Each year since I started blogging I have a few “blogging traditions” to end the year on! One of them is doing a recap post covering our entire year with favorite moments, photos, and posts from that year.
2016 was a VERY tough year for our family. While 2017 had its challenges (and tough diagnosis), it also was a wonderful year filled with improved health and new blessings to our family! As I looked over these photos and posts I realized 2017 was a year that progressively got better and better for our family. It started off tough with Zach’s diagnosis but then it only got better and better and ended on the best possible note ever with our family being whole! I hope this upward trend only continues into 2018!
Here are some of the bigger moments in 2017…with links to the posts of each (if you’re a new reader this is a quick way to cover the highlights and be caught up!):
Zach and I had a redo of our Christmas trip to start off the year!
Tess transitioned from the crib to the big girl bed!
Zach had his first Shepherd Center visit and official diagnosis.
I had my first Solo Disney Day!
We visited both Georgia Aquarium
We headed back to Disney with Zach’s fam for Spring Break!
I went back to Disney for a second solo day!
Britt moved to her new princess room!
AND had her first gymnastics exhibition!
Zach and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Mexico!
Kye had his first week at Georgia Bible Camp!
We spent a week in St Augustine
Tess turned 3 and celebrated with a Mickey and Minnie Party!
The kids went back to school and that meant Britt started kindergarten!
And found out we were chosen by an incredible birth mama 🙂
We visited Grandpa and Grammie!
And announced the news that we were MATCHED!
We got to meet Mama E and see our future son for the first time!
We went to Savannah for Labor Day
I attended Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party with friends!
Kye started his football career
We visited Disney for Britt’s early birthday celebration!
Zach and I visited Hawaii with Aflac
My sweet friends threw a baby shower for “Tab!”
We anxiously awaited “Tabs” arrival but enjoyed our last Thanksgiving as a family of 5!
Spear had his first Disney day (more like couple of hours!)
We got home and had Spear’s newborn photos
We celebrated our Core Crew Christmas
And our first Christmas as a family of 6!
We ended the year with a fun family NYE celebration!
You can see ALL of our family events through the years here (so thankful 2017 was SO much brighter for our family and hope that trend only continues for 2018!):
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025