Every year since I first started blogging I’ve done a “year in pictures” post at the end of each year. 2016 was no walk in the park for our family and we’re thankful to put it behind us! Here are the highlights from our year (with links to each corresponding post):
Britt and I had a “princess” night 😉
The 2007 National Champs were inducted into the VSU Hall of Fame
We went to DISNEY for Kye’s Birthday Celebration
Tess did fabulous in her Survival Swim Course
We had the grossest strawberry farm experience possible
Kye lost his very first tooth!
Britt had her very first taste of “coffee”
Our whole family began the grieving process as precious baby Silas went to Heaven
And our 9th wedding anniversary!
We celebrated Carter’s 2nd Birthday
My sweeeeeet hubby sent Casey and I on a getaway weekend together
We had our first experience with stitches!
We celebrated the world’s greatest daddy 🙂
We announced our plans to ADOPT!!!
We visited Orlando for the Parker Family Vaca
“Face Gate” Occurred (cutting our trip short)
Britt and I had our first mani/pedi date!
We enjoyed an ammmmazing week in St Augustine!
We had our most fun family photo session ever!
We said goodbye to our sweet Sadie
We had our annual fire station visit with friends!
and celebrated Tess’s 2nd Birthday!
The kids went back to school and Tess started school for the first time!
I helped co-host a baby shower for Keeli
Kye and I had a little getaway together
We had a Labor Day trip to Orlando
We had the most epic girl’s night for Casey’s birthday!
We had a big kid day for Britt’s first FSU game
Zach’s 1st MS Episode occurred which marked the beginning of a long medical road ahead
My girls and I had a blast at MNSSHP
First annual family shaving cream fight 😉
We had an adventure attending Disney Live!
Zach and I attended Aflac National Convention in New Orleans and loved it!
Britt officially started gymnastics
We rocked our Monsters Inc Halloween costumes
We had a HUGE crew for trick-or-treating which was SO FUN!
I had one of THE BEST Birthday’s EVER!
We had our family photos done for Christmas cards!
We learned that Zach’s symptoms were related to multiple sclerosis.
We visited Disney World for Britt’s Birthday celebration AND Tess’s 1st visit!
“Face Gate” returned and we learned that it’s stinking MRSA
Zach had his Spinal Tap (and a horrible reaction to it)
We said goodbye to Tess’s bff, and our buddy, Zeke
We celebrated Christmas as a little family
And on Christmas Day with the whole Parker Crew!
So I kinda thought when I did this post it’d make me realize that 2016 wasn’t that tough of a year buttttt nope. It was rough haha! You can look back at much sunnier years for our family here:
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025