Before Tess was even born I knew I wanted to do a flamingo themed party for her first birthday. I’m not sure what theme I would have done if she’d been a boy, but I knew if she was a girl that flamingos would be it! Turns out flamingo party decor became super popular this past year which made planning her party even more fun (and even harder to resist spending a fortune! ha!)

Disclaimer: post contains affiliate links.
Originally published September 27, 2015
Flamingo Party Decor: The Invite!
I fell in love with this invite from Birdie Says Caw Caw and used it as a guide for the rest of the party! (which unfortunately doesn’t exist any more… but thankfully there are tons of cute flamingo party invites on Etsy!)
Usually I buy a party pack from the same person who I buy the invite from but I didn’t go that route this time. I loved these invites and wanted to use them even if they didn’t “perfectly” match the party pack I purchased.
I also struggled with what to have Tess wear for her invite pics (and for the day of the party). I found SO MANY cute flamingo outfits but then I realized I’d bought her a simple, cotton, flamingo dress from a kids sale for $2 (Carter’s brand). Something I already had and paid very little for won out over buying something new that would have cost me a lot of money! Here is a similar party dress!
I’m not sure why the funky discoloration is happening on the invite but I can’t get it to go away! Boo! You can still tell though that it turned out super cute ๐ As usual I used my local UPS store to print them off for me!
Flamingo Party: The Food
In all my excitement I failed to get a picture of the really cute tassel garland I had around the edge of the food table! It was pink and cute and went with other elements of the party, sad I didn’t get a pic of it but I’m glad I saved it b/c I will be using that beast again in the future ๐
For the 1st birthday party I feel like it’s a party for the adults. I focus on a LOT of food and not on activities. As the kids get older we invite fewer and fewer people and shift the focus to the kids and their fun rather than on entertaining the adults or having “adult” type foods.
So for this party… the food table was where it was AT! And I do have to say, I LOVED the food at this party!!! I always tend to have waaaaay too much but in this case we enjoyed the leftovers ๐
Pink lemonade to drink with festive flamingo straws!
I tried a LOT of new stuff food-wise for this party and it all ended up being a success! I’m linking up to several of the recipes throughout this post ๐
I went very simple for a centerpiece on the food table. Mostly because I simply didn’t have any space left! I printed off several pics from Tess’s 1 year photos and used them as part of the decor ๐
My mother-in-law is super sweet and brought pigs in a blanket and sausage balls (two Parker family favorites!) Casey also brought a corn dip that isn’t pictured b/c it arrived after I finished the picture taking ๐
Even though we had cupcakes, I also wanted to have plenty of sweets too… I’m a sucker for sweets ๐
Chocolate dipped pretzel sticks are always a huge hit at parties, I think I’ve done them at almost every one I’ve hosted at this point!
Chocolate covered Oreos are another party regular for me. Gotta love keeping it cute and simple!
I couldn’t resist the flamingo suckers ๐
Mixed fruit in cute little cups with matching umbrellas
Crock Pot Spinach and Artichoke Dip
Watermelon cubes (thanks to Big Papa for growing watermelon this year at the farm!) with flamingo picks
Flamingo Party Decor
I wanted a flamingo theme without it being too much. I tried to incorporate cute flamingo party decor throughout but it wasn’t overkill.
I bought two miniature lawn flamingos and rigged them up to stand in small pails. I’m not one to usually get creative on my own but I mixed somethings together and really like how the cute pails turned out!
The flamingo straws went quicker than I had anticipated! I didn’t think the adults would love them too ๐
Since the food table was SO FULL things had to be put elsewhere. I had silverware, plates and napkins on the entry table, the drinks on the buffet table and ended up putting the cake and cupcakes in the kitchen in order to fit everything!
Again, I kept the flamingo party decor simple but I really am happy with how the entry table turned out. I bought a simple pre-made “1” It already included all the tissue (that matched the color scheme perfectly!) all I had to do was open them up!
More photos from the shoot and a copy of the invite added to the decor
For favors I couldn’t resist the flamingo ducks. Kids LOVE these dang ducks! We have so many of them in our pool and bathtub and they never get tired of them. From a one year old to a six year old, I’ve yet to have a child refuse a duck. They are a cute, cheap favor for any gathering!
I actually used a thank you card that was included in the party printable pack I purchased from A Pretty Little Party. I glued it onto a stick and stuck it in among the “floating” ducks. It was perfect!
The glasses were another impulse buy that I just couldn’t refuse. They came in a pack of 12 but I only set out a few to use as a prop for pictures. I didn’t want people to think they were party favors as I didn’t purchase enough for everyone! Here is a link to similar glasses!
“Thanks for Flamingling!”
My pride of the flamingo party decor was the photo backdrop. The last few parties I’ve done I’ve made a backdrop for photos and have done something different each time.
This wasn’t the cheapest option (as ordering the thick streamers wasn’t easy) but I thought it came out looking SO feminine and so tropical! I do regret not making it wider by adding additional streamers to it.
