Every year for Kye’s birthday Zach and I each write him a letter and I include pictures of us individually with him throughout that year. I love these letters and that he will have them as a keepsake and I want to do the same for Brittlynn and, hopefully, all of our children to come! You can go back and read Kye’s 1st birthday letter from me HERE 🙂
Dear Brittlynn,
Goodness…I cannot believe my sweet little baby girl is ALREADY one!!! I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since I first held you in my arms. You were one well planned baby 🙂 Daddy and I both hoped to add a girl to our family and were overjoyed when you arrived! I LOVED every second of being pregnant with you. I appreciated my healthy pregnancy so much more than I had the first time around and I felt such a close bond with you so early on. I will never forget the way it felt when you kicked me. You were ALWAYS so active and I miss those little flutters 🙂
My pregnancy with you was a time of spiritual growth for me. I had seen so many other moms struggle with pain from losing their babies or pregnancies or facing other difficulties and I was so afraid. I lived in fear that something would happen to you. God helped me to get through those tougher times and blessed me so, so much with such a perfect, healthy, baby girl!
The moment you arrived I felt such true joy. My little girl was here! When I had your brother SO MANY people said that they thought we’d have all boys. Well, you proved them wrong and I’m so glad you did 🙂 You were so beautiful Britt! Your pretty lips, cute little nose, and those bright blue eyes. I’m sure the baby boys in the hospital nursery all had a crush on you!
This year has been so wonderful. Adjusting to life with two children was not easy, but it has been so worth it. You have blessed EACH of us in so many ways. I love to watch you and Kye together. You adore him. Anything he does, you want to do too. I thank God everyday that we raised him well so that I WANT you to follow in his footsteps. I know he will always look out for you and protect you. It may annoy you, but I promise he will always have your best intentions at heart.
It is difficult for me to even describe how much you mean to me and how much you have changed my life. While Kye blessed me by making me a mother, you have blessed me by making us a family. Something shifted and changed when you came into the world. My priorities are different now. It’s ALL about US. The four of us. That’s IT for me. No one else matters nearly as much as you and your brother and your dad do in my life. I want nothing but for your safety, health, and happiness. I will do anything to make sure you are given the absolute BEST chances at this life!
From birth Kye and Daddy have had a close bond. I love seeing them together and hope that they become best friends someday. When you were born I now get to experience that kind of relationship. You are my “hip baby” and a true “mama’s girl.” You want to be with me ALL the time and always can be found in my arms. I can calm you when no one else can and can comfort you at moments of pain. I may roll my eyes when you insist on ME being the one to constantly hold you…but on the inside I’m smiling. Because I love it 🙂 I love that you look up to me.
You give me such motivation to be a better person. A better daughter of God. A better wife. A better mother. I know the decisions I make affect you now, but will especially affect you down the road. You will either grow up and decide you want to be nothing like me or that I am who you aspire to be. The choice is mine and I would love nothing more than for us to always be this close. Always be the one you look towards in times of need. Always be the one who you know you can count on no matter what.
I truly do believe we WILL share this bond. I have made many changes in my life this year. Many were very difficult and painful and you will never understand the hurt I have felt. I never want you to. Even though you will never know it…every choice I make revolves around you and giving you the absolute best future possible.
While I already miss those long nursing sessions…the precious toothless grins…the lazy cuddles. I am excited for the years to come. This year will be very exciting for you. Learning to walk, talk and (hopefully) use the potty. Continuing to develop your own little personality and becoming a little more independent. I’m sure my “hip baby” won’t be on my hip for much longer 🙂
Looking even further ahead I’m excited to watch you grow up. I’m excited to whisper together about the boys from school, play dress up, go shopping, plan your wedding, and someday see you become a mother. Please always know that through EVERY phase in life I will love you. My love for you is not conditional. It will never change. It will never weaken. Every bump and curve along the road only deepens the love I have for you. Only makes us that much stronger together. I will make mistakes along the way and I know you will too. And that’s okay! There is NOTHING you could ever do to make my love for you falter. It’s unchanging…forever.
Thank you so much for entering our world. You arrived at the perfect time and you gave a tough year a truly bright spot. Your smile and laugh are contagious and you have brought so much joy to our lives. I appreciate you more than you can ever even fathom and am so beyond blessed to be your mother. You truly are my sunshine! Happy Birthday my sweet girl!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Totallllllly made me cry. So thanks. 🙂
So incredibly sweet!
isn't having a daughter so so great! you are doing so wonderful at the whole mommy thing 🙂
How long did it take you to write your senior letters? Hahaha
I am still waiting for mine- must have been lost in the mail. Hahahaha
Made me tear up also. You write so great Emily, great job on being Mommy also.