Since Kye is out of school this week with Thanksgiving, there was no way for me to go alone to this appointment. Plus I MISS having Zach at my appointments with me and really wanted him there (especially since I’m hoping that maybe it was the last one!). Our appointment was at 8:45 and man they were slammed. I guess being one midwife down (since Stacy is on maternity leave) and having the office closed Thursday and Friday for the holiday and being a Monday just made it more crowded than usual. I hated that Zach had to wait all that time as he needed to get to work but I’m thankful he was there.
Everything looked good! Kye and Zach got to hear the baby’s heartbeat and it’s in the 140’s. Little higher than usual. I asked Teresa about the fundal height measurements and she said they don’t do them there, they just go by the ultrasound for the measurements. I filled her in on where I was last visit (-3 station, 0% effaced, 0 cm dilated). She asked if I carried Kye to my due date and I told her no, that I had him at 39 weeks. At this appointment with my pregnancy with Kye I was -1 station (baby’s head was VERY low), 80% effaced (cervix was VERY thin) and 1 cm dilated. She did my check (and OUCH it was mega uncomfortable. Zach said “she just jammed her hand up there!” haha She did it so fast I didn’t have time to even prepare! I don’t even know if my legs were spread!) and said that I’m -2 station (baby is still high up there which is odd because it feels so low to me), 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated!
This is exciting to me b/c I was NEVER beyond 1 cm dilated with Kye. I stayed 1 cm up until I was in the hospital and have never been told I’m 2 cm. I went from my appointment the day I gave birth at 1 cm to checking into the hospital at 4 cm. With Kye I don’t think I ever changed at any of my appointments from here on out. I stayed pretty much the same the whole time. I told Teresa to do whatever she could down there to help things along and she, of course, said she couldn’t but she had a good bit of blood on her fingers and I had a decent bit when I cleaned up after so I’m hoping she scraped my membranes and just couldn’t tell me she did it since they aren’t supposed to.
Teresa was VERY optimistic and seemed very surprised that I’m at 2 cm already! I’m surprised too! To go from nothing a week ago to so much progress this week makes me hopeful that maybe we won’t be going back up there until my 6 week postpartum check up. I felt like this was a good bonding appointment with Teresa as she hadn’t met Kye before. She went on and on about how cute he is and how impressed she was with his behavior and that he’s potty trained. When I told her it’s been over a year with the potty she was blown away and said we must be doing a lot right with him 🙂 Made me feel good as a parent 🙂
She told me as my contractions become more and more (I’m feeling them pretty frequently now) that I should lay down on my left side and drink plenty of water…if they go away then they aren’t legit ones but if they stick around then they are. I also asked about my cold and told her that NO WHERE in town has Sudafed (Z said he thinks it’s an ingredient in meth and that’s why they can’t keep the shelves stocked?) so she said I can take claritin or something similar to help if needed. I kinda think I’m a day or so from being done with it anyway!
I am getting SOOOO excited!!! Teresa said things were looking good for a baby this week but as we all know…that doesn’t mean much. I could stay this way for three more appointments! Right when she walked out of the room I was giddy with excitement and Zach reminded me not to get too pumped yet. But it’s hard not to just a little bit 😉 Not planning on packing hospital bags until Wednesday before my massage and pedicure. Made my next appointment for next Tuesday with Teresa again! She said if I go into labor on Monday she’s on call so it’s good that if I miss Stacy on Thur-Sun I at least know Teresa will be there Monday.
Be sure to read my earlier post from this morning on some of the wives tales I’ve tried to see if Blitzen will be a boy or a girl!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Why aren't they allowed to scrap your membranes? My OB did and the first time nothing, but the 2nd time I was in labor a day later. She couldn't believe it! She tried to have me stay home and take a shower! Good thing I went to the hospital anyway despite what she said because 7 hours later, Brody was here! Get your rest! I hope you feel better before Blitzen gets here.
They wont scrape membranes until at least 38 weeks, usually. Lungs arent developed until 39 weeks for boys, 38 for girls so you dont want to do anything to induce before then.And girl… ask for sudafed behind the counter. Legally all stores have to keep it back there now b/c of the meth stuff. But all stores have it…
The pharamist (spelling) keep the sudafed behind the counter since people like to use it to make meth. but ask. You'll need to show your driver's license. Just to let you know that 2nd babies don't tend to drop until labor has started and sadly you can stay dilated for a lot longer. Also, 37 weeks is early for membrane stripping..if it's a boy you want to make sure that the lungs are developed. 38 weeks or beyond is much better for the baby.
I totally don't want to be a debbie downer, but don't get your hopes up that just cause your first baby came early, the second will too. My first was 3 weeks early, and I totally assumed my second would be….HAHA no. My second was twelve days overdue. And I know you have all your hopes for when baby comes and your own timeline that you'd like to have happen…but don't forget to just leave it to God. I promise that His plan is way better than yours!!
@b6a878d42d74e0a9dc6826bb8ae0b840 I'm not really sure about the whole membrane thing? maybe they are allowed to but don't like to or something? if she didn't do it this time i probably will ask next time b/c some people have said it's b/c i'm not 38 weeks yet???
@91ddb49b23c85dd62065741fa42f7b4a of course you'd know about the membrane thing miss smarty 😉 I have NEVER heard that about the lungs! How funny!!! Good thing Kye was born at 39 weeks to let those things fully develop huh? Assuming I don't have the baby this week for Stacy (which my hope is Fri Sat or Sun which is when I WILL be 38 weeks so I feel cool about it) then I probably won't try any more tricks and I'll just enjoy having everything already done and getting to relax 🙂
@b6212de159f6247c0e574310dc5556ca Isn't it so sad that our world is coming to that with the sudafed?? so random!!!! I have heard that about the baby taking longer to drop with it being my second 😉 I'm 38 weeks on Fri so I'm hoping to go into labor over the weekend…duh I can't plan it but I'm hopeful 😉 Good to know about the membranes though, another friend commented the same thing about the development and I never knew that! I thought full term meant try the tricks and go for it!!! so good to know!
MeganRay you are not the first person that i've heard that from about going late with your second!!!!! i'm totally trying not to think about that haha. i do totally know it's all god's timing and i'm not hardcore worried about having the baby at a certain time. I'm trying some tricks b/c i'd really like to have my midwife and to have the baby over thanksgiving weekend…but after that i'm not going to try stuff probably anymore b/c it doesn't really matter and heck I wouldn't mind the time to just REST and enjoy having everything done and ready for the baby 😉 i know the day i went into labor with kye i was so, so depressed then BAM water broke! I think it's so neat how God works and how you will have NO CLUE when it's time till its time. I love the surprise element of it, even if I'm attempting to tweak it 😉