Britt’s September was so special because it was Donuts with Dad!!! She was SO excited to have her Daddy at school with her which really make Zach’s heart so happy. Kye was always more excited for the donuts than the dad time 😉
Daddy got to visit BOTH girls this year!
They did a build and grow project which, duh, Britt’s a pro at 😉
Daddy visited Tess’s class first and she didn’t want him to leave so she got to tag along for Britt’s as well 🙂 They had a great time and went out to a special lunch after together!
(Daddy had the big Aflac duck as his show and tell item for Tess’s class…so cute)
Britt was SUPER bummed when school started because Tess got a new book bag, Kye got both a new book bag and new lunch box and all Britt got was a canvas tote bag her class is required to have. I was very excited when Personal Creations reached out to me and offered to send Britt her own personalized lunch box! She was THRILLED and used it this month when she got to stay late after school for Lunch Bunch!
This girl LOVES school and is always so proud of her school work!
Johnny Appleseed!
While Kye has tennis, the girls get to play!
Britt has done both gymnastics camp and dance camp and she just LOVES gymnastics. She talks about it all the time and brings it up on her own. Zach and I talked about it and decided she’s showing enough hardcore interest for it to be worthwhile to look into. Kye hasn’t ever shown such passion or interest into a sport as she has with this (at least not yet) so we don’t want to ignore that! We went to a local gymnastics place and they let her jump in a class to try it out. It’s a big investment (cheaper than dance at least haha) but yall SHE LOVES IT.
I adore how girly Britt is! She’s always wanting to wear jewelry and put on her “makeup”
Kye said “you look ridiculous”
Britt said “I look beautiful”
My favorite new thing about Britt is how much she LOVES to help in the kitchen! It takes patience but it’s such good quality time together and she legit WANTS to help and enjoys it and IS helpful!!!
She LOVES waiting for her big brother!
More About Britt:
- When she grows up she wants to be a “baker”
- Britt ALWAYS prays for Aunt Casey. We had a lady’s bible time where the focus was on prayer. Britt sat with another member of our church and she leaned to Britt and asked who she most felt needed prayer and Britt, right away, said “Aunt Casey”
- Kye and Britt were discussing the splash park on our trip to Orlando and Kye said “well the splash park is like a medium” Britt said, “Medium?!?! I am NOT that kind of girl!”
- Randomly in the car one day Britt said she wants to be just like me when she grows up because I’m so nice and sweet and I always keep my promises. That is probably THE best words I could ever wish to hear my babies say 🙂
- Britt doing her sight words with Tess
- Britt jamming in the car
- Excited for her new cereal
- Britt has a crush on a boy and it’s SO CUTE the smile she says she gives to him 😉
- Working that lipstick smile
- Singing Jesus Loves Me
- New lunchbox
- Britt singing “Hello”
- Dancing at Panera
- Jesus Loves Me
- Talking about FSU game
- First lunch box
- “Set fire to the Rain”
- Jesus Loves Me is clearly her favorite
- Jesus loves me again
- Jesus loves me, one more time 😉
- Britt bowing
- Bowing 2
- Britt obstacle course
- Mani-Pedi 1
- Loving her nails
- Thanking Grandpa and Grammie for nails
- Loving her massage chair
- Car wash fun!
- I lied, another Jesus Loves Me haha
- Talking about School
- Helping Tess at CFA
- Going down slide
- When we told Britt she’s officially signed up for gymnastics!
SO thankful for this big girl and her big heart!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025