A perk of having two kids with birthdays so close together is that they can typically schedule their annual well visits at the same time. Never mad about that 😉
I know at some point Britt may need/want her own individual appointment but, for now, she actually enjoys the solo time with Mom and Spear. We had both of their pediatrician well-visits on December 13th. Spear had just turned four and Britt had just turned ten!
Up first let’s talk about Spear Man 🙂
I was VERY proud of Spear’s behavior for this visit. He def acted more like a “big boy” than he ever has before and was very patient, tough, and obedient which made it easier on Mama as well as the staff at the dr office.
He had his first vision check and did well.
At four years old Spear weighs 35 lbs (50th percentile) and is 3 foot 2.5 inches tall – 40 inches! (25th percentile).
Compared to his 3 year well check he was: 36.5 inches tall (in the 45th percentile) and weighs 30 lbs (in the 20th percentile). (I also laughed bc he’s wearing almost the exact same shirt in both of these posts!). He grew a little under 4 inches in one year which is great as well as 5 lbs.
Compared to his siblings:
Kye at his 4 year well check was 39 inches tall (25th percentile) and 36 pounds (50th percentile)
At Britt’s 4 year well check she was 41.5 inches tall (76th percentile) and 34.5 lbs (45th percentile)
Tess at her 4 year well check was 39.25 inches tall (49th percentile), 31 lbs (11th percentile)
Spear is still falling in the range of being taller/bigger than Tessie but behind Kye and Britt which isn’t surprising. This was the year that Kye had a BIG growth spurt too! Spear’s a little guy but still just as tough as the bigger kids his age, trust me! I’m so interested to see where he ends up in height as an adult since we don’t really have a whole lot of insight into his genes with that situation. His birth mom is about my same height!
Spear was really cute during his vision and hearing checks. He had us laughing as he shot his little hand up in the air every time he heard the “bird chirp”. His vision was fantastic but he did, yet again, fail the hearing. We had to do the internal check and we finally just decided to pass him which sounds crazy but last year he failed and we had to spend almost $400 out of pocket to see the same ENT dr that always says he’s fine only to tell us that, yup, he’s fine. So we called it good for now and I’m in the works on getting him an appointment at an out of town ENT dr to get a second opinion as I’ve NEVER been impressed with our local option.
We didn’t have any concerns to really discuss during the appointment. I talked to her about how he is still tee-teeing in his diaper at nap time and bedtime and she said it’s a developmental skill you can’t rush and just to be patient with it.
We also discussed his eczema a bit. It is still under control but he takes both Singular and Zyrtec daily which I just don’t love. I worry about the potential side effects with Singular and the dr said to just look out for any aggression as that’s the only real concern with Singular at this age. He’s been on both for a couple years now and if we do by chance miss a night or something he itches 🙁 So I know he needs them and they are helping but I hope one day he won’t need them anymore!
So thankful for a healthy boy and a great check up report for him!
Britt struggled a bit with her vision test, mostly with her left eye. We’ve done the whole eye doctor thing before with her and her vision exam was flawless but I know I hardcore needed glasses so I want to make sure to stay on top of any potential vision concerns so it’s worth getting her an appointment just to make sure things are still good to go for her.
She did, however, technically pass the vision and they didn’t refer her for any further vision testing. She also did great with her hearing test and no concerns there!
At 10 years old Britt is 72 lbs (50th percentile) and 4 foot 8.5 inches tall, so roughly 58 inches, (75th percentile). They guesstimated she will be around 5’6″ in adulthood. The online Baby Center Height Prediction thing I’ve always used predicts she’ll be around 5’8″ so we’ll see!
At her 9 year well visit she was 54 1/4 inches tall (80th percentile) and 64 lbs (45th percentile).
She’s slowed down a bit in her height percentile wise but still had quite the large growth spurt this year!
Compared to Kye at his 10 year well visit who was 54.12″ tall (4’6.12 inches) which is the 50th percentile. He’s also 67.2 pounds which is in the 48th percentile.
So she’s continuing her trend of being taller than Kye at each yearly visit – she def loves that fact 😉
We didn’t have any concerns to further discuss with Britt. She’s not showing any of the telltale signs of puberty yet which is a surprise to me as by her age I’d already started my period! I know she’s so athletic that it can slow down that process a bit and, truly, the longer she can put that off the better, right?!
Always so proud of my babies and always thankful to the Lord for blessing each of them with their good health!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025