Here is everything about Britt from September!
School: Britt LOVES school! She hasn’t complained one time about going, but she also rarely gets upset on the days that Kye goes and she stays home. It really has made me feel good about our decision to send her this year and to send her for just three days a week. It’s been perfect for her!
Her teacher shared these pics from the first day!
I love this b/c she’s not allowed to suck her fingers…so she just has them LAYING on her lips but not sucking them haha
I think the thing Britt has enjoyed most about school is being able to participate in all the fun things that Kye has always gotten to enjoy. They do football Fridays where everyone wears team spirit stuff. I think the main reason for it is to support the high school teams but we send the kids to school in college gear 😉 We just aren’t into the whole town obsession with high school football (at least not yet…I’m sure when it’s my son or nephews playing it’ll be a different story!).
Go Blazers and Seminoles!
Britt has been THRILLED to be able to attend chapel each Wednesday. I took her once last year and she LOVED it and still has talked about it and sings songs we sang that morning. It’s the highlight of her school week and she was super pumped the first day she got to go!
On our days where Britt stays home she has really started to enjoy solo play. Kye has always been the kind of kid who enjoys playing on his own. I’d for sure say he’s an introvert and needs that alone time to reenergize. Britt is a true “people person” and I think she gets more of her recharging from being around others. I’m so glad she’s learning to enjoy alone time as well and I often find her in her room reading and playing with toys!
I feel like she’s taken FOREVER to get into playing with little toys and making them talk and having a storyline for her playing? She’s just now really starting to do that!
She also is having a longer attention span with her coloring and I’ve already started seeing an improvement in her scribbles!
A lot of the days that she’s at home we just have PJ Day and cuddle and relax. Mama needs the break too 🙂
Her favorite thing to do on our days at home? Dress up! I need to move the dress up clothes downstairs so they are easier access b/c she will find the most random things to wear!
Another favorite thing to do is help me prepare lunch. She LOVES to help. To the point where it’s not always so helpful haha. She will drag out her stool regardless of if I really need any help or not 😉 Can you tell her job that day was to give each plate a few goldfish?
Yoga: This month I started working out while on my 24 Day Challenge. I alternated between the elliptical and yoga! I found a GREAT Beginngers Yoga DVD
. It was hard to find time to do it so I tried doing it one morning while Britt was home. She LOVED it and stuck with me the whole time! I had a hard time focusing because I kept watching how adorable she was 😉 Here’s a video!
Eating: Britt’s biggest issue from a parenting perspective is meal times. Ugh this child! She is MUCH more interested in entertaining everyone than she is in eating. She constantly says “I’m not hungry” and “I don’t like such and such.” We have tried everything with her but she just doesn’t eat much. I know it’s a phase and it’s common for this age…but I’m ready to move past it! She’s also a VERY messy eater. She’s almost 3 and still totally requires a bib!!! And even then she ends up with food in the most random of places and if I forget to put her hair back then she WILL have a sticky rats nest look going on after she eats!
Business: Kye started his “first business” this month and Britt cracked me up .She bought SEVERAL bookmarks from him and then she turned around and tried to sell them to me haha Here’s a video of her sales pitch!
Date with Mommy: Zach and I took two Saturdays in a row before we went to Hawaii and made date plans with the big kids. For the first “date day” Zach and Kye went out together and Britt and I stayed home and then that afternoon she and I went out! We had a GREAT time!!!
We took some carrots in the car for snacks 😉
Our first stop was ToysRUs. I made a wish list for each of my kids for every holiday (christmas and birthdays). It makes it VERY easy for people to have gift ideas…and it helps ME keep organized with the things I want to get them! I thought it’d be fun for my dates with the kids to take them each to the store and let them register for the toys they liked. It was so fun! Britt and I took 2 HOURS walking around ToysRUs. She would have stayed even longer but we had to hurry to eat dinner so I could get back to nurse Tess 😉
You would think a 2 year old would want everything in the store but Britt surprised me. She wanted to look at everything and she wanted to talk about everything but she didn’t actually want all that much on her list. I had to force her to pick things! I’d ask if she wanted to have such and such toy at home and she’d say no and keep on moving! She also didn’t ask to buy anything that day at all and was such a joy to walk around with.
