Britt turned 20 Months old on August 6th!

I found an old dress of mine from when I was Britt’s age (I wish I had a picture of me in it but I don’t!) and I thought it’d be fun to play dress up for her pictures this month 🙂
Once again I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to see where Britt is compared with the “norms” for her age.
At 20 months old Britt can do all the things a toddler her age should be able to do including:
- use an object in imitation
- use a spoon/fork
- run
Brit can also do all the things a 20 month old may possibly be able to do including:
- combine words
- identify one picture by naming
- name 6 body parts
- throw a ball overhand
- speak and be understood half the time
- use 50+ single words
Britt can also do all of the things a toddler her age may even be able to do including:
- identify four pictures by pointing
- build a tower of 6 cubes
This month I dealt with a little aggression from Britt…I mentioned it in her monthly review but she pushed two children at the Chick Fil A playground. This chapter lists several reasons children at this age may show aggressive type behavior:
- a drive for independence and identity
- frustration
- egocentricity (and lack of empathy)
- lack of impulse control
- inability to foresee consequences
- lack of social proficiency
- lack of verbal facility
- interest in cause and effect
In our
This chapter discusses SEVERAL options of how to deal with aggression if it becomes an issue with a toddler.
Thankfully, this was a one time case for us so far but it’s good to know where to find the tips if I need them later on!
Most of this chapter did discuss aggression and behavior issues. I did read a section about the importance of transitions with a toddler.
I am always mindful to help my kids transition as I know it
The other main focus of this chapter was about toddler fears. Maybe it’s not the norm but both of my kids, as toddlers, didn’t have ANY fears.
We can watch a movie and Britt doesn’t get afraid but Kye, at the preschooler age, will be scared. Kye didn’t start being fearful until he was like 3 or so and Britt seems to be the same way!
You can compare to Britt’s 19th month here and Kye’s 20th month here! Enjoy more pics of my cute girl rockin’ her mamas style from 1985!
Happy and Sweet can turn to Miserable and Sour in a second with a toddler 😉
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024