Here is Britt’s summary from Feb!
Olive’s Party: I really, really need to do a better job planning some play dates for Olive and Britt to get together. Britt LOVES her. Like will talk about how Olive is her friend and everything! She was really excited about Olive’s party and it was so cute how many little girls were there!
She spent a lot of the time on the trampoline…wild child!
And Olive really liked the Minnie Mouse toy set Britt got her!
Haha sexxxxxxy
First “Sick” Visit: Right before the Disney trip Britt had a bit of a fever and I was nervous. Kye had gotten strep right before his first Disney visit and I didn’t want to wait it out and risk Britt being sick on her first trip. So I took her to the walk-in clinic for the first time in her LIFE. Isn’t that crazy?!?! I mean to be over 2 years old and have never gone to the doctor other than for well visits?!?! She was a little angel during the whole thing and I KNEW while we were there that she wasn’t even sick at all. I could just tell because when Kye is sick he is pitiful and she was happy as could be haha. When they checked her out they confirmed it…they said she just had a mix of teething and allergies and was fine! I don’t regret going because it was worth the co-pay to ease my mind for the trip, but I am glad she’s still on her never-been-sick streak! Let’s see how long this thing can keep on going!!!
Writing notes kept her happy while we waited!
And a Target cookie as a treat after, duh!
Helper: Britt LOVES to help me in the kitchen. Many mornings after we drop Kye off at school we get dinner ready and put in the crock pot for that night. She loves to help with each step and does a great job obeying and following directions. I will miss her help when she starts school in the fall!
She also enjoys to help with anything I ask Kye to do. I have started having Kye deliver the laundry baskets of clean clothes to everyone’s rooms and Britt jumps right in to help! When Kye has to clean up his toys or something she is always tight there helping too. I love that both of my children are such great helpers and truly have those servant hearts!
Taking Pictures: Britt loves to play with her toy bus and likes to stack up all the blocks on top of it to make a “tower.” I was watching her one day and she showed me her tower and then took her phone and took a picture of it haha. I cracked up! Guess she gets it honest huh? She probably doesn’t realize you’re supposed to talk on the phone b/c all she ever sees me do with mine is text or take pictures 😉
Spoons and Forks: I think a big advantage of Britt being the younger sibling is that she does want to be just like her brother and therefore picks up on skills a little earlier than she would if she were an only child. She is GREAT at using silverware and never uses her hands at all anymore. She often will use “grown up” silver wear as well and can handle it perfectly!
Puzzles: Who would have thought that my wild child would be such a puzzle lover? She truly enjoys puzzles and usually when I fix lunch now I will ask her if she’d rather watch a movie or do puzzles and she picks puzzles! She gets so proud that she can do them by herself! They always do puzzles at the start of bible class and I really think it’s where this love derived from 🙂
Reading: Britt has also really started to enjoy reading books on her own. She will sit quietly for extended periods of time just looking through books happily! I am SO thankful!!! It’s funny how nervous I used to be about her ability to sit still when she starts school, but I really think she will do awesome. She loves to go into Kye’s room when he’s at school and sit in his bed with his friends and read his books from his shelf 😉
Crown: My sweet niece was SO thoughtful for Valentine’s Day and sent the kids each a little something as a present! Wasn’t that super nice?!?! Britt LOVED her crown. Like as in won’t take it off she loves it so much!
Golf Cart: We’ve been golf cart owners now since Dec and I FINALLY took the thing out for my first drive with Britt one morning! The weather has just been too cold to do it and we enjoyed driving around the neighborhood. I do think it’s something we’ll get a lot of use out of when the weather is warmer and I know it’s something Zach already uses quite a bit!
Car Seat Recall: I appreciate ALL the people who contacted me during Feb regarding the recall of the Graco car seats. Yes, our seat for Britt WAS part of the recall. Yes, I do have our new buckles and YES they are MUCH easier to buckle and unbuckle than the old ones were! I know a lot of people are hating on Graco right now due to the massive recall, but I am not one of those people. I still 100% recommend the Graco Size4Me 70 as what I consider the best convertible car seat for extended rear facing. I hate that a lot of people will probably be deterred from buying this awesome seat just because of the recall of the harness buckle. It was a voluntary recall and a SIMPLE fix! So yes, we are keeping our seat and yes, I still recommend it! You can read my full review of it here 🙂 And if you are wanting to stay on top of car seat safety info and recalls…I recommend “liking” Car Seats for the Littles on Facebook!
Other Stuff from This Month:
- Kye got hurt at school this month from another little boy. When he told us the story in the car Britt kept saying “Me hurt ____!” (insert boy’s name) She is very protective of her brother!
- I love how she says “love you much!”
- Britt is for sure ready for school life in the fall bc most mornings she cries because she wants to go to school with Kye
- I LOVE this video and how it really shows exactly how dinner goes most nights with the kids! Zach wasn’t home so usually he’s there but it’s so cute how Britt copies just about everything Kye says 🙂
- When I put Britt to bed at night I’ve been wrapping her up like a burrito with her blanket and she loves it. I love being silly with her before bedtime
- Her favorite book is still Where the Wild Things Are and we read it just about nightly
- When I sing “you are my sunshine” Britt has started to sing it along with me 🙂
- She is a very, very slow eater. I have to remind her to eat her food b/c she will get so distracted and will take FOREVER
- Britt is really good at jumping with both feet off the ground…here’s a video!
- She really is an animal lover and enjoys giving all the pets kisses and talking to them
- She has FINALLY started to poop prior to naps rather than during naps
- Britt not only says “love you much” but she also now says “love you too” and “thank you much”
More Pics from This Month:
Ready for swim!
Sweet babies!
trying to be crazy in her poses like Kye 😉
dressed up for the father/daughter dance but still rockin’ that baseball hat!
pretty girl!
I drove up in the driveway greeted through the playroom window by these two!
using her umbrella in the rain!
giving Mommy kisses
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Where do you get her bows? They are so cute!