Brittlynn’s 6 Month Photos

Something I LOVE about having these photo shoots is that it truly is a chance to capture a moment in time that you can never get back. During this time (right after she turned 6 months old) Brittlynn was into make this face all the time. She already doesn’t do it anymore! It annoyed me that day that it was practically the only face she was making but now I cherish it. This was HER at 6 months old and, thanks to these pictures, I’ll never forget the funny surprise look she was so into at the time 😉

I was REALLY excited that Brittlynn could sit up for this photo shoot. It was so nice to have her sitting and not have to worry about having someone helping her in every picture. It’s a great age because she could SIT but not crawl. Very perfect 🙂 I mentioned this in the last post but we had her 6 month shoot in the same location as Kye’s and also used her chair like we did his. You can look back at his 6 month pics here (seeing those makes my heart ache to remember what he was like as a baby, so quickly we forget!). I know that we’ll always have a special chair for each child so I think this is a neat idea. I can see someday having a picture frame with each baby in their chair! This baby blanket we used was actually mine as a baby so it’s extra special to me!

Here’s “the face”



 Haha great face!




 Can’t you just hear her saying “OMG” haha






 Possibly my favorite, it’s tough to choose!


 I love this one, smiling with her eyes




 I told Lindsay she rocked it because she was able to get a shot showing those TEETH!



 I adore that little piece of hair that curls out 😉




 She was VERY into eating the blanket…





 I adore the far away shots…you can really tell how little she is 🙂






 Had to have at least one good drool one right?





 Love this one in both color and black and white…


 Daddy was making her laugh



 Another favorite!


As always, I have to recommend Captured by Colson. Lindsay did another fabulous job! Our family wasn’t in the best mood for pics (Zach and I had a miscommunication about when we’d be having them…Kye had strep…Britt was over the whole thing pretty quickly…) so it ended up being the shortest photo shoot we’ve ever done! Lindsay did GREAT taking full advantage of every second and thinking quickly on her feet. She also didn’t mind when her car got stuck in the mud and Zach had to help get her out 😉 He came home covered literally from head to toe! She should have gotten some pictures of that haha! 

I love that this shoot got to be ALL about Brittlynn. It was nice to give her that special attention and now we have SO many adorable solo pictures of her to choose from! Lindsay is not only wonderful to work with but her photo packages are totally affordable and she gives you the full cd of images with the copyright to allow you to use them however you wish. I love that I can turn them black and white and crop them if needed and then get them printed out at Walmart to share with family!

I’m debating what to do about Brittlynn’s 9 month pics?!?! She’ll be 9 months old Sept 6th. For Mother’s Day we all pitched in a bought a family photo session from Captured by Colson for Mrs. Charlotte (which she is SO excited about!!!). We’re all getting together to do those pictures August 25th. Part of me is debating about spending the money on a photo shoot for Britt when it’s so close to the family one? I know we won’t get many of Britt by herself (if any!) during the family one so I hate to not book Lindsay (As she books up QUICK now!) and then regret it! Decisions, decisions. We did do a 9 month one for Kye so maybe we should just go ahead and book Britt’s too out of fairness and all…The great thing about writing, I think I already talked myself into going ahead and booking it just by typing this haha!

Thanks so much to Lindsay for taking such beautiful pictures and for being such a wonderful person to work with! I’m so happy to see her business really taking off…I love that I can do my little part to help her continued success 🙂

It’s so funny to me how I don’t even realize the changes Brittlynn is making. I guess because I see her every day??? I felt like it was too soon for pictures and that she hadn’t changed much since her 3 month pics. BOY was I wrong!!! You can look back at her 3 month photo shoot here. She has changed a bunch huh?

Emily Parker


  1. Meredith Hilton
    July 17, 2012 / 12:48 am

    Absolutely Adorable!!

  2. Megan DeJesus
    July 17, 2012 / 12:26 pm

    Lindsay is the best! Great pics of your Little Miss!

  3. Kim Harner
    July 19, 2012 / 4:52 pm


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