About 6 months ago we ran a t-shirt campaign as a fundraiser for our adoption. It was such a great success and we appreciate everyone who placed an order for a shirt and have LOVED seeing people wear them (I’d LOVE photos of y’all rocking your shirts…be sure to use the hashtag #teamparkeradopts on Instagram OR email me the photos to journeyofphood@gmail.com). Once people started receiving their shirts and wearing them, we had TONS of requests of others who wanted to place an order. Now here’s your chance!
We’ve officially been matched with an amazing birth mom and appreciate all the prayers and support throughout this entire journey. These shirts are so special to us as the phrase “step out in faith” has been our motto throughout this process. Adoption has been a BIG leap of faith for our family and it’s been so incredible to see where God has continued to lead us through it. We cannot wait to see all the ways He will continue to write this story! If you’d like to catch up on all the details of our adoption journey you can visit our adoption page here 🙂
We now know that the cost for this adoption is much higher than we had initially anticipated. Just to the lawyer’s office alone we have to pay $43,000. That doesn’t include all the costs involved with home study, our consultant costs, or travel expenses. (Total we’re probably looking at close to $55,000 by the end of everything). Whew. That’s NO JOKE.
For every shirt sold we get around $13 towards our adoption savings! If you’d prefer to make a direct donation you can use PayPal friends and family to avoid fees (my PayPal email is deliasgoddess33@aol.com).
We have raised $2500 through fundraising so far ($1000 from the last shirt campaign and $1500 from our yard sale!). We are SO appreciative! Our original plan had been to only do the shirts and yard sale as fundraising opportunities but I’ve had many people suggest a puzzle campaign as well so be on the look out for that hopefully in October 🙂
There are TONS of colors and styles to choose from…including long sleeved, kids sizes and even hoodies! If you’ve seen anyone wearing them then you’ll know these shirts are fabulous quality and super soft…
Ready to shop? Here’s the direct link to the shirts!
Shirt campaign will end on September 16th!
Once that deadline passes you will NOT be able to place any additional orders. I had several people contact me last time around asking to buy a shirt but I don’t have any control over that and they place a bulk order at the deadline so after Sept 16th that’s it!
I’d also like to give a BIG THANKS to DeReimer Designs for the incredible shirt design and to Captured by Colson for taking these adorable pics of our kids wearing their shirts!
As always we appreciate the love, prayers and support! I don’t want anyone to feel pressure at all to get a shirt but did want to run this again mostly because so many people did ask about getting one and now that we’re matched I know more people may want to have a shirt to wear in support 🙂 Thank you again!!!
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