This post is all about Britt from March:
When Kye was in preschool his FAVORITE day of the year was Wacky Wednesday and Britt loves it too! She was SO PUMPED for it and went ALL OUT. Of course Tess and I had to get in on the fun too 🙂
Her school has Chapel on Wednesday mornings and they had a special Wacky Chapel. The girls loved seeing everyone so wacky, especially Mommy. They had a competition among the parents and we had to get up on stage and show off our looks…and guess who won first prize?!?!
The prize: toilet paper, toilet brush and toilet bowl cleaner. Pretty awesome!
Tess and I also visited Britt’s class again this month for her Easter celebration. I was a tad nervous about how it would go down with Tess b/c she LOVES egg hunts. I just brought along some of our own eggs for her to find and it went well. They had each student have a certain number/letter that they had to find and they could only pick up the eggs with their special marking on it. It def made the hunt last WAY longer but it was also super tough b/c they had to look at every egg to find theirs!
Big girl!
Britt has been talking about wanting her hair cut. Her hair grows SO FAST. She keeps saying she wants it “as short as Mommy’s” but going that short made me nervous. I’m just not quite ready for that yet (although after a few months I think I’m cool with it b/c I’ve adjusted to her shorter look!).
I sent this to Zach and he said “where is the after picture?” haha! It IS shorter though!!!
At 4 years old I often think Britt could still benefit from wearing a bib. Child is just a messy eater. We have been using sippy cups (straw kind) with her still at meals and thought we’d try letting her use a legit cup this month. After a few weeks and a LOT of spills we decided to go back to the lid and we will try it again when she turns 5 😉
Britt rocked out at swim this month (post to come!)
Britt really really loves school and especially her friends at school. I see how the friends follow her lead and I want for her to have the confidence to be a strong, godly leader to her peers. I love our times in the car waiting for drop off. She’s so precious and silly and just cute!
Britt lead the prayer at Chapel! I wasn’t there but am thankful for the pics a friend sent!
She was SO proud of her BB8 drawings for Kye’s birthday!
Anytime Zach goes out of town Britt says “YAY MAC AND CHEESE” haha! We only eat Kraft Mac and Cheese when he travels b/c he doesn’t like it and because it’s super easy for “solo mom nights” 😉
Britt makes the silliest faces and it’s so funny to see Tess imitate her!
Britt has started reading a good bit in her bed, which I don’t mind. Some days she doesn’t fall asleep at nap and instead reads. I know Kye started that at this age too and as long as they stay in the bed, are quiet, and resting I don’t care if they are reading! Britt may not be able to read yet but being exposed to books can only have positive results…especially when it’s the Bible!
The page she happened to be reading really spoke to me 🙂
Britt goes through phases with her toys and right now she’s mega into baby dolls. She wants to take her babies everywhere with us and started wanting them at the dinner table. It cracks me up that she RARELY chooses to play with her expensive Bitty Baby doll and instead prefers the cheaper ones she has. Just goes to show that when it comes to kids preferences fancy brand names do not matter!
Playing with Mommy’s My Little Ponies!
So pumped for another attic childhood find of mine…more Disney stuffed animals!
Putting on a show with Kye!
Britt LOVES play dough!
I love her style 😉
I remember when Britt was a baby I’d take her outside when she was fussy. She’s still the kid that will ALWAYS support the idea of outside play. She loves the outdoors!
She also always asks to go through the car wash 🙂
Kye is really into Legos so, of course, Britt is asking for them as well. I’m not sure if she will really like them or if she’s just wanting them because he has them!
Child has legs for DAYS!
We just recently started chores with both of the kids. I def think Britt is on the lower age range of being able to grasp the concept of earning money. I think we need to have shorter term money saving goals for her to help her stay motivated! Right now the kids are saving to go to see Finding Dory which doesn’t come out until June so it’s just too far away for Britt to have the desire to save for it! Chores are a bit of a struggle with her and I can already see the procrastination tendencies she has! She constantly says “I’ll do my chores tomorrow” haha
More About Britt This Month:
- Britt is joining in the “Scare Mommy” game and is pretty good at it! I came out of the bathroom and started to get onto her for hanging her book bag on the door handle of our pantry rather than on her hook in the garage and she jumped out and scared me to death! Tricky!!!
- I recently finished reading Don’t Make Me Count to Three and it’s totally changed my parenting perspective in regards to discipline. I’m working REALLY hard at parenting through the funnel of the Lord and it’s paying off BIG TIME with Britt already. She talks about God a LOT more and strives to please HIM rather than just avoid getting in trouble!
I’m so thankful to be this sweet, silly, crazy, beautiful girl’s mama!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025