Sweet Britt was so excited for her Thanksgiving program at school! They changed things up a bit and this year the 4 year old class met in a larger room and the kids performed and then had a snack and other classes had their little gathering at different times. It was great because it allowed for parents there solo to see all their kids 😉 Zach always misses this event b/c it’s his busy time with work. I felt SO BAD when I got there and saw that I could have invited Mrs Charlotte to come!
Every year my kids have been in preschool they have dressed like Indians. It was fun (and WAY easier!) to have a pilgrim this year!
She’s thankful for: Mommy, Daddy, Kye and Tess!
Britt is so interesting to me. She’s my most outgoing, loud, dramatic child. She loves the spotlight and attention. Yet up on stage? She clams RIGHT up. Seeing her standing up there gave me instant flashbacks to my days in choir at school. I won the award for “best diction” b/c that’s all I did. I never sang but instead just added some strong consonant sounds when needed. #skills. Britt looks just like a Little Emily up there! She was precious and I especially LOVED when she said what she was thankful for. She was the only kid (out of two classes) who said she was thankful for “my home.” I asked her later about it and she said she decided to say her home because it’s where her family lives and her toys are so it covered everything in one answer (now THAT is more like her Daddy! Efficient is his middle name)
Saying what she’s thankful for 🙂
Whew. Yes those bags under my eyes are the real deal. This event fell the morning after we got Zach’s whole “he probably has MS” diagnosis. I was a HOT MESS and shouldn’t have left the house but Mama’s can’t take days off!
Her sweet teacher!
Britt did, however, steel the show in Tess’s class during HER little song. Britt was a dancing machine (well Tess, shocker, stayed in my lap haha)
I’m very, very proud of Britt and her strong work ethic in the classroom and her natural love for learning. She takes pride in her work and it pays off! She was the first kid in her class to memorize all the books of the Bible (she did have the advantage of learning them all at church though haha) and this month she was the first one to recite ALL of her site words for the YEAR! She is a site word PRO and her teacher told us that she’s going to be a top reader for sure which is awesome!
She also had homework to do before we left for Disney and SHE was an example to KYE about getting it done. She sat at the table and worked and worked and then SHE continued to ask to work on it more and more until it was completed. SO proud!
She loves to practice her writing and showed me that she spelled TAB all by herself. I love that our children are so excited for Baby Brother!
I went to watch Britt at gymnastics and she’s really, really loving it. She never ever complains about having to go and gets SO excited about it every single week! It’s not cheap, and I’m not sure if she’s any “good” or not but she’s loving it so that’s what matters to us! I think it’s also good to have something we can take away if needed for discipline issues. We haven’t had to even threaten that but it’s good to have that on the table if issues arise. I continually ask her about her enjoyment of it to make sure we aren’t wasting money and so far it’s been worthwhile! In comparing to Kye I def think she’s more devoted to gymnastics than he’s ever been to anything he’s been involved in so far!
Here’s a couple videos of her in action (ignore the gossip of the moms standing behind me haha): one and two!
Aside from gymnastics this girl loves to BAKE! I love it too so it’s such a fun thing to enjoy together!
She also talks a lot about being a Mommy and plans to have two boys and two girls. Her baby names are: Cole and Finn for boys and Vera and Mera for girls 🙂
She also has such a godly, servant heart and loves to volunteer at our church Soup Kitchen.
We got to have a lunch date after church with friends while Kye ate with Ms Liz!
One thing I am nervous about regarding Britt is the older friends situation. She is naturally drawn to kids much older than her in her friendships. I think it’s a combo of the fact that she’s so used to playing with Kye all the time, and that she looks up to him so much, that she’s always played with Payton who is older, and that she’s just mature for her age. Aside from her baby sounding voice people are usually surprised to learn how old she is. I think she looks older and acts older! While it’s okay right now (and that we have so many church friends) I do see it becoming an issue as she gets older as we do want to keep her as young and innocent as we can for as long as possible!
Twinning with Daddy!
Play-Dough Fun!
We had a little girl time doing some shopping 🙂
And some of our favorite times are spent sitting on the porch together waiting for Kye to get home
- dancing at the soup kitchen
- that big mouth haha pizza for dinner!
- Jesus Loves Me
- Bible Verse 🙂
- Dancing in Tess’s class
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
- Effective Parenting Tips to Discipline a 5 Year Old Child - September 24, 2024
- Happy 9th Birthday to My Daughter – Letter to Tess from Mom - August 26, 2024