Keeping this BIG Baby News has been soooooo hard for me! I had MANY of yall contact me and say you thought I was pregnant b/c I kept posting up stuff about pregnancy and baby things but now you know why haha I’ve been over the moon thrilled for Casey and Jordan and want to help them in every way I possibly can 🙂
They wanted to wait until they were 12ish weeks along to make the official announcement. I wanted to tell everyone I knew right away but knew it wasn’t my news to share and waited patiently for them to announce it when they were ready!
Casey found lots of different ideas she wanted to use to announce their news so she got the supplies together for them all and we went down to a pecan farm near my house and I snapped some pics for them. I gotta say, my camera is LEGIT! I think these all turned out great!
Also back over Labor Day Casey and I were in a grocery store with Mrs. Charlotte and Casey mentioned a baby name she liked: BRANCH. I instantly busted out laughing. I couldn’t help it. Branch Bacon? Those of you that know me personally know I don’t laugh a lot. I’m just not a big laugher but occasionally I will laugh so hard I cry…and I totally did in that moment. I felt SO bad b/c I knew she was being serious about liking the name but I couldn’t control myself! Thankfully they had already decided not to use it…I told her can you imagine if they waited until the baby was born and we were all in the labor and delivery room and she said “Branch Bacon!” and I cracked up like that? I would have felt SO BAD!!!! Of course we are now calling the baby Branch as a nick name until they announce the real one!
Here are all of the announcement pics to share the Branch news with the world!!!
No it’s not triplets…the baby is DUE on 6/13/14 I can’t believe anyone thought it meant three babies haha
Love this!
My Favorite!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Which picture did they use!? These are adorable!
Something else to consider is your home stylistic theme. It's hard to believe, but it's true; you don't need to forfeit the extravagance look since you have your little scrambler circling. Best Baby Gates