Want to see the party decorations? View this post!
As usual, we had Britt’s party at 3:30 in the afternoon. Ir’s my favorite party start time because I have the morning to get things done and it’s after naps! However, this party wore me out. The party itself was a breeze. The food was even easy. It was just being so busy with everything made me overdue it! I tried to rest as much as I could but it was not enough. After prepping for the party all day then enjoying the party that afternoon I ended up with a massive migraine and worst back ache of my life 🙁 Guess being in the first trimester of pregnancy isn’t the best time to have a birthday party???
Everything turned out super cute though and I think everyone enjoyed themselves! Zach was a HUGE help during the day to keep the kids busy while I cleaned…but he took them outside and didn’t notice that Britt stood in a MASSIVE ant pile. Her little feet were covered in bites. I had to give her some benedryl before her nap so she was super, mega out of it the majority of the party. 🙁 It seriously broke my heart. I’m glad everyone else had fun and that all the decorations were cute but I don’t do the parties I do for everyone else. I do them for my kids!!! I wanted Britt to have fun and enjoy her day and it completely ruined most of it for me that she was so zoned out. Boo 🙁
Anyways…no more sob stories…onto the party fun 🙂
My twin!
The party guests arrived right on time! It was a beautiful day out (which always happens when I don’t plan any outdoor activities) so the Megow fam had Casey snap a few pics of them together in hopes for a Christmas card shot…I don’t think they got what they’d hoped for? But they are pretty awesome 🙂
Classic “dad” picture face Seth haha
Neela is awesome
I really do love having sweets only parties. I know as a party guest they are a pain. I mean no one wants their kid eating that much junk food. But it makes the food EASY and cuter and less concern about messes all over my house 🙂 I’m big about my house being welcoming and comfortable so I always tell people to leave their shoes on if they want and feel free to eat anywhere!
Cooper was on an adventure in Britt’s room 😉
Last year Britt had a BLAST at her party. She was hilarious and just lived it up…this year she just wanted to cuddle up with Aunt Karen and Big-Papa. Which was super sweet and I know they loved that special birthday girl attention! I hate she wasn’t able to enjoy the actual party more…but I know she still had a good time eating all the treats 😉
I love how at our parties the Megow fam picnics in the kitchen 😉
The past couple of parties I’ve gotten some help to take pictures, but I didn’t this time. With my new camera I didn’t want to worry with explaining it to someone and figured it’d just be easier to do it myself. I did pass it around a good bit and I’m thankful I have so many good friends who know how important pictures are to me! I think several people had turns behind the camera!!! I like to try to get pics of the party guests and really during the craft is the best time to do it! They all loved the sun catchers!!!
All the kids were doing their sun catchers…and Kye was CHOWING DOWN haha
Finally getting around to it 😉
Kye’s finished product!
Birthday Girl ready for us all to sing to her!!!
Blowing out her candle 🙂
“Why is this thing still lit?”
There we go!
Olive is Britt’s only super close in age friend right now (they are two months apart…Cooper is six months younger than Britt but I know here soon they will better be able to play together too!)
I am a big fan of keeping the party SHORT. I’ve found that 90 min is the perfect party length. I know. You go through all that work for only an hour an a half long party? But with young kids it tends to flow nicely to keep it at 90 min. By no means do I make it feel rushed…but I also don’t ever want people to feel bored or kids to start misbehaving where parents are embarrassed etc. Guests arrive and I immediately greet them and tell them to help themselves to food, kids do the crafts, kids play a little, we do cake, we do gifts, then I head to the door to make sure to thank each guest and make sure they take all their crafts and favors home with them! I know most people would rather do other things on their Saturday than be at a kids birthday party so I think most people appreciate me keeping them quick (I know that Seth agrees with me for sure even if no one else does haha!).
Present time is my least favorite time and I guess Britt doesn’t love it either because she did NOT want to open her gifts!!! She was even crying a little about it!!! Once we got going she got into it more, thankfully 🙂 Katie was so sweet to snap pics for me of the opening adventure!
Big brother was a big helper 🙂
Robyn gave us a Seminole dress of Lorelai’s…can you tell we are pumped about it? 😉
I am decently claustrophobic and that is honestly the reason I don’t like the present opening. All the kids all around me really bothers me. Everyone did great staying back (I think I only made one kid cry other than my own haha) but Kye just kept wanting to help and I finally had to make him sit with me and let Zach help Britt open. My favorite thing about candid pics is the random facial expressions haha I know Kye is upset about having to sit with me but I’m not sure what the heck I’m saying?
Thanking everyone!