Here’s a video…you can see why it took us so long 😉
That morning Zach and Kye had gone to Fun Factory and out to lunch and Kye came home with some new binoculars. My kids go nuts over binoculars haha. I wanted to get Britt a little present on our date so I got her a pair. And they broke immediately! Guess that’s what you get when you shop from the $2 bin 😉
We headed to eat at Chick-Fil-A. It was SO. FUN! She was so adorable and silly and just cute. People literally stopped every time they walked by and commented on how beautiful she is. It’s amazing the difference in her one-on-one. It was a good reminder to me of how important and valuable that one-on-one time is!!!
Mama’s Girl: I have always called Britt my “hip baby” and even now, at almost 3 years old, she will ask me to hold her. And not just hold her…but WALK AROUND and hold her. Y’all! I legit think this is to blame for my foot issues! I’m not an attachment style parent but I have an attachment style daughter haha! She is almost too big to be able to do it so I try to just soak it in on the days when she wants to be held and cuddled 🙂
With me now having two daughters I try to still make every effort to let Britt know how special she is. I never want her to think that having two girls in the family somehow makes her less special, ya know? I knew when we first took Tess to church that EVERYONE would be all about the baby but I also knew how much Britt would want to be with me the whole time. So I had us wear matching clothes (which she loves) and tried to let Zach handle Tess so I could spend quality time with Britt during worship 🙂
Getting attention by any means necessary 😉
My big kids!
Little Entertainer: Britt is our constant source of comic relief. She’s silly and goofy and just naturally funny (traits she clearly did not inherit from me!) She comes up with stuff totally on her own and it is hilarious.
Kye always takes off his clothes when he gets home and throws them on the steps to take up to his room and Britt decided to dress up like Kye 😉
Swag for days 🙂
Middle Sister: So far Britt is fitting in well in her new roll as “middle child” She is still very much the younger sister to Kye and she doesn’t have as much interest in being a big sister to Tess yet. She is helpful, but just not very into the baby at all. She’d rather have the attention for herself 😉
More about Britt:
- Britt says the “God our Father” prayer song from school and always says “awwww mannnnn awwww mannnn” at the end rather than “amen amen” haha
- Britt is a sweet mommy to her babies. I love her voice in this video of her “comforting” her babies!
- She is VERY into “poop talk” I know this drives many moms nuts but I think it’s funny? I know it’s a phase and it’s just her being silly! We were talking about games to have at her birthday party and I asked what kind of game she wants and she said “poop games” I asked how do you play poop games? and she said “you roll it” hahahah
- She also will call people “Poopie” and will say “Bye Poopie” when she leaves a room
- She tells us that Tess is her sweetheart 🙂
- The kids LOVE smoothies…I took this video of their excitement about them haha
- Zach made up a song waaaaay back when Kye was a baby called “Milk in my Mouth” and now Britt sings it whenever I nurse
- I asked what her favorite animal is and she said “mommy”
- She talks about playing with a friend at school and I asked her what they played and she said she was Anna and her friend was Elsa and that I could be Olaf. I love that she’s playing those fun girl pretend games. So cute!
- Here’s a video of Britt saying her ABCs
- She is finally able to get on the potty on her own! With nursing Tess that’s a major chore for me to manage so it’s awesome that I don’t have that struggle anymore! When she goes potty now she also says she “needs privacy” (yet I don’t get ANY privacy when I go haha)
- Britt will do ANYTHING to make people laugh and once you laugh at her she will keep going and going and going with it.
Here are more pics of my girl!
Child LOVES to climb!
I’ve always said that Britt is prettier in person than in pictures. She’s just not very photogenic…maybe those days are changing? I ADORE how these tuned out!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025