Robyn got hooked up with some free tickets to the circus and she invited Kye and I to come along! I have great memories of going to the circus with Mom and Brandon as a kid but it was in a huge arena in Atlanta and was put on by Ringling Brothers Circus. This circus was in Valdosta in the parking lot of a Big Lots…so I was pretty curious to see what it’d be all about! I think Robyn and I were both going because we wanted our kids to have fun but also because we were pumped to see how a circus could possibly take place in a parking lot. Haha!
We went at the 4:30 showing on Tuesday Oct 19th and it was good timing because it meant I got to hang out with Robyn and do something fun with Kye before heading off on the cruise 😉 When we got there we were pretty impressed with how legit the whole thing was. Of course everything was SUPER expensive (Robyn had to buy a bottle of water and it was $3!!!) but that’s to be expected.
Since it was free for us to go I decided to splurge a little bit and let Kye ride a camel. It was $5 for a less than 3 min ride but it’s a CAMEL. I mean that’s cool right? They had little pony rides too but anyone can ride a pony…a camel is a pretty rare chance. I’m ALL about life experiences and wasn’t about to pass this one up (hello…my kid did sit with a huge monkey remember?). Well when we got up the platform to the guy and handed him our ticket he said I needed to ride with Kye. Um…I’m all about my kid experiencing stuff but I don’t really need to. That camel was high. But I’d already paid my $5 and I wanted Kye to get to do it, so I did it (and no this does not mean I’ll be riding roller coasters just b/c my kids want me to – I will never ride a roller coaster…remember my 25th birthday???). Me riding it meant that the random ticket taker guy was taking the pictures so, duh, he didn’t get a good one of us on the camel 🙁 Oh well, this counts as proof that we did it!
Kye was pretty pumped
If you click and make this bigger you can tell that I’m not holding onto Kye to protect him I’m holding on for my own protection…
Kye really liked it more than his faces show-during the intermission he ran up to the camel and tried to cut in line to go again!
Both of the kids love tigers. Lorelai was shouting “tigggger” and Kye was saying “roar!”
It was funny to watch the trainer guy get frustrated with the tigers…they were not obeying well and it took him a LONG time to get them to do their tricks
you can tell how awesome our seats were ~ Poor Robyn tried to hook us up and get us moved to better ones but the guy wouldn’t let us!
our camel friend putting on his show 😉
He really did LOVE it!!!
We got nervous as the show went on because we weren’t seeing many animals. The tigers and some puppies were the only ones to really perform so we were thankful when the elephants came out!
our view was the back of the stage so we saw a lot of elephant privates (and those things are HUGE…I was tempted to take a picture but didn’t want some weird-o animal porn lover to find my blog!)
Thankful that we snuck in dinner 😉
This girl was probably the best talent out of everyone!
I was excited to see what Kye’s favorite thing would be and I was disappointed with his choice…
4 wheelers? Seriously?
He was beyond thrilled when they had 3 at a time in this circle thing. Gah, makes me nervous for my future (and totally makes me regret allowing him to ride with Big Daddy!)
attempt at a group shot before heading out (it was SO hot in that place and the kids were READY to go)
Robyn’s pic turned out better
Kye and I are SO blessed to have another mom/kid set to do things with…it makes things much more fun to do them together 🙂
Yay for the Circus!
It may not have been fancy, but it was plenty redneck and isn’t that what the circus is really all about? I mean they had all the basics: tightrope walkers, not funny clowns, and even a guy shooting from the cannon! I hope Robyn scores free tickets again next year b/c if so I’m there (I will probably not, however, be there if we have to spend the regular ticket price of $17 per adult).
Thanks again Robyn and Lorelai!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025