I LOVED doing the weekly summer recap posts and decided to keep that trend going but do monthly family fun posts 🙂 Hopefully it’ll help cut down some on the kids’ monthly posts for me 🙂
August was a big month of transitions! Tess turned one, Kye started at his new school, Britt started at school solo, and Zach turned 31 🙂
I’ve never done any type of countdown with the kids for our Disney trips. We had a one-day park visit trip planned for Labor Day weekend (posts to come!) and we spent EVERY DAY talking about it. The anticipation is SUCH a big part of the FUN! I put together a chain link countdown for each kid and it was a really fun thing. We def will be doing it for our next trip in Feb!
August is a big birthday month for the Parker’s. Tess (the last day of July but still practically August), Zach, Jordan, Trey and Big Daddy all have birthdays within a two week span. This year Big Daddy turned 88 and we were fortunate enough to be able to go visit with him for a little bit on his special day!
Kye made him a special card, so sweet
And Britt is getting so serious about her picture drawing!
I love the bond these two are forming now that Britt is older 🙂
Big Daddy is SO special to me. He was the first one in the family to embrace me and accept me and love me and I’m forever grateful for that. There is nothing sweeter than seeing our children with their great grandparents. What an amazing blessing!
I’ve been trying to make sure to GET OUT and have GIRL TIME more often! It’s a struggle to make myself do it but I’m always so glad I did! On this particular night out I was SO tired and stopped to get a pick me up before our dinner. Y’all. Mcd icee coffee miiiiight be the death of me. And they are only $1.97 at our Mcd…for any size.
Even just a simple dinner is a great time when you’re surrounded by great company!
This month we got SERIOUS about our family Bible study time. It’s something I want to be a #1 priority in our home. I did a lot of research and found several tools and resources to help us and one of the things that’s been AWESOME has been the What’s in the Bible DVD series. I have a whole post coming up discussing it in more detail but we busted it out for the first time this month and loved it!
Different families value different things and Zach’s family has a BIG value on sports. It’s a bit crazy to me since it’s not something my family valued but I have come to appreciate their love of sports. Jake is the youngest of our generation of Parkers and is the starting quarterback at a local high school. It’s his senior year and we bought season tickets to be able to go watch him in action! The school is SUPER close to our house and the games are after the kids are in bed so it’s worked out well. We have been paying a teenager in our neighborhood to come sit while the kids sleep and we go to the game. I will take a date night any way I can get it 😉
With our upcoming Disney trip we booked a character meal and wanted to get Tess used to characters. Casey, Jordan and Carter were coming along with us and we wanted to get Carter used to them too. Where is the best place to practice character meeting? CFA family night – duh! We hit it up and the kids had a BLAST! I love that Tess and Carter are old enough now to legit play and have FUN!
These sneaky bffs may have gotten caught drinking each others milk sippies 😉
Free kids meals AND free sundaes? SCORE!
Carter did GREAT with the cow!
Tess? Ehhhhh….she did as I expected her to do. She doesn’t like when her own extended family holds her, let alone a randomly tall cow 😉
This month Zach and I got this FIRE for our marriage! I plan to write a post about it but y’all. It’s been awesome 🙂 I have an ammmmazing picture of him wearing my apron but I’m saving him the embarrassment and just posting the yummy meal he made for me instead. My man can COOK. Lemon chicken with capers is my FAV and he nailed it 🙂
Zach’s cousins wife had a baby shower and it was the same time as the Meet the Blazers. Zach took Kye to the football field (post to come) and I took the girls with me to the shower. Britt LOVED it! It was her first shower experience and she had a great time and Tess did awesome and I loved showing off my sweet girls to everyone 🙂
Our church had a lady’s afternoon with a paint party! It was really, really fun and I was pumped to have a fall themed door hanger for my front door 🙂
When I got home from the paint party I walked in the door to this! I don’t think we’ve ever had so many children sitting around our table 🙂 The Megow crew knows how to bring a PARTY!
I cannot say enough how much the playroom has really paid off. Zach worked hard to make it happen and I’m so thankful we had the vision when we built our home. Our kids are old enough now where we can say “go play!” and they can just PLAY and the adults can visit! It’s always the hot spot when company comes over and the kids all love it!
If you don’t read Seth’s Blog you should! And if you do read it then you know he’s rocking the single dad life. He’s doing so awesome at it (total pro-dad) but it kinda stinks b/c it’s hard to actually get to hang out with him! Dude is BUSY. We ended up having a big Megow sleep over! The kids all slept in various places in our house and Seth planned on going home and coming back to pick them up which is just silly. He just camped out in a guest room too so he could hang out and have some adult time! We had a blast and it’s always so great to see him and Zach together. They were hardcore bffs in high school and their silly sides come out whenever they get together! We need to plan another night soon!
Tripoloy had to happen, duh
As did cosmic brownies (your welcome for using it as a censor bar over Seth’s nip show bahaha Seth has this thing where he took off his shirt anytime Zach and I bickered over the game!)
Zach and I got to contribute to Seth’s first blog giveaway by providing him with some props for a photo shoot. Classic Seth! You HAVE to watch the videos on this post. I was DYING. I totally need to add the photo I took of him to my professional photography album (b/c #sidejob).
This was a test shot for the set up of Seth’s pics…but omg it’s like my new fav pic of my man. Whew. Hot.
We also did a fun recreation photo from a pic they took together the summer after they graduated from high school. Questions: how is my husband so TAN and WHY is he wearing what appears to be a woman’s beanie?!?!
Cinnamon rolls for everyone for breakfast 🙂
These kids are all so special to me and our family. We’ve known them all from the moment they were born (99% sure that Stevie was conceived at my dad’s house the weekend Zach and I got married bahaha). It’s so neat to see our children grow up together. I’m thankful for the bonds we share with the Megow crew. It hurts my heart so much that Crissy is missing out on all of these precious moments but I’m so proud of Seth and the godly man he is. He makes sure his kids know nothing but love and live their lives for the Lord and have FUN!
One more shameless plug for his blog…yall it’s seriously AMAZING: Who Put My iPad in the Dishwasher?
That’s a wrap for our family fun in August!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025