I felt like it needed more when we hung it but I didn’t listen to my gut. We all have so many kids that it was hard to fit them all in for pics without being outside the area. But lesson learned for next time! You can find the instructions on how to make it yourself here! Don’t be intimidated…it’s EASY!
The party theme carried over to the living room. I hung her birthday banner along the mantel and put together a frame with a picture from each month on it to show her growth over her first year.
I knew I was doing the flamingo theme so I purposefully put a cute flamingo stuffed animal on her Christmas list last year…just to use for the party haha!
Pool Party Time!
This was our first ever pool party! Since the party would be outside I wanted to incorporate a few touches out there as well. Several months ago I stumbled across these guys for half off at Hobby Lobby and thought they would be cute! Even better is that after the party I was able to sell them to someone in my neighborhood ๐ Here are some plastic flamingos that you will love!
A dollar store find awhile back was some flamingo cut outs. It’s hard to see them from inside and pretty hard to see them from the outside too apparently but you get the idea ๐ Here are some similar cut-outs!
I have put together a baby book for each of my kids. While I’m pregnant I fill in all the areas possible and then I wait until right before their first birthdays to fill out everything else so I can set it out at their first birthday party. I think Tess’s book has THE MOST in it. I know people say by the third kid they quit doing baby books but mine have only gotten more and more detailed (and photo filled) the more babies I have.
I took so much time to really take cute pics of Tess throughout her first year so there were so many I wanted to include in it! I’m pleased with how it turned out. I know most people at the party probably didn’t look through it, but those that did enjoyed it and I know she will enjoy having it!
Of course I also put together a birthday slideshow at each birthday party for each child. It includes most of the pictures taken of them throughout the year prior.
I cried putting Tess’s together. Going back and looking at the day she was born brought back the memories of that wonderful day and joyful time. It’s been such a wonderful year having her in our lives! You can see the slideshow for yourself here!
For Carter’s birthday Casey got the CUTEST breakaway cupcake cake done at Publix so I copied her ๐ I brought in photo ideas of what I was wanting and they made it happen! Plus they included a smash cake for free and the total was only like $35. I consider that a STEAL!
I didn’t actually eat any of the cupcakes (I’m not a cupcake girl…) but I heard they were delicious! This may be my new party go-to!
I saw a good deal on these little self inflatable balloons and figured I’d find a way to use them. They came in like a pack of 12 but I only used one and decided to make it her “candle” for the smash cake.
I also made the little tassels myself out of tissue paper. I thought they were a cute touch and helped make the soft pink of the “1” work with the party colors.
So I kinda lied when I said the photo back drop was my pride of the party…the high chair was actually my favorite thing I did! I was PUMPED about how this beast turned out ๐ I wanted to make the high chair banner myself and it was a work of love ๐
We always get the kids a birthday balloon and I wanted to get her a big flamingo but couldn’t find one so this one worked ๐ For the banner I took blue card stock and cut it into the proper triangle shapes. Then I bought cardboard letters and some sparkle paper. I traced the letters onto the paper and then cut them out and glued them on top. I think it looks store bought and I did it so easily and so cheaply!
My favorite element of the high chair though was the tassel garland. I was pretty intimidated by it at first but then MAN it’s SO EASY to make! I followed these instructions and was shocked that the entire garland only took 4 pieces of tissue paper to make. Whhhhat?!?! Yes it’s THAT cheap and THAT simple!
Project in progress!
Finished result!
I am really, really happy with how the flamingo party came together! I truly enjoy the party process and am thankful I have a patient husband who lends a helping hand in making our kids’ parties truly special ๐
Looking to purchase some flamingo party decor? Be sure to visit:
- Oriental Trading Company: flamingo ducks, flamingo straws, miniature yard flamingos (used in pails), flamingo glasses, umbrellas (in fruit cups), flamingo party picks (in watermelon), tissue paper 1 and self inflating small 1 balloon (on smash cake)
- Hobby Lobby: standing flamingos (on back porch), tissue pom poms (hanging from dining room light), pails, small cups (with fruit in them), as well as any other craft items used to make elements of party.
- Birdie Says Caw Caw: invitations
- A Pretty Little Party: printable party pack including “happy birthday” flags, personalized birthday banner, and thank you cards
- Publix: breakaway cupcakes and smash cake
- Amazon
: flamingo birthday balloon
- Papermart: wide crepe paper for photo backdrop
Inspired to host your own flamingo party? You can see what inspired me on my Pinterest board!
You can look back at Kye’s and Britt’s 1st birthday parties here:
Kye’s 1st Birthday (Monkey Theme)
Britt’s 1st Birthday (Snowflake Theme)
- Football Birthday Party
- Finding Nemo Party
- Donald Duck Party
- Hawaiian Christmas Party
- Mickey & Minnie Mouse Party
Looking for even more party planning tips and inspiration? Be sure to check out my Pinterest boards for ideas and you can also see over 35 of the best kids party ideas here! Happy Planning ๐
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I love the white frames with the rounded corners… do you have a link to those? thank you! What wonderful decor – I’m using for inspo!
Aw thank you so much! They are actually from Hobby Lobby in 2008 haha! Hope your party comes together smoothly and Happy Birthday to your little one ๐