Baby Growth: Leo is weighing around 2.5 lbs (about the size of a butternut squash…which I actually DO know what that is for a change and cook them for the kids!) and is a little over 15 inches long. Now is the time that calcium becomes super mega important because about 250 milligrams are being used a day to help harden the skull!
My Symptoms: Overall, this has been a pretty “easy” pregnancy week. Still using the bathroom regularly, still having back pain but I’m now pretty much used to it. I know in the third trimester a lot of the first trimester symptoms come back and I have started to feel nauseous again in the evenings and first thing in the mornings. Not bad enough where I feel like I’m going to puke or anything, but annoying!
My stomach is crazy looking at this point. I’m pretty tempted to take a belly photo to show y’all this beast. It’s the tightest my stomach has ever been in pregnancy. Which I guess is a good thing b/c it’s for sure not fat! My belly button is sticking fully out which has also never happened before. It’s out so far that you can see the underside of where I had my belly pierced. So strange! Casey and I have compared bellies and my belly button is just straight up HUGE haha. It’s pretty gross and Britt thinks it’s some portal to the baby and tries to touch the baby through my belly button π
My stomach is not just tight, but it’s sensitive. If the kids bump it or I try to pick them up against it or something it will hurt in the areas where Leo is laying. I think there just isn’t much cushion between the baby and my skin!!!
I am starting to feel very, very overwhelmed and stressed. 11 weeks to go. SO MUCH TO DO. I don’t think it helps that I’m a member of several pregnancy related Facebook groups. These women are all talking about how they have their hospital bags packed already. We haven’t even started on the nursery. So much of the stuff getting done isn’t in my control so I’m trying not to let it cause me stress but it’s hard. My goal was for the nursery to be finished in May…we better get on it!!!
This was Kye’s last week of school and it hit me that I will no longer be having my Britt time each day. It’s just been the two of us every morning all school year. I am starting to feel pretty emotional about it all. I’m still not worried about how I will handle three kids, I am just sad to see this era end. I know the new one will be wonderful, but I still want to hold on just a little bit longer to the present and savor this time with my sweet babies while it’s JUST me and them!
Britt often asks me to hold her and we sit and cuddle and I sing to her. Melts my heart!
This week has also been stressful and emotional for another reason…Zach got in a car wreck. He was stopped at a red light behind another car and this big truck slammed into the back of him. The guy said he didn’t see him?!?! It happened Wednesday afternoon and we are still in the waiting phase. Zach went to the emergency room after it happened because his back started hurting and he hit his head on the steering wheel pretty hard. X-rays came back okay for his back but they said he’s having spasms in his muscles that are causing his spine to straighten. He needs an MRI but can’t get one until we get the insurance information from the driver who hit him. Same with his car. We can’t take it in anywhere until we have that info. I’m hoping that maybe we will get lucky and they will total it? It looks WAY worse in person than these pictures show. The front is also a little banged up b/c Zach hit the person in front of him when he got hit. Zach played golf today so I’m assuming his back is fine and I don’t need to worry about him anymore with that! Thankful it wasn’t anything more serious and if you DO have to get in a wreck you always want it to be the other person’s fault right?
Of course BOTH of our car seats were in the car. I’ve done the research and KNOW we are supposed to replace them. The kids weren’t in them and they weren’t damaged in the wreck but both manuals (and everything I found online) says to replace them in any crash anyway. I’m assuming the other driver’s insurance will cover it but Zach doesn’t understand the need. Sometimes it’s frustrating to be the one who does all the parent-related research! I’m hoping when the insurance stuff starts coming in that they will ask him about car seats and offer to replace them so it won’t be an issue between us? B/c y’all know me. I want my babies SAFE!!!!
Both kids made sweet get-well-soon cards for Daddy while we waited for him to get home!
