Every year around Valentine’s Day we split up and do Daddy-Daughter dates and Mother-Son dates. The girls and Zach get dressed up fancy and go somewhere nice together. We started this tradition several years ago. Our community has a Father/Daughter Dance and we kinda took that concept and made it our own. Rather than the girls dancing around with their friends, they get legit quality time with their Daddy 🙂
They went to Longhorn and had a BLAST!
I love that their conversations revolved around Disney (proof that I’m slowly but surely converting Zach into a Disney Addict too ha!)
Britt talking about her favorite Disney ride with Daddy
Tess talking about her favorite Disney ride with Daddy
What girl doesn’t get excited for chocolate cake? 😉
Kye and I have typically gone on our date night during the same time that Zach takes the girls, but obviously until Spear is old enough to join us we have to go at a different time! This year we had a nice lunch at Steak and Shake!
Britt wanted to take some pics of us 🙂
We had in depth talks about Star Wars, Legos and violent kids at school!
The older he gets, the more precious these moments of quality time become!
When Zach and the girls were at dinner (and Spear was napping) Kye and I had more quality time together playing a round of Monopoly!
Hilarious. He wanted two sandwiches for dinner 😉
In years past I’ve done cute handmade Valentine’s. I typically enjoy getting a little creative and doing something fun…but I’m also not that mom that feels like I have to have Pinterest worthy cards for my kids to hand out. Life with a newborn? Calls for Target Dollar Spot cards this year! And they were still SUPER cute!
And still required a good bit of time to assemble haha
Zach’s cousin (and an awesome realtor in town, Austin Plyler with EXIT) dropped yummy cupcakes from Smallcakes for us!
I’ve also kinda started a fun challenge tradition of attempting to make a heart shaped cake every year. Every year it cracks and I have to fix it with a ton of icing…but I like trying to see if I can make the perfect heart…or at least salvage what I end up creating haha!
My helpful bakers!
Not too shabby
On actual Valentine’s Day I woke up to a sweet note from Zach waiting for me 🙂
All the big three had school so I enjoyed some solo quality Mommy time with this cutie on his first Valentine’s Day!
It’s next to impossible to get all four kids together for a picture between school schedules and Spear’s sleep schedules so I tried to make sure to at least get one pic of each kid individually 🙂
Annnnnd Zach surprised me with Chicken Salad Chick for lunch! YUM!
Valentine’s Day is pretty low-key around here, we do a few simple gifts and have our Valentine’s Day box decorated for people to put notes in and little gifts for each other.
This year around Valentine’s Day the kids were bickering like C-RAZY. So I talked to them about it and said we are supposed to LOVE each other and enjoy the day appreciating each other and the bonds we share. I cut back even further on the gift giving and wanted to keep the purpose of Valentine’s Day the focus rather than gifts.
For dinner I made one of our family favorites: crock pot chicken tortellini alfredo!
We did our gift opening during the short time after Spear had bath and got his last bottle for the day!
He looks mad that we made him wait for that bottle ha!
Best we could do for all four together 🙂
The kids all enjoyed opening cards from each other…it was especially funny watching the older two try to read Daddy’s handwriting ha!
Gingerbread houses. For Valentine’s Day.
Because DEALS guys.
Zach and I never go out on actual Valentine’s Day as we prefer to spend it together as a family but he did plan a romantic night for the two of us the following week so I’ll post those pics soon! Overall we had a very chill Valentine’s Day together. So thankful for our family and the love we all share!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025