Today I’m linking up for the first time with “5 on Friday!” With our recent Disney trip fresh on my mind I thought it’d be fun to share my top 5 Disney Magical Moments.
Every trip to Disney is special and magical. But every time I visit the happiest place on Earth I always experience an extra special moment at some point on my trip. It’s not something you can plan for or even anticipate, it just happens. That moment where you just feel so overcome with happiness that you could cry. It’s a time that even just remembering it brings back that happy sunshine feeling 🙂
ONE: I grew up visiting Disney relatively often but as an adult I have a whole new love of all things Disney. For my 25th Birthday we got to celebrate at Magic Kingdom! Disney was offering free admission on your birthday that year and it really was one of my all time favorite birthdays. I got to enjoy my happiest place with my two favorite people (Zach and my friend Ashley). We had a BLAST! My magical moment from that day was meeting Ariel. She’s my favorite princess and I remember how Zach and Ashley were so sweet to wait in line for 45 min with me to meet her. I was nursing Kye at the time and since he wasn’t with us I had to go pump so I pumped while they waited. It was so nice of them and gave me that special moment on my special day!
TWO: This past Disney Day was very special because it was a day we hadn’t planned on for far in advance and a day we just really lived it up! The Magical Moment that day came from a $3 ice cream. Kye had been talking about this “spaceship ice cream” since he saw it on a sign the last time we visited back in September. That moment when he got to finally eat the treat of his dreams was beyond precious. It’s one of my favorite pictures of him because you can just see the TRUE joy on his sweet face!!!
THREE: When we visited Magic Kingdom with Zach’s family it was DOWNPOUR rain ALL DAY. Like, legit, non-stop raining. We made the best of it but had to pretty much spend all of our time rushing to the next attraction to get out of the rain. Kinda kills the magic. I was thankful his family got to experience Disney but don’t feel they got a TRUE experience due to the bad weather. I didn’t expect to have my typical “magic moment” that day either but I was surprised! We were racing past the castle to go to Tomorrowland and the rain just REALLY came down hard. Kye, at that time, wasn’t a big fan of being wet so I went to check on him in the stroller, expecting to see him upset and crying. Instead? He was having a BLAST and was riding with his mouth wide open, trying to catch the rain drops!!!
FOUR: At the end of our Disney Day this past September we got hit with rain (us and rain seem to be a “thing” huh?) right as the fireworks were coming to an end. We headed into a nearby shop on Main Street and did a little shopping! While Zach was at check out Kye and I tried on all the different Mouse Ears. We were both cracking up and just having a special moment between us. We decided to hide and scare Zach once he got done checking out and as we sat a giggled together I knew it would be a special moment I wouldn’t ever forget!
FIVE: My all time most magical moment at Disney happened on our first trip with Kye. He had been really obsessed with Toy Story and especially Woody. Meeting Woody and Jessie was on our “must do” list and we did it our first day at Magic Kingdom. They were actually the first Disney characters Kye had met and it was a PRECIOUS moment. ALL of us had tears falling down our cheeks watching him as he got to meet Woody and Jessie. It still gives me chills remembering it. He was SO excited and so proud. He gave Jessie a kiss and just didn’t want to leave his visit with them. He wore a HUGE smile and it was my most magical moment yet!
I’m SO excited to take Britt next February for her first trip. I’m so pumped to see what Magical Moments are to come and am eager to have her as a part of these precious memories for me! Do you have a “magical moment” when you visit the parks? There truly is nothing happier to me than some Disney Magic! Be sure to join the link-up and share your five things today!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025