Several years ago I was part of a local mom’s group. I didn’t stay in it long as they always seemed to get together during times when Kye was napping and it cost money to be a member. Eventually I made enough of my own friends to plan things with and didn’t have a “need” for the group. I think the best thing to come out of that group experience though was the knowledge that anyone can book an appointment for a fire safety lesson at our local forestation. We’ve gone every single summer and it’s one of our favorite traditions. Not only do the kids get a great refresher in fire safety but who doesn’t love dressing in themed outfits and getting pics with firetrucks?
Way back when we first started going it was something that Crissy and I really enjoyed together. Like me, Crissy loves a good theme. Now that Seth is blogging (If you haven’t read his blog omg it’s a MUST READ. Like it WILL make your day brighter!) and has mentioned on his blog about he and Crissy I feel like it’s okay to say something here as well. I’ve had a few people ask and I’m not going to go into details or anything but Seth is now a single dad to their four kids. The kids are great and he’s an ammmmmazing dad but of course it’s a sad situation. On a personal level I really, really miss my sweet friend. There have been lots of moments over the past 18 months where I’ve missed her but our annual fire station trip just isn’t the same without her presence.
This was Tess’s first visit (I was SO PREGNANT last year!) and we were excited for our fun morning!
Listening about fire safety 🙂
I think her jeggings might be too little haha cutest little crack 😉
The guys at our local fire station are awesome. They are always so accommodating and so sweet and patient with our group. This year they were eager to show off our new truck. It has a big ladder which is pretty exciting. They told us next year the kids can take turns climbing it haha.
Sweet Bella Kate!
Precious friends 🙂
Don’t be jealous of Kye’s killer necklace…it’s some random key he found. I mean whatever…at this point in the game I just gotta let some stuff slide, right?
It was also Carter’s first visit! I promise he had fun haha
Climbing in the trucks and spraying the water hose are always the favorites at this event!
Our favorite fireman, Fireman Justin, has moved and is no longer at our fire station. Without Crissy there it was just fitting that Fireman Justin would be gone too. 🙁 We def broke the new guy in though haha. All us regulars just made ourselves at home and asked to do the stuff we’re used to being able to do 😉
Back when we started going it was a SMALL crew but every year we get bigger and bigger. I really enjoy planning these types of events. It’s free, fun, and educational and I think it’s something everyone enjoys! Usually we all go to CFA after to get lunch but with Tess’s morning nap schedule we didn’t get to do that this year. Next year we will do the fire station visit earlier so we can have lunch! It was a great group and I hope everyone had a great time!
You can look back at our past visits here (Side note but man looking back at these makes me so sad…Crissy if you by chance are reading this…I miss you and love you so very much):
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025