You can see Tess’s nursery tour here!
When we decorated Tess’s nursery we kept in mind that this would STAY her bedroom for a long, long time. We wanted a theme that would smoothly transition as she grew older. The time has come and Tess is now in a big girl bed! We always keep our nursery furniture with the nursery, so as a child moves out of the crib they get a new bed and dressers with the hopes that they are the only furniture pieces we will have to buy for that child. The crib and those dressers always move and stay with “the baby” in the family at that time. One more round for that furniture to get used then to the attic it’ll go for grand babies!
We really didn’t change a ton about her room. We did NOT like having a full size bed in Britt’s Mermaid Room so we decided to go the day bed route for Tess. Originally I thought I’d want a day bed with a trundle but opted for storage drawers instead. Our living room couch makes a great bed IF we ever have guests crazy enough to want to spend the night at our zoo house π
When we bought Kye’s big kid furniture we bought it all from Pottery Barn Kids. And the quality has been fabulous. However, I just don’t think the cost is justifiable for the bed portion of the furniture. Dressers, yes, you want quality. But a kids bed? I figure find a deal and invest in a nicer bed down the line if that’s something she’s wanting/needing. I found her day bed at Target and it’s def nothing top of the line, but it also didn’t break the bank either!
I also lucked out BIG TIME and got her duvet cover, pillow case, curtains and decorative pillow also from Target. On clearance. For $27 total! And it matches SO perfectly! I was seriously beyond pumped because I was nervous about finding bedding to go with all the colors and theme we already had in the space π
We did the decal mural when it was her nursery and once she moved to the big girl bed she started standing up in the bed. And completely peeled off South America. Hello nightmare. I contacted the original company that did the decal to see if they could just do South America for me…no response. I hunted and hunted and finally tracked down someone on Etsy who was willing and able to print off South America and ship it to me. It’s not an exact match for the original but who cares. I’m not hardcore on my geography anyway π
Both of her dressers are from Pottery Barn Kids and we love them! I love that they have a very modern feel and think she will enjoy them as she grows up too. Along with the nursery furniture I’ve always used the same touch lamp for all of my babies in their nurseries so I moved that to Tab’s room too and replaced it with a funky orange lamp that I adore!
Right now we still have a changing pad in her room because she’s wearing diapers to bed but hopefully soon that will also get moved over to the nursery π I’m not sure what I’ll do with that dresser space at that time! But for now I have a few things sitting on it with the changing pad (including a Precious Moments that was mine as a child!). I love the curtains and decorative pillow that came with her bedding set. I also LOVE the awesome poster I was able to get from Disney Movie Rewards online for FREE. I got it printed off at UPS and got a modern frame to put it in. The colors go perfectly with her room, and it fits the travel theme we have going on, AND it brings a little hint of Disney to the space too π
Zach did these shelve himself and I still ADORE them!
When Britt moved her room upstairs she told Tess that she could have her doll house (that she literally JUST got from Santa for Christmas #eyeroll). It was very sweet of her and Tess loves playing with it!
I loved Tess’s nursery so much that I worried we wouldn’t ever be able to find the “right” vibe for the transition to her big girl room. But I am SO glad we were able to make it all flow so well. I love it and so does Zach! We both agree it’s our favorite room we’ve done together π Hopefully she’ll enjoy it for many years to come!
Want to see more posts about our home tour? You can see it all here!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025