This was Kye’s first year in public school so he had a couple more weeks left when Britt got out for summer! It made me sad that he had to miss out on our summer fun the first couple weeks but I’m thankful Britt gets out as early as she does…summer is just the best!
Britt had a FABULOUS year of school this year. She loved her teacher and her classmates and never had a single discipline issue the entire year. Never pulled a single clip or anything! She learned a lot and will do great in the 4 year old class this fall! I really feel like I watched her grow up before my eyes in the comparison pic of her first day vs last day. Goodbye goofy Britt smile! I already miss it!
First Day vs Last Day
The last day of school for Kye was a half day. Most of the kids don’t go at all but Kye wanted to get to be there! The class had a last day of school party the day before the last day and I was able to attend and was able to just take Kye home with me after and have some Mommy time 😉
His teacher handed out awards to each of the kids…here’s a video of Kye getting his!
For the class party it was “campout themed” and the kids had hot dogs and the makings of s’mores
It was so funny to me that Kye got the technology award. The kid had literally NEVER touched a computer until he started school this year!
Duh we had to hit up The Mix on the way home 😉
I LOVED looking through all of Kye’s stuff from school…especially his journal 🙂
Britt’s mention hahahaha
I bought a copy of “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” Back when Kye first started school and have had his teachers sign it every year (we’ll see if I can keep it going all through and have it for him at graduation!). I mean did he score the teacher jackpot or whhhhhhat?!?! SUCH a wonderful, sweet, GODLY, message in his book for him to cherish 🙂
Kye truly had a fantastic year. We were blessed to have such a wonderful experience in public school and it really helped us feel confident that we made the right decision on where to send him! He also never had a single discipline issue the entire year and did SO well adjusting to a classroom full of kids. He made many friends and excelled in the academic setting. We are so proud of him!
You can also see a HUGE change in Kye’s appearance in the first vs last day! His face is really starting to get longer looking, more and more looking like his daddy every day. I know his next year’s pics will be drastic changes too as all those baby teeth will be gone (we traded Britt’s “goofy” smile for Kye’s probably haha).
First Day Vs Last Day!
Cute artwork he came home with on the last day!
Often on the last day of school we go out to eat as a family and do something fun to officially kick of summer. Since we celebrated Mother’s Day late this year we already had plans to eat out that weekend so we did a little different celebration. We are LOVING our new outdoor kitchen area! We kicked off summer fun with homemade strawberry ice cream and a dance party 🙂 (you can see the kids dancing here!)
Tess was a fan!
Hilarious 😉
Love how she props up those cute little toes!
Summer we are READY for ya!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025