Does anyone else feel like this summer has flown by?!?! I feel like it just started and already Kye is preparing to go back to school! It’s a tough balance having two kids sometimes. I feel a lot of guilt that Kye is stuck at the house alllll the time due to Brittlynn’s schedule. However, I know that scheduling is worth it and I just have to remind myself that our family as a whole may have to sacrifice some for the first year of each babies’ life but that it’s well worth it. That year of sacrifices will benefit our entire family in the long-run 🙂
Now that Brittlynn is nursing quicker and since she doesn’t eat solids at the 3:00 feeding, we have more free time in the afternoons. I want to go outside some but it’s SO hot. Luckily we have a wonderful pecan tree in our backyard to provide us with some shade 🙂 I thought it’d be fun to let Brittlynn play on a blanket with her toys while Kye got to draw with some chalk! I LOVE that Britt is sitting so well now and can do things like this. I have heard so many times that life gets tougher when baby #2 starts being mobile but I think things will get easier. Not having to constantly hold a baby in my arms frees me up for sure!!!
I was originally going to have us use the chalk on the driveway but there was NO SHADE for Brittlynn to sit in so that’s why we headed out back. I was a little nervous that Zach might be upset about Kye using chalk on the cool decking. And he wasn’t too happy about it but he understood my reasoning. Zach’s not a big chalk fan in general. He thinks it looks “junky”
Kye LOVED it and took his drawings very seriously
I think he liked having an audience too 🙂
There were stories behind everything he drew, this age is SO fun because he is really getting quite an imagination!
Thinking about what to draw next
Brittlynn was not really interested very much in her toys. We had a routine. She would sit there, I’d hand her a toy, then she’d lean down and stretch and grab some grass, then I’d sit her back up and hand her a toy again…she was VERY persistent about eating that grass! It’s all natural right? 😉
One happy boy!
Kye likes order and structure (shocker) and wanted every piece of chalk in a line
Brittlynn not only wanted the grass, she also wanted MY attention (as always)
Snack break time!
Kye’s people
Brittlynn got over it after about 10-15 minutes. She’s a BABY. It’s understandable. But I felt bad dragging Kye inside when he was having so much fun. I don’t feel comfortable leaving him outside on his own (especially not right next to the pool!) so I tried to keep Brittlynn occupied the best I could in order for Kye to enjoy his fun. He had SUCH a great time drawing and making up stories…
He asked me to draw him a cat. Watch out for my artistic skills haha
Getting messy only adds to the fun!
You can hear parts of Kye’s wonderful chalky tale here!
(I love that he’s the hero of the story)
I’m glad Kye was able to get outside for a bit and it was good for Brittlynn too! She may have gotten fussy towards the end but we all have to make sacrifices for our family sometimes…even the baby ;)Any good suggestions on fun things Kye can do at home to mix things up a bit???
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025