Britt’s summary from April!
Drawing: I really never thought Britt would be nearly as into drawing/coloring/writing as Kye has always been. I know it’s not the norm for kids their ages to enjoy just sitting and writing. I especially know that a child like Britt who is NON STOP MOVING wouldn’t typically like to just sit and draw. But she’s surprised me! She really does enjoy it and will ask (even when Kye’s not home) if she can draw. She always asks “how do you draw a B?” and I tell her “draw a line down” and she says “hmm hmm that’s right” and then I tell her to draw two humps over and she says “hmm hmm that’s right” meanwhile she just scribbles haha. But I guess she thinks she’s following my instructions 😉
Motor Skills: Having a second child I don’t think I pay as much attention to her milestones as much as I did Kye. It’s not that I don’t care about her milestones and development, it’s that I really just don’t notice. I can’t remember how old he was when he could do certain things, ya know? But I will say I can def see an improvement in Britt’s fine motor skills. When we made the snack necklaces last summer she couldn’t come close to getting anything on the string…but this year she could do most of the items herself. And she did a great job not eating them until we had completed the necklaces 🙂
Helping: While Britt isn’t AS big into helping as Kye is…she does really enjoy it. It’s interesting to me how kids do naturally fall into the stereotypical gender roles. If you asked Kye if he’d rather help Zach build something or help me cook, he’d choose help build. If you asked Britt the same question she’d for sure say help cook. She LOVES to help me in the kitchen! I’m glad she has shown some interest in helping with the nursery as I think it’s sweet that this baby is so loved by his or her older siblings 😉
Britt is still at an age where her helpfulness isn’t really truly helpful. I remember when I had Britt Kye wasn’t truly that helpful until she was about 6 months old (and he was roughly 3 years old). So I am anticipating the same kind of thing when we have Leo since the age difference is the same! The effort is there and I appreciate that she wants to be helpful…but usually it causes me more work! Like how she “helped” take all the laundry baskets to her bathroom…
Sweet Girl: Britt is really starting to enjoy doing sweet things which I am eating up! She loves to play with my hair and I’m so thankful that Kye has taught her this 😉
One day Jordan was over and Britt rubbed his feet! I sent Casey this text and told her that Jordan said “this is what women should be doing” haha of course he didn’t really say that but Britt def earned some Uncle Jordan points 😉
Lining Up: Another thing I remember about Kye from around this age is how he would take out ALL of his toys and line them all up. Britt is doing that same thing. Child will pull out every toy she can find and put things in lines or little piles everywhere. Super annoying for a pregnant mama to deal with! Thankfully she’s also pretty good about cleaning it all up 😉
Appetite: I recently told a friend that a toddler’s appetite is like feast or famine. And it’s so true. Britt will go through a phase where she barely eats anything and then she’ll go through a phase where she can’t get enough. It’s hard to keep up! One morning this month she ate: ½ banana,2 prunes, a large handful of multigrain cheerios, handful of frozen peas, 2 slices of cheese, handful of raisins mixed with yogurt raisins, blueberries, an entire package of oatmeal and 2 whole graham crackers. No joke.
She even likes pickles!
School: I am SO glad Britt is starting school in the fall. She really, really wants to go and I know she will be upset that she’s not going to get to go everyday with Kye! She cries many mornings because she wants to go to school and she constantly asks to take her book bag. Which is kinda my fault because when Pottery Barn Kids had their book bags on sale I happened to have a coupon so I went ahead and let her choose her book bag for school. That only made her MORE hardcore about wanting to go! She LOVED that we went to Chapel with Kye for Wacky Wednesday! She had so much fun and sang all the songs and did all the dances. It was adorable!
We ran errands after Chapel and she wore all her tacky gear 😉
Outside: Britt really loves the outdoors. She always has! She’s much more of an “outdoor girl” than I am for sure! She enjoys finding rocks (“cookies”), putting things in her car and pushing it around, and just drinking LOTS of water!
Dates: Zach and I are trying our best to enjoy one on one time with each kid while it’s still easy to do so. Right now I can take one and he can take one and we both get a solo date! Once Leo arrives it’ll be a little trickier to work out that one on one time with each child. This month Britt and I had a couple really fun adventures together! Anytime we have a Saturday together just us we usually will go shopping and then eat at Chicken Salad Chick. Such girl time!!!
Zach and Britt also went on a date. I LOVE how seriously he takes it and how he picks out matching outfits for them to wear 🙂 So cute!
Play: Kye and Britt are playing better and better together. They still fight often but not nearly as bad as they used to and I’m able to give them toys, let them enjoy them together, and get things done 🙂 It’s a blessing!!!
Princess: Britt loves this crown that my niece got for her! She wears it ALL the time and for the first time this month she will say she’s someone other than herself. She is really understanding the concept of pretend. When she wears the crown and we ask her what her princess name is she says “Princess Anna!” It cracks me up how serious she is in this picture about it haha
Public Behavior: I go and do things a LOT more with Britt than I ever did with Kye at this age. Since Kye is in school we can easily run errands and things and when Zach and Kye go golfing, we usually go shop! She does REALLY well out and about and truly ENJOYS it which is so fun! Just like any other toddler though she’ll have her moments and it’s funny how differently I handle public outbursts now with my second kid than with my first. I don’t get embarrassed at all about it and just handle the discipline the way I need to handle it in that moment. I’ve taken her to the bathroom and spanked her, she’s lost privileges etc. But I’m NOT leaving the store. Usually if a fit happens it’s at check out so I just finish checking out and deal with the screaming toddler. It was funny one day at Hobby Lobby she lost it at check out and then saw this rocking horse and was totally pumped and happy about it. Then it was time to leave and she got all upset again about having to leave the horse haha. Somedays you just can’t please a toddler!
Sunglasses: Britt LOVES to wear sunglasses. Which is no surprise since the child is an accessory queen 🙂 It’s so funny b/c she wants to wear them all the time, even inside. If I give her some sunglasses she will wear them ALL DAY. Everywhere we go! It’s too cute!
On this day she even wore the sunglasses to two stores and out to eat for lunch!
Other Things with Britt This Month:
- One day she woke up from her nap and was saying “I can’t find him! I can’t find him!” I went in and asked who she was looking for and she said “Zurg! I can’t find him!” Then she said “Oh! He’s a Disney World, not in my room!” haha
- Zach put the kids to bed solo one night because I was out running errands and she started crying after he had tucked her in. He went to check on her and she said “I just love Mommy so much!”
- At Chick Fil A one morning she couldn’t climb up the steps of the tall playground so I helped push her up. Then she figured it out on her own and got better and better each time she attempted it. Another kid had seen all this and said “Man! That little girl is even faster than me now!”
- We are at a really great place with Britt’s ability to obey. She rarely requires spankings anymore which is SUCH a blessing!
- Here’s a video of Britt trying on my new shoes and seeing if they fit her 😉
- I LOVE Britt’s little voice and her excitement. So I tried to take several videos this month because I know her sweet little way of saying things will change SO FAST! Here’s a video of her talking about how much she loves crocodiles (her fav animal!) and here is one of her discussing her stuffed animals!
- Whenever we watch movies Britt get’s really excited about seeing the Disney castle 🙂 Here’s a video of her describing what she’s seeing and another one that shows the excitement a little better!
- Britt also really loves to sing! Here’s a video of her being silly and singing, and another of her singing Zippity Do Dah, and another video of her singing “Let It Go”
A few more pics of my cute little girl!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
She has the best head of hair I've ever seen on a 2 year old! So pretty!