I love the bond that each of our children share individually with their daddy and I see that bond getting stronger and stronger between Britt and Zach. I loved looking back at their photos together from her 4th year of life and love the sweet letter he has written to her for her birthday!
past year, it has been so amazing watching you grow. It seems like just
yesterday I was holding you in the palm of my hand. You seem so grown! I know
sometimes I probably expect too much of you. It’s because you seem so much
older than you are.
It is so sweet how you look up to your brother. You want to do all the things that he does. I remember how at Disney world you wanted to ride all the same rides he did, even though you don’t like heights or going fast. You rode them too. You DID NOT like them, but you rode them because he did. It really reminds me of your Aunt Casey. She used to do the same things.
Many times when I am at work, I get excited to come home and
just see your smile. It is infectious! You have your moments but when you are
being sweet you make my heart melt. When I get home and you run in and yell
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”, and I see that smile, it makes all of the days troubles
favorite thing from this past year was you singing in the car. Me and you have
had a lot more time together in the car without Kye since he started 1st
grade. You love for me to turn the music up loud. You just sing at the top of
your lungs and it