After the heaviness of yesterday’s post I’m so glad to have such a FUN post today 🙂 Our family has been long over-due for pics together. I typically like for the kids to have professional pictures done around their birthdays (and half birthdays up until 2 years old). Kye didn’t ever get his 4 year old pics in March and that’s because we decided to cut down on our spending and do a combo shoot for Kye’s 4 year pics and Britt’s 18 month ones. Britt turned 18 months in June but Lindsay wasn’t shooting due to just having a new baby sooooo we took the first appointment we could with her and that was in July!
Of course, with our luck, it was DOWNPOUR rain like every day and that included the day of our shoot. We still went out to the location and took advantage of literally the 20 minutes we had before it rained. Zach is great about taking pics but he doesn’t love it so my goal that morning was to knock out all the ones with HIM in them so I could reschedule the rest of the pics for better weather 🙂 I’m telling yall…Lindsay (from Captured by Colson) is AMAZING. I love, love love these pics and it’s shocking to me that we accomplished so much and she got so many good shots in such a short window of time!
{Family Pics}
Love Britt’s CHEESE face haha
This makes me laugh out loud! We tried to recreate the family picture we did for Kye’s 18 month shoot. EPIC FAIL!
My fav?
I really love how well all of our outfits came together. We are running out of color combination ideas for photo shoots since I feel like we’ve done it ALL at this point! I found Britt’s dress from Gap online and saw that they sold a dress for me with the EXACT orange in it! I was pumped! The dress was way, way too big on me but I figured it’ll be cute when I’m pregnant again someday and it was nice and comfortable for the photos! Kye’s shirt was from Gap online as well and I think it all went together great! I had Britt’s bows for both shoots made here locally (Simply Hairbows) and I found Britt’s bracelet at The Children’s Place. I also got the chance to rock an AWESOME spray tan for the shoot thanks to my home spray system!!! I’ve only had it for a couple months but already I can’t imagine life without my spray tan 😉
{Kye’s 4 Year Photos}
I adore this of my two favorite guys!
{Britt’s 18 Month Pics}
Their smiles are too cute here!
{Sibling Shots}
Tell me these muscles aren’t so precious!!!
Dancing together
She literally runs circles around him…
Like I mentioned earlier, it started pouring down rain after about 20 minutes of mad camera snapping 😉 Lindsay was so sweet to reschedule with me and I planned to meet up with her that Friday morning while Zach was working. Well, it ended up being the same week that Austin passed away. I literally had totally forgotten about the shoot until Lindsay texted me offering to reschedule but I decided to go ahead with it. We were already so far from their actual ages of when I like to get pictures taken and with everything going on it gave some focus on the kids which they both really needed. I met her early that morning and treated the kids to a fun time at CFA afterwards as a treat. I was a HOT MESS for this shoot so I’m not in many of the pictures. I was running on very little sleep and struggling with a lot of emotions about everything going on. And, obviously, I didn’t get my spray tan on prior to the shoot either 😉
While the timing may not have been ideal for these pictures, I’m so so so thankful we took them. They bring me so much joy to look at them and were a bright spot during a dark time for our family. The bright colors and the amazing weather are such a contrast to the darker color scheme and rainy weather from the first day and I love the combo of both shoots so much. It’s hard to pick favorites for sure!!!
The few with hot mess mama in them 😉
Brittlynn is truly such a stunning child. Everywhere we go people stop and comment about her beauty and it blew me away in these photos. Some of them are simply stunning and it’s hard for me to believe that I helped make a child this gorgeous!!! I wanted each of the kids solo shoots to be bright and colorful. I got Britt’s shorts at Gap outlet, her shirt from Old Navy, the bow was made to match by Simply Hairbows, and the jewelry is some I bought back when I sold Stella and Dot (and I didn’t have a daughter then but I packed it away for just this time for my sweet “someday” girl to wear!). She was not in a fabulous mood (shocker) so we did lots and lots of different things to entertain her. Being “slow to warm” meant that she was just warming up by the time we were finished haha! Kye’s outfit was on clearance at Carter’s and I just love this neon trend right now so I thought it’d be perfect for a bright, summer shoot!
Britt LOVES her baby so I’m glad the baby is in some of the shots!
Blanket made by a sweet family friend of mine from Maine!
She was a HUGE fan of the bubble machine I brought with us!
Another favorite!!!
My girl!!!
Asking for more bubbles!
Kye has such a tender, loving heart and his sweet demeanor shines through even in photos. He is so handsome and has come such a long way from that chubby baby with a bald head 😉 He makes me prouder and prouder to be his mama with each passing day! I’m glad we waited to get his 4 year photos as I LOVE his hair shorter and it wasn’t cut this short back when he actually turned four!
Probably my fav!
Rocking chair Nana gave to me 🙂
Another favorite of mine
So silly!
A blanket from his nursery!
Unlike Miss Slow-to-warm Kye is very excited about new things then gets over them quickly…
As always I’m blown away by Lindsay’s fabulous work. She truly is so talented and does such a great job! I appreciate her so much and am already thinking through ideas for our next shoot with her in late November for Britt’s 2 year pics and our Christmas ones 🙂 Our first ever shoot with her was actually back for Kye’s 18 month photos! You can see those HERE. Gah, he’s grown up SO MUCH!!!
I’d love to know some of your favorites! I already used some of mine as my sidebar pics on the new blog design but I’m going to be using some for my cover photo on the blog fb page and would love help in choosing the ones I should feature 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Your kids are simply the cutest!
Gah, how do you choose which ones to display at your house!? They are all soooo good! You are right about Britt being so stunning….those big blue eyes and full lips!!!
Love the black and white one of you and kye and the muscle one! So cute!