Weight: One pound for this week! Whew! +17 total. Zach and the kids got a massive cookie cake for me for Mother’s Day so I’m surprised I didn’t gain more (Zach ate a good bit of it too so I’m sure he’s sharing in my weight gain this week!). I feel confident that my big jumps in gaining are done π
Gender: Britt now says the baby’s name is Leo which I honestly tried to avoid. We don’t use the name around here…I mostly only use it for writing purposes. I’m not sure how she picked up on it but she’s SUPER into names right now. She constantly says “Mommy’s name is Emily, Daddy’s name is Zach, Kye’s name is Kye” haha. I just don’t want her to be confused when the baby is born and it is NOT named Leo π
At my baby shower last weekend Robyn had us divide up into groups based on who thinks Leo is a boy vs who thinks Leo is a girl. UM like almost everyone said GIRL. It shocked me! You’d think since Zach and I think it’s a boy that everyone else would agree? Guess not! Zach mom and sisters both think girl!?!?! And so do most of my friends! Totally threw me for a loop! I still think boy! My pregnancy is 100% like Kye’s and hardly anything like Britt’s! I’m not changing my guess at this point!
Maternity Clothes: In my belly pictures this week the dress I have on is a maternity small and I do think that’s the best size for me. I just don’t own a whole lot in that size. Mostly everything I have is medium, and even some larges. They all work okay but I think the small is most flattering. We are going to St Augustine next weekend and I need to go by the Motherhood Maternity outlet and get a good nursing bra. I think I’m far enough along now to get one and it still fit after?
Movement: This baby has been low the ENTIRE pregnancy. I remember with Britt feeling pain in my ribs and how she would be so much higher. I’ve never felt any movement this time above my belly button. It’s all been below. I have a feeling this baby is nice and low and already in good position for birth. The movement is much more constant this week than last week. I don’t physically see it from the outside that much but feel it super often. Especially at night!
Sleep: Well. That was nice while it lasted! I’ve been sleeping AWFUL this week. Awful. First I can’t fall asleep and then when I do I wake up a ton of times. I can’t get comfortable or stay comfortable and I’m having to pee a lot. When I’m on my left side the baby moves a ton and last night I even dreamed that Leo’s foot came out of my stomach and pushed the bed to make me move. My right side isn’t much better. Often I wake up on my back. It’s all just a mess. I have a lot of concerns and things going on right now and I know that plays a roll too.
I woke up this morning feeling awful and had a huge migraine. Which I know came from lack of sleep b/c last night was the worst sleep yet. I took Britt to McDonald’s and got an ice coffee and it did help some…both to wake me up and to knock out the headache π
Cravings: Not much! Which is funny b/c isn’t this the point where people typically start to pig out? I feel less hungry now. I even forgot to eat lunch one day this week! Robyn and I went out to eat for dinner Monday and had a great time! It was her choice but I did suggest Mexican and thats where we ended up going. Which is hilarious b/c prior to this pregnancy I always HATED Mexican food but now I love it. This has for sure been my “salty” craving pregnancy. My first pregnancy was beef. My second was seafood.
What I Miss: More than ever in our marriage Zach has a lot of outside family interests. He golfs typically once a week with his dad and often plays basketball with Jordan. While I’m thankful he has his outlets…I am envious as well. I miss HIM and I do feel very lonely at times and like we don’t do anything together. I also feel like I don’t do much for myself either. I laid in bed the other night and tried to think of a hobby for myself that would bring me joy but couldn’t think of one?!?! I just don’t want to be the type of mom who completely loses herself in her children. But I see how easy that can happen! I’m really thankful Robyn and I went out this week and I think I just need to do more stuff like that?
Best Moment of the Week: Hands down the best moment was my shower last Saturday. It was THE most loved I have EVER felt. Rachael and her sister, Sarah, drove down for it! Another friend, Amanda, drove up for it. So many of my amazing friends came. It was just very, very special and filled my heart with so much joy. Robyn did a fantastic job hosting!!! I was pretty bummed that Rach and Sarah could’t stay longer, but it was SO awesome having them here!!! I have been BEYOND blessed in the friends department. Not only was it just an awesome shower but it made me realize, yet again, how truly blessed I am to have Mrs. Charlotte. She sat right next to me the whole time when I opened gifts and kept doing the typical “mom thing” of discussing each one with me and helping me clean up the trash and such. It was just a moment that really struck me about how much she loves me. She didn’t need me in her life. She already has two great daughters. But she loves me as her own. And I’m so, so thankful for that.
