Britt Monthly Summary: July 2016

Just like in Kye’s post, pretty much everything about Britt this month was covered in the weekly summary recaps I wrote! I still like to have a monthly post for each kid so I’m doing a little summary of the month for Britt here πŸ™‚

This month was a month of transition for Britt. She struggled some in June with attitude issues and ended up having her first long-term punishment. It’s hard to parent poor choices, but it’s even harder to parent the heart. Britt was sneaky and told some lies in regards to eating some donuts. It was a HUGE learning opportunity for her and a parenting moment that Zach and I took VERY seriously. We both agreed (after talking to Zach’s parents for insight!) that having a long term punishment of missing out on treats for two whole weeks (including two vacations during that time period) would help her understand that being sneaky is sinful and lying is wrong. We don’t just want our kids to do right to avoid getting in trouble, we want them to WANT to choose God’s path! This lesson was HUGE for Britt and it’s like it turned a switch for her and things really started clicking. She became more loving, more of a helper, and just had a happier overall outlook on things! Even during her time of “restriction”! SO proud of her and how well she handled the punishment and what she learned through that process!!!

Sad to be missing her treats!

Britt is such a phenomenal big sister. Nothing makes me prouder as a mama than seeing my kids in the older sibling role! I love the way Tess looks up to her and I know that Britt takes that responsibility seriously!

She tends to get pretty bossy with Tess and likes to play “mommy” πŸ˜‰ 

Tess doesn’t mind being babied!

A big area where Britt has grown is in her servant heart. She especially shines in the kitchen. She LOVES to help Mommy bake and cook and enjoys the entire process. I know we’ll have many great talks in the kitchen as she grows up πŸ™‚

On Tess’s birthday Britt woke up super sad and said she didn’t want Tess to be two because Tess is supposed to be the baby πŸ™‚

We had lots of girl time this month together. Nails, shopping, “panty party”, beach time. We soaked up our quality time together and Britt is old enough where it’s truly FUN. I’ve been envious of Zach for a few years now that Kye is old enough for them to have great memories of “guy time” together and now Britt is able to participate in the girl time fun I’ve been waiting for! Britt really shines one on one and I’m so thankful for the opportunities we had this month to spend that kind of time together!

Britt has always been my most active child but also my BEST sleeper. From birth girl just has loved her sleep! She is a DEEP sleeper and still will nap for 4 hours easily if I let her. I love sneaking in and watching her sleep and even holding her hand and cuddling her while she’s out πŸ™‚ 

Straight chill mode!

Playing dress up with Mommy’s shoes!


Britt is SO full of life! She loves to laugh and have FUN and is always making everyone smile! I loved watching her at the beach…it’s truly her happy place

(girls trips in our future I’m sure!!!)

My sunshine! Now and forever!

Emily Parker

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