Since we have annual passes a little goal of mine is to visit at least one Disney park a month. I know it’s probably not going to be possible, but it’d be cool to achieve if we could! Having passes means visiting the parks is essentially free for us so what better activity to keep the kids busy and out of the house so everyone could work?
I decided for my first solo day at Disney with the kids that I’d go to Epcot. They’ve never done World Showcase and it’s a pretty easy route to travel and I thought it’d be a good way to ease myself into handling it all on my own.
We got to the park super early so we could be among the “walk super fast” to Frozen crowd 🙂
Perfect shirt for my first solo mom day at the parks!
Ready to get our run on!
Whoop whoop! I couldn’t BELIEVE how fast we made it with me pushing the double stroller and Kye walking!
You can kinda see us 😉
My vikings!
Their attempts at copying Elsa and Anna’s poses 😉
Kye takes after his Daddy…he said “you’re too slow let me take over” hahaha Such a Zach Jr thing to say! And, duh, I totally let him!
Sitting like little ladies living the easy life 😉
I love when they hold hands! It’s the sweetest!!!
And they were allowed to sit together on Spaceship Earth (in the row in front of Tess and I) and they were PUMPED!
Epcot is a great chill park to visit because there are so many areas to play and explore after each ride!
Ready for Nemo!
(Yeah pushing that beast around def gave me a good work out that day!)
The kids new favorite spot is Club Cool. We don’t drink soda at home so getting to sample as much soda as they want? They are SO excited about that! I can literally only drink one sample cup and it makes me feel icky but Kye could drink it all day and still enjoy it!
(our favorite is “the green one” if you ever go)
We headed to World Showcase as it typically opens at 11 and we wanted to start right at opening. I LOVED walking towards it and coming across a marching band. It legit gave me chills! Such a cool moment and just very magical!
Our first stop: Mexico!
Tess LOVES “the Donald Duck ride” I’ve heard it’s going to be changed into Coco and it’ll be so cool if it is!
We were there during the International Festival of the Arts and they had tons of display areas…
this cracked me up haha
How I’d look if I didn’t pluck my eyebrows daily haha
Back at the house everyone was working hard!
Zach said his favorite thing about our weekend was getting to spend so much quality time with Mema. Mema is a little more reserved than most of the family so when we’re at family gatherings together it’s hard to really spend quality time with her. This time together was SO special for Zach!
And they even worked on a project together 🙂
Whoop whoop! My fabric cutting skills paid off 😉
If you truly want to experience World Showcase and all it has to offer you really need a FULL day. My goal with the kids was just to visit each country, we didn’t even get to do majority of the experiences in each one! They got the Art Festival passport and each country had a little area to color a design in their books. It was super fun and right up Kye’s ally. He LOVES stuff like that and it kept all of our interest and made the whole day an adventure! (It was a FREE passport…there is one you can pay for but this was a free version!)
Tessie is just happy as long as she can have her “sticky foot”
Doing a rubbing!
For G-Mama b/c she loves the trolls 😉
So many people commented on my shirt and kept telling the kids how lucky they are to have a Disney Mom…I mean I can’t help but to agree 😉
My favorite!
Every time Zach and I have passed the train area we’ve always said Kye would enjoy it and he did!
Tessie said “take my picture with all the ho hos” haha
I wish we’d had time to enjoy American Adventure but we did get to see a performance in the lobby area!
And we got to pick up a pass holder freebie! It was PERFECT because one of the bedrooms at the new house we’re doing a “Beauty and the Beast” theme!
Hey Woody!!!
We stopped for lunch in the America Pavilion and it wasn’t the best choice. I struggled to find something to eat and got a tad nervous because being solo I couldn’t really save a table and get food and watch the kids. Thankfully we found a table in good eyesight to the food area and a nice older couple was sitting beside us so I asked them to let me know if the kids misbehaved. It all worked out well but took a lot of extra time being solo! I’ve been back a few times sense and have a better knowledge of the layout of the park and will be better prepared for lunch options for myself in the future 😉
Tess said “I hold bunny and I take a nap”
How cool is this tree photo? I’d love to have a place to put it! The hidden mickey is SO awesome!
Cutest little crossed legs 🙂
My biggest girl in Morocco
Last, but not least, Canada!
They were all SO excited to have completed their passports!
But especially Kye! Truly if you have an older kid in your group they will LOVE the World Showcase!
I wanted a chance to check out the gift shop (Mousegears) before we left because Zach and I are taking a solo trip in May (it was my bday gift!) and I want to find us cute matching stuff to wear 😉 The kids had brought their own money and made a few purchases!
Bathroom break before heading out!
My mini-me
SUCH a huge helper and good sport about all the walking!
If you are wanting a snack at Disney I highly recommend stopping by a Joffrey’s cart. They give 20% off for pass holders and/or Disney visa credit card holders!
Everything went SO SMOOTHLY all morning! We had a BLAST and I actually LOVED being solo with the kids. Of course I love going as a whole family but I tend to worry so much about making sure Zach is having an okay time and it was nice to just be chill and relaxed and go with the flow the whole time!
The only hiccup of the day? Happened in the parking lot. I got the kids all loaded up and then the stroller would NOT shut. I felt awful. So many cars were trying to get my parking spot. I tried calling Zach. Random kind strangers stopped to help me. It was so strange but I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t fold down! Thankfully I finally figured it out and was glad it was a legit issue that caused it (a piece was unscrewed!). A tad embarrassing but I felt like a hero when I finally got it haha!
She said she dreamed about octopuses and jellyfish!
Our Disney house has a beautiful pool and spa area! We wanted to give it a try and I promised the kids that when we got back we’d hop in. Um. Just because it’s 89 degrees outside in Feb does NOT mean the pool will be warm haha! Our pool can be heated and it’s def worth the $15 a day if you rent the place and plan to swim during the winter months!
Smart girl only putting her toes in!
If you need to entertain your kids…a bath bomb is AWESOME!
Spear getting some quality Mema time too!
For dinner that night we got pizza and invited my cousins Ben and Liz to come over and see the house and hang out. It was SO MUCH FUN! I’m so excited to have them only 20 min away from the Disney house and look forward to getting to spend more time with them when we come down! Liz had JUST found out that she’s pregnant and I couldn’t be more excited for them!!!!! They will be AMAZING parents!!!
The kids and I picked up the baby’s first present! Had to get her something Disney 😉
We had SUCH a fun day and I loved knowing that I can totally handle three kids solo at the parks with no issues. I def plan to try to take all 4 solo at some point too. I like to push myself haha!
I always post up a TON of Instagram Stories when we visit Disney so be sure to follow me on IG to keep up with the latest! Also if you’re looking to visit Disney World or the Orlando area be sure to check out our rental home and the big discount I’m offering blog readers!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025