see fire trucks which does make sense as they are similar words! He fell right to sleep when we got inside and we were able to have one last night of vaca enjoying some of The Office together!!!

This year’s trips for sure had some ups and downs but I’m thankful it ended on such a wonderful note! A great day for sure and I’m excited to see what new memories we’ll be making next year. If anyone knows of a good place to stay that has at least one separated bed room, is near Old Town, is near the beach, and can see the fireworks display within walking distance from the room…please let me know!!! We’ll miss our regular go-to place but it’ll be neat to have a new place to make memories at too πŸ™‚

You can see our 4th of July pics from 2009 here, 2010 here, and 2011 here! Thanks again to the Hitchcock family for having us, it was a great time as always!

Emily Parker

1 Comment

  1. Forddygirl
    August 11, 2012 / 7:07 pm

    Omg, Britt is SO cute in these pics!!!And YAY for a good nap for Kye! I know how stressful it is when they dont sleep (Rhyan, just today missed her nap b/c she fell asleep on the way home from an outing w/ her grammy…. yeah, 7 minutes in the car ruined her normal 3 hour nap… *sigh*). LOVE the family pic! And its sweet how helpful kye is πŸ˜‰

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