10 weeks to go!
Baby Growth: This week Blitzen is weighing almost 3 lb (the size of a head of cabbage) and is 15.7 inches long.
Belly Pictures: Since I’ve had some requests, I varied up my poses this week some for you guys (your welcome Kelly!). And I did the one thing I thought I wouldn’t do during this pregnancy…I showed you my bare belly. My belly button is sticking out now and I think it’s fun to see and I want to remember it. So shield your eyes!!!
My Symptoms: Starting to get those third trimester uncomfortable feelings π boo! my lower back for sure hurts pretty often and especially when I get up from laying flat. I’ve been trying to lay more to elevate my feet but then my back hurts so bad, so it’s a lose/lose situation! I’ve been waking up with mega foot/leg cramping and then have a hard time getting back to sleep. I think I forgot to mention this but my toe actually got a BAD cramp in it while at the Vegas Bash and I couldn’t move it! Freaked me out!
I’ve been battling some swelling which is funny to me because I didn’t swell at ALL while in Vegas or Disney but I get home and then swell. I think it’s honestly all the stress. I feel a lot, lot of stress. I’m drinking lots of water, elevating my legs when possible, and wearing my compression stockings. That’s really the best I can do because slowing down at this point isn’t an option!
Those are really my only pregnancy complaints and even those aren’t bad ones…I feel SO blessed to have been enjoying an overall easy, wonderful pregnancy. I feel like I’m one of those women that’s just meant to be pregnant and have babies. My body really responds well to it! I hope I’m this fortunate with my next pregnancies (although I guess it wouldn’t be a bad thing if the last pregnancy was tougher so I won’t feel so bad about it being my last! If they are all this wonderful I’ll never want to stop!!!).
I do feel like my pregnancy mask is super bad and it drives me NUTS. That’s really the only thing I’m ready to be done with as far as pregnancy goes. I LOVE my pregnant hair. I also honestly love my body. I enjoy the tummy and think it’s at a cute stage right now. The only downside is my back…it’s gross and one big lump but luckily it’s my back so it’s not that noticeable. At least not to me haha! I feel like I still have a good bit of energy and that I’ve really done way better this pregnancy with my moods. I know it was tough on Zach the first time around so I have tried hard to be NICE. You’d have to ask him to know for sure how we’ll I’ve done haha π
Weight: I was SHOCKED when I weighed myself!!! I haven’t weighed-in since I was 27 weeks pregnant and I’ve gained a little less than 3 lb since then. That’s about 1 lb per week and only 12 lb total! Pretty awesome! 10 weeks (or less) left…maybe I’ll actually only gain 20 which would be awesome.
Gender: We think we have decided a girls name. Not 100% sure yet though…but we both like it and, yes, found it on the internet. It’s our only option now! Kye now says he’s having a girl and a sister. He says he wants a brother but when you ask him what the baby is he says sister. Maybe he got the same impression his parents did from the 4D ultrasound! I feel kinda nervous if it is a girl. I only know how to have a boy. How will I dress a girl?!?! What do you do with them? I mean you don’t make a bunch of sound effects all the time…it’ll be an adventure for sure!
Maternity Clothes: The pants are SO annoying. They fall down constantly! All of the ones friends have given me or let me borrow (thanks Crissy and Kelly!) fit better than any of mine do from last pregnancy. Still am not wearing the tops…they look SO big and frumpy. I can only wear mens xl tshirts to bed now, all my mens smalls and mediums are too tight on the belly and lots of my pjs pants are feeling tight too. Also my size small undies are too little…busting out the mediums! My 36C bra still feels fine though!
Movement: You can SEE which side of my stomach Blitzen is laying on. Like my whole stomach goes to that side. It’s neat when I can feel kicking and hiccups at the same time. I’m pretty sure Blitzen is head-down but we’ll know for sure at the next ultrasound!
Sleep: Def not at easy as it used to be…would like for the leg cramps to quit and my back to feel better and my swelling to go away so I can sleep better! At least this cool weather makes for some good sleeping when I DO fall asleep!
Cravings: A lot more snacky than I have been…and I cooked THREE times this week which is unheard of for me during pregnancy. I just NEEDED healthy foods. After all the junk eating at Disney and in Vegas I was just needing some home cooked yumminess. Plus I want to enjoy dinners as a family of three before life gets chaotic! I did make a batch of cocoa-no-bakes this week too though…
What I Miss: not being swollen!
Questions/Concerns: The swelling…def need to ask about that. Plan to ask about the lower back thing too just to see if there’s anything I can do to help it. Also need to get another updated copy of my prenatal records for Hawaii. And plan to bring the 4D pictures to have them look and make sure everything looks healthy with Blitzen! I’m a little nervous about the baby’s position and hope he or she is head-down and ready to go at the appointment. I’m also interested to see how big Blitzen is! I have a feeling this baby is gonna be over 8 lb (I want to submit my OWN guess in the Blitzen Baby Pool! Have you done yours yet? Seems like everyone so far is betting on a smaller baby!)
Goals for the Week: Ugh, I don’t even wanna start. I have SO SO SO much on my plate that I’m beyond stressed. I do feel proud that I’ve completely finished with Kye’s Christmas shopping and I’m on the verge of being done with Mom and over halfway done with Zach (those are the main 3 I have to buy for!) as far as the other people go, I only have Zach’s sisters and my dad and Audrey left! I’m knocking it out and my goal is to be done before my birthday so I can start wrapping π I really need to do Bradley though. Like for real. A LOT of it is on my shoulders to do on my own and I don’t even have time to think about it during the day. Makes me nervous about delivery day!!!!!
Notes from Pregnancy #1: I wrote a blog entry all about being 30 weeks pregnant and it’s great to compare! Reading it makes me excited for my third pregnancy so I’ll be able to compare each week since I did such a better job this time of tracking everything. I FOR SURE look waaaaaay better this time around than I did then…even with my legit belly showing don’t you think???? We had the prepared child birth classes (night one and night two) and enjoyed them both. Since we aren’t taking them this time around I did read through them and need to remember to pack lots of snacks in the hospital bag for Zach! Reading those actually makes me think about lots of lists I need to start making…I haven’t even THOUGHT about stuff to pack for the hospital. My how things change from the first pregnancy π Unfortunately, I didn’t keep a journal during this week for some reason so I have no clue what else was going on with us!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
You look adorable in your photos and I am so happy for you!! I hope to see you and the new addition soon!! :-)Lots of Love,Elisabeth
EM! Thank you!!! I love the belly pics this week! You are adorable, friend :-)Fyi, i had BAD cramping w/ Mack. Worse than w/ Rhyan. Idk why. I drank more water w/ Mack (cause it was hot as hades). I started eating a banana each day w/ lunch and that seemed to help some (the potassium helps, or so i'm told). Mine would hurt so bad i'd wake up and cry (which i NEVER cry if i'm hurting, but they'd straight up SCARED me cause i couldnt get it to stop!). I'm sorry you're having them! Ouch!And you'll do great if its a girl. I wondered the same thing about having a boy. What will i do?! But then, it came as natural as could be. (um, so far! but then, he's still an infant and doesnt "do" much yet! HA!). Anyhoo, you'll do great. I'm voting girl, for sure, after seeing the 4D. If it is a boy, he's gonna be a pretty little thing π lol!And i'm dying to see your birth plan. So add that to your list of stresses. kelly demands a birth plan post π
Love it!
I am so happy for you as well. I hope ou continue to do well. I have had leg cramping for about a month now. I am now at 30 weeks adn 4 days now