Britt turned 15 months old on March 6th!
When I’ve gone through my own childhood pictures this one of me standing in the kitchen has become a favorite of mine! Now that Britt is a walker, I set out with a goal to capture a picture of her standing in our kitchen just like this one of me, I thought I’d use these pictures for this month’s post!
I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to see where Britt measures up compared to other children her age in her development and milestones.
At 15 months old Britt is doing everything a child her age should be able to do including:
- walking well
- bending over and picking up an object
- using at least one word
Frustrated off the bat…
She cries with her WHOLE face, just like I do 😉
Britt is able to do all of the things a 15 month old will probably be able to do including:
- use 2 words
- drink from a cup
- scribble
- point to a desired object
LOVES to walk carrying a toy in each hand!
Britt is able to do everything a toddler her age may possibly be able to do including:
- point to 1 body part when asked
- use a spoon/fork (but not exclusively)
- build a tower of 2 cubes
She can also do what a 15 month old may even be able to do which is: feed a doll
A LOT of this chapter dealt with sleep issues. I cannot imagine dealing with sleep problems still! I’m SO thankful that I found out about Babywise and that both of my kids consistently slept through the night at early ages. I don’t know what I’d do without REST!!!!
The rest of the chapter covered things that I’m already comfortable about (having a 2nd baby makes the worrying waaaaaay less, thank the Lord!). I know that most kids this age play solo and not as much with someone else (although Britt does surprisingly well playing with Kye). I also know that her language development is fine even if it’s not as advanced as some others in her same age. I really am not concerned about ANYTHING at this point, which is a nice feeling 🙂
Here’s more cute pictures of my sweet girl!
Close to capturing the “twin pic”
After all the picture taking Britt needed a rest 😉
And she’s such a lady about it haha
When looking through the pics and comparing our kitchen pictures I do see some similarities…I’m def more chubby than she is though! I know our mouths may not look the same in the picture but she does get that big mouth from my side of the family…we look more alike in this picture than we do in the kitchen one!
(you can click to make it bigger!)
You can see Kye’s 15th Month Post HERE. It’s funny to look at those pictures of him. I don’t think he looks the same at ALL now as he did then! He has changed so much. It makes me excited to see how Britt will grow and change as she gets older too. You can also look back at Britt’s 14th Month Post HERE!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I LOVE comparison photos and actually put some up on my blog today, too! I think she for sure looks like you in the eyes and nose especially. But she is definitely her own person too . . . maybe her face has a different shape than yours? Britt's dress is SO cute!
She definitely favors you!