It was also Mother’s Day this past week! We will be celebrating my Mother’s Day tomorrow with the kids. We usually make a big deal out of Mother’s and Father’s day and spend an entire day in celebration mode. So I’m eager to see what is planned for tomorrow! It’s def good timing! I wrote a post already about Mother’s Day and my emotions surrounding it. We had a nice day, Zach’s family came over during naps and swam and ate and celebrated Mrs. Charlotte π
I am SO blessed and thankful to be a mama to these three babies!
This week Casey had her last day of work!!! She’s now officially a stay at home mom and I am SO SO thrilled for her! I’m not trying to start a whole working vs stay at home mom thing…I am a stay at home mom and feel very blessed to be able to take on this role and am thankful that she is able to do the same. Plus I’m excited to have a fellow Hahira Housewife π
If emotions weren’t already crazy high…Kye had his preschool graduation this week too! I didn’t expect to cry or be upset or anything about it. I mean it’s preschool. And he’s attending the same school next year and will do the same graduation ceremony after kindergarten. But as soon as the program started I started crying!!! Even though Kye’s class wasn’t even part of it yet haha. I was more upset about the idea of next year and how that will feel. I KNOW I will be a WRECK when Kye goes to all day school and I’m just so thankful we have another year left with half a day! He did amazing in his program and made us so proud π His sign language skills shocked us and he had the biggest smile the entire time!
Other than my shower, I have to say my favorite moment of the week was this morning. It was Kye’s last day of school and therefore my last morning of alone time with Britt. I’m excited to have them both all summer to enjoy, but will miss this time I have with her too! I asked her what she wanted to do together today and she said “wear matching outfits” Isn’t that adorable?!?! We both rocked our grey and neon orange today together π We went to McDonald’s and she played and played and then we went to PetSmart to see some animals and then walked around the mall together. We even made her first stop in Claire’s. Y’all. It was BEYOND adorable. She had so much fun shopping and then insisted on carrying her bag from the store herself π When it was time to leave she begged me to just go to “one more shop!” It was the PERFECT morning with her. We laughed and played and just truly enjoyed our time. I know it was a day I will always remember and I am thankful for it π
Questions/Concerns: I actually can’t think of any?!?!
Goals for the Week:
- I have my completion coupons for Amazon and Target and need to order all the stuff left on the registry that we need! Any other tips on must have items???
- We did Bradley this week!!! But it needs to be an every night thing. I think I’m just going to do my best to do it alone so I don’t have to wait up for Zach to help and feel like I’m bothering him with it.
- I will feel 1,000 times better once things are ordered and rolling for the nursery!
- I made a chore chart type thing for myself this past week. I hardcore cleaned the house and decided if I do a little each day it won’t be so overwhelming. My goal is to keep that up this coming week and to introduce Kye to his chores for each day as well!
- ENJOY SUMMER! So thankful it’s HERE and I want to make the MOST of it with the kids!!!
Belly Pictures:
Notes from Past Pregnancies: I cannot BELIEVE I did DISNEY at this point last pregnancy! You can read the weekly post from then here! I told Zach the other night that I was beyond blessed with an easy pregnancy last time around. Vegas, Disney, and Hawaii were all SO late in pregnancy. I know I couldn’t have done it as well this time around for sure and I’m thankful that next week is our last big event before Leo is due!
At this point last pregnancy both Zach and I really felt like it was a girl…and we were right. So maybe all y’all who are thinking girl need to start agreeing with us that Leo is a boy π I can’t believe we didn’t have a full name for Britt still at this point! I honestly don’t LOVE Avery (her middle name) and remember just picking it b/c we had to have something. This time around I do love our girl middle name π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I'm so glad that you loved your shower so much! And I'm glad that it was an opportunity to show you how many people love you (and baby Leo!).I am still so surprised at how small your belly is for 29 weeks. I think you look great!
I'm with you on the crying! Totally balled my eyes out during Kindergarten graduation and Ian wasn't even graduating! I will be a wreck next year–for sure!