This is Tess’s 8th birthday letter from her father – birthday wishes for 8 year old daughter from Dad!
Each year Zach and I write happy birthday wishes for each of our children in the form of an annual birthday letter.
This is a way for us to honor their special day and my hope is to create a book filled with letters to gift them when they each turn 18!
How neat will that be to receive a book filled with 18 years of heartfelt birthday wishes from their parents?
As part of our touching birthday wishes, we also include all the photos of each of us with the birthday boy or girl showing the previous year filled with happiness and wonderful memories!
My precious daughter. I hate to tell you but you are a year older. I know you want to stay 7 forever but Father Time always wins. You are 8!! Like it or not. Haha
You have grown in so many ways this past year. You are still very very funny. I hope that never changes. Being able to make people laugh is such a good quality to have. It always cheers me up.
I know you don’t want to hear this either, but you are looking so much more grown. My Babyface little girl Tessie is a thing of the past.
One thing that really stands out about you is your love for Spear. You are a second little mother to him.
I always laugh when I hear you getting on to him down the hallway or in the other room. You already have a motherly tone. You are already a sweet daughter and I know one day you will be an amazing mother – I can’t wait to see it.
I have also enjoyed our “dates” this year. Our house is always loud and our family life has a lot going on.
Sometimes it is hard to connect with each kid. That’s why I love our one on one time and a day filled with memories with my darling daughter!
I know it does not happen often, but when it does it’s so special. I really get to listen to you and focus on my beautiful girl.
You are such a special person. You are my sweet baby girl and you make such a positive impact on someone’s day with your kindness and just being YOU. You make my day all the time and the world is a better place because my wonderful daughter, my forever baby girl, is in it!
I am wishing you a happy birthday filled with lots of fun and joy and hoping that all your 8th birthday wishes come true!
I love you my amazing daughter!
Love, Daddy
There you have it! Tess’s 8th birthday wishes from dad to daughter. You can also read Zach’s precious birthday wishes to his dearest daughter Tess here:
- 7th letter of birthday wishes daughter from Dad
- 6th lovely daughter Birthday Letter
- 5th unique birthday wishes to Tess
- 4th beautiful daughter birthday wishes from dad
- 3rd Birthday Letter to Tessie
- 2nd funny birthday wishes to Tess from Dad
- 1st birthday letter for Tess
- Tess’s birth story – from dad’s perspective
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025