Britt had her 5 year well visit on Monday Feb 6th. I’m always pretty hardcore about scheduling EARLY morning appointments for my kids, especially with school and everything. But the dr called me and changed her appointment time to 10:45. So that meant I just had to get both her and Tess out of school for the appointment as I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it back to the school in time to pick up Tess! I’m so thankful for such easy going, well behaved girls as the long wait was a non-issue (even when the tv in the waiting room was off!). It is a benefit of the kids getting older…life is def easier 😉
Getting weighed and measured!
Hearing and vision tests!
I am never nervous about hearing because both Zach and I have great hearing…but vision always makes me nervous. I got glasses in 2nd grade so I’m just WAITING for my kids to need ’em. But Britt did great on both checks and passed them both with no concerns! I will probably wait until the summer before she enters 2nd grade to start taking her to the eye dr like I did with Kye. We have vision insurance so it just makes sense to take them once they reach that age since I did need glasses around then. I needed them PRIOR to then really and usually parents don’t catch the vision issues until it’s really bad since the eye exams at the pediatrician are so basic in nature. I’d rather catch any concerns early than wait until they are worse!
We had to go back out to the waiting room and they gave me that state form to fill out (insert eye roll here). So I let Britt draw all over the back of it while we waited! It’s so funny b/c all the staff does know us so well that they don’t even look over the questionnaire. It makes me sad that the state feels like they have to provide these forms for parents!
Still working in the room on her form 😉
The love these two share yall is BEYOND precious!!! They never get tired of each other and are constantly kissing and hugging and want to be as close as possible all the time (to the point that I have to separate them at times!).
Britt is 44 inches tall (75th percentile), weighs 37.8 lbs (25th percentile) and has a BMI of 13.44 (4th percentile).
At her 4 year well check she was: thankful for a pediatrician who doesn’t push for weight gain. I hear so often of kids being “told” they “need” to add calories to their diet. Even as far as drinking chocolate milk etc. Which makes ZERO sense to me and will only create unhealthy choices for their diet in the future. So I’m glad that she wasn’t concerned at all by Britt’s low BMI or lower percentage for weight!
To compare, at Kye’s 5 year well check he was: So funny how drastically different they were! I’m so interested to see where Tess falls in comparison to them both!
It’s always fun to plug in the kids’ stats into the Baby Center Height Predictor and it says at age 18 Britt will be 5’8″! It’ll be crazy to have her be so much taller than me haha
She’s currently in a size 3t/4t pants but is moving up to a size 5/6 shirt due to length. She MAY catch Kye here in clothing sizes pretty quickly! He’s been in a 6/7 for stinking EVER and the 7/8 still seems massive on him!
No shots at this visit but they did check her hemoglobin (finger prick) and she did well with it. It came back fine as did her urine check! Very healthy girl which we’re very thankful for 🙂
I really didn’t have ANY questions or concerns (which is rare for me not to have a list of things to discuss ha!) so we spent most of our time catching up on personal stuff. It’s the benefit of becoming friends with the staff haha Everyone there has been SO sweet with asking about Zach and lifting him in prayer and they are all like family to us. We’re truly so blessed to have so many people in our “village” who love our babies and care about our family!
Big girl growing on up!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025