After the gift opening everyone went upstairs to see the new playroom. I LOVE our new playroom. It’s not 100% finished still so I don’t plan to post about the details of it until it’s all done (hopefully it will be soon). Zach worked hard to have it mostly done in time for the party. Which I understand that desire and I totally appreciate alllllll of his hard work. But it made the prepping that morning stressful b/c he was trying to do playroom stuff while I was trying to do party stuff. I also felt like he was more excited and wrapped up in the playroom than he was about her party. Which I mean I know I’m SPOILED b/c Zach usually is SO helpful with the party stuff but I missed his party skills this time for sure! Glad there are no more storage sheds to be built or playrooms to be finished 😉 When everyone went upstairs I watched Cooper for Robyn so she could go check it out 🙂
Aunt Debby, Aunt Karen and Little Mama
I LOVE that Casey and Jordan dressed for the theme 😉
Kye was eatin’ up the picture taking haha with Mema and Jolee
Mary Allen lovin’ the look!
I REALLY appreciated all of Courtney’s help…she totally went into “teacher mode” with the crafts for me 😉
Haha our attempt at a Britt and Coop pic: FAIL!
Favor Fun!
It’s SO funny to me how different our children are. Kye had to wear a “big kid” sized hat when he was like under a year old b/c his head was so big…and poor Britt couldn’t get the glasses to stay on b/c her head was too small!
Love this 🙂 Little Mama and I have gotten SO much closer this past year and I’m so thankful to have her in my life!!!
Of course, they fit Kye just fine 😉
Love me some Katie!
I told Zach if he takes crazy pictures then they will be published haha!
We are TRULY so blessed!!! I love this man and am thankful he puts up with my hardcore parties 😉
The party was quite the success! Britt even got in a better mood once she got her sweets in her. The sugar offset the drowsiness from the medicine haha I think everyone had a nice time and it was such a blessing to have SO many people there to celebrate Britt’s special day with us!!! I always like to list out everyone who attended the parties. I know a lot of baby books have a spot to write in guests and I think it’ll be nice for our kids to remember someday who was there to celebrate with them on their birthdays. Now, this party was almost two months ago…hopefully I don’t leave anyone out!!! G-Mama, Big Papa, Little Mama, Aunt Karen, Uncle Barry (I think it was his first party EVER! I feel bad I didn’t get a picture!), Aunt Debby, Courtney, Colt, Payton, Jordan, Casey, Mema, Jolee, Robyn, Lorelei, Cooper, Seth, Crissy, Stevie, Neela, Titus, Olive, Kori, Michael, Aubrey, Mary Allen, and Katie!!! A GREAT crowd and a super fun afternoon together!!!
Once the party ended Little Mama and Mrs. Charlotte said they were going to run to Kohl’s to spend their Kohl’s cash b/c it was about to expire. I realized I had some too from Black Friday online shopping and Casey also had some. The boys said they would keep the kids and clean up from the party (oh yes…Zach HARDCORE made up for his playroom concerns earlier in the day!!!) while Casey and I went with Little Mama and Mrs. Charlotte. Honestly, I was feeling HORRIBLE. But no one knew I was pregnant and I didn’t want them to get suspicious. B/c, hello, that wouldn’t be like me to miss out on some shopping 😉 So I pushed through and went and basically was a disaster by the time we got back. I ended up sleeping the next day too and got 17 hours of sleep in a 24 hour time period bc I was feeling so horrible. Thankfully it REALLY made a difference!!! Zach was SO sweet and so concerned about me and took wonderful care of me and the kids while I rested!
While Casey and I were gone the boys were “working hard” at “cleaning up” and also took some mega random pictures with my camera…haha
I’m kinda glad they took this b/c it reminds me to tell yall what also happened while the girls were gone…I guess they were untying the balloons from the chairs and Kye accidentally let go of one and it got sucked up in the fan. The string is still wrapped around the fixture. I mean we don’t have a ladder tall enough to reach the fans!!! We will legit have to like rent a massive extension ladder to be able to change out light bulbs! Guess we’ll wait until they all burn out to get down the balloon ribbon too?
Glad they cleaned up the cupcakes haha
Poses for their Famers Only ads? hahahaha
I know Casey and Jordan stayed and hung out after we got back from Kohls. But honestly, I have NO CLUE what we did or what we talked about or how late it was or anything. I was just totally out of it!!! I do really truly cherish the random nights we have with them though…I’m thinking we may have to have some Branch sleep overs so these times don’t have to end 😉
I am so, so thankful for EVERYONE who helped make Britt’s party such a success and I’m so glad it ended on such a high note with her feeling better. She truly enjoyed all of her presents and I loved seeing her in her adorable dress! We actually won’t be having a legit party for Kye this year (using the money we would spend to give him an EXTRA SPECIAL DISNEY birthday instead!!!) so I won’t be doing another party until an entire year when we have Britt’s third birthday. Crazy!!! (Btw: surprisingly, I don’t have a theme picked out for it yet haha!)
You can look back at Britt’s first birthday party here!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025