We headed back to the house for some hardcore SLEEP then had big plans to hit the park late into the night!
I had a plan to do something we’ve never done before and it’s not a “typical Emily” thing to do. I’m SO hardcore about my plan and itinerary that I don’t often partake in things at Disney that are spontaneous and require you to be more “go with the flow.” It was such an unnatural moment for our family and Zach didn’t love it haha. I know people think I am the hardcore planner but Zach truly thrives on the plans I make and doesn’t prefer the go with the flow moments!
We hung out a bit to just take advantage of a spontaneous activity and it payed off. The kids had a BLAST while we waited and made little friends so quickly and just had a great time running and playing.
Daddy watched tv on his phone
Kye couldn’t resist to play and play too!
Making friends with younger kids so she could be bossy 😉
Our hanging out paid off and we got to meet some special characters!
While this wasn’t something Zach enjoyed hanging around for, I LOVED IT. It felt so magical getting to meet characters so casually and it’s something I’d love to do again and again!
Alladin (as Prince Ali no less!!!)
He told them a story all about camel racing haha
Bert was our fav! He was awesome and danced with the kids AND had Kye tell a joke haha
Pocahontas in her winter attire – so pretty
Once we got going back on our itinerary, it was still a VERY chill one. We didn’t have a lot to accomplish and were mostly just “killing time” until our Toy Story fastpass and seeing Fantasmic!
We haven’t watched the Star Wars stage show in awhile and if you have a Star Wars fan I truly recommend it because you get to see SO many characters!
Not scared at all 😉
Britt was holding Tess’s hand the whole time and protecting her…so sweet!
Yay for BB8!!!
It was SO COOL seeing Rey!!! She even looked RIGHT at Britt and Britt about DIED. It was so so cool!
We haven’t ever watched the Star Wars movie in Launch Bay. We thought it was going to be little clips of the films and that it’d be fun for Tess to see! It actually ended up being more of a commercial showing all the different Star Wars things out (movies, tv shows, games, etc). But everyone still enjoyed it!
She thought she had just watched a legit Star Wars movie haha!
When I saw this pic in my Disney photos on my app I about died. My husband stopped at a photo spot and got a picture?!?! Who is this man?!?!
Zach had passes for the kids to ride Star Tours again and Kye didn’t want to so just Britt and Zach got to enjoy it together!
I kept Kye and Tess in the Star Wars gaming area!
Yay for some family pics! These turned out so cute and made me wish Spear was there!!!
Our fastpass for Toy Story was SO LATE. We rode it and then headed to see Fantasmic!
It’s interesting now with us having so many kids how to make it work on rides!
Kids cannot ride solo unless they are 7 years old, each. So Kye can ride solo but he can’t ride with Britt because she’s not 7. If it’s a ride where we all are sitting in the same physical seat area (like boat rides) the kids can sit together in front of us. But rides with separate cars, they must be over age 7. This will all be a bit tricky for the times I take the kids solo! But for this trip it worked okay for Zach and I to have the girls and Kye to ride solo! It makes me thankful we have kids spread out in ages haha
Toy Story Mania Time!
Riding Solo!
We’re gonna be number ONE!
Tess did SO well playing on her own and I actually got to play as well!
Kye LOVED being solo. He’s so much like I am with competitive type situations…he felt less pressure with no one there watching him!
We had dinner reservations for after Fantasmic so we decided to splurge a little and get some snacks!
The kids shared a frozen lemonade and Zach and I each got something!
YUM. MY FAV Disney Snack!
Waiting for the show!
Someone started the wave while we waited and it was such a neat moment to me. I loved seeing all of the visitors who weren’t from America get SO excited about it. Everyone had their phones out taking videos of the wave. It was really cool and just reminded me that so many visit our country and that Disney is often their first impression of what being an American is!
We saw Fantasmic for the first time on our last visit to Hollywood Studios and we LOVED it. We all agreed it was our favorite night show. It was even BETTER this time. Not only because we had better seats but also because there was no rain. We loved, loved, loved it!
I hear a lot that it’s very scary for young kids, but we didn’t have any issues at all about that. There is a storyline and a happy ending and if you talk through it all with your children I think they will be fine!
Video of Mickey and the dragon
Video of the boat at the end (currently only place you can see Moana at the parks!)
We had a pretty late dinner at Sci-Fi but it was worth it! It’s SUCH a fun place to eat and is somewhere I highly recommend 🙂
She was SO CASHED on the drive home! The house is only like 10 min away from the parks and she still had time to fall asleep haha!
We had an awesome afternoon and just really chill time at the parks which I LOVE. People wonder if going to the parks more often will make it lose it’s “magic” for me but I think the exact opposite is true. I LOVE being more relaxed at the parks!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025