With all of my babies I do a monthly post including their cute monthly stickers and going over the normal developments and milestones for children their age. I used What to Expect the First Year
as my guide! I wanted to get some cute, modern monthly stickers for Tess and I love the ones I got from Happy Hours Prints.
Tess turned 1 month old on August 31st! We were on our Orlando trip so I tried to take her monthly photos while there, and it was all just too crazy and I couldn’t get any cute ones. So I did them again when we got home 🙂
At one month old Tess is doing everything a baby her age should be able to do including:
- lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surface
- focus on a face
Trying to help make sister happy!
She can do everything a one month old will probably be able to do including:
- respond to a bell in some way, such as startling, crying, quieting (She startles…and it’s usually due to older siblings haha!)
She can do everything a baby her age may possibly be able to do including:
- lift head 45 degrees when on stomach
- vocalize in ways other than crying (she’s starting to coo and make “laugh” noises)
- smile in response to your smile
First try at home was also unsuccessful (side note: see how stiff she is? that’s a sleepy cue for her!)
Try 3 was MUCH better 🙂
She can do two of the things a one month old may be able to do including:
- smile spontaneously
- bringing both hands together
Tess cannot yet do the other two things that a one month old may be able to do:
- her head is still not very steady
- she also cannot lift it 90 degrees
Love that little smirk!
You can look back at Britt’s one month post here and at Kye’s one month post here. Tess was my first baby to roll over before turning a month old…and she’s also the baby with the MOST hair at this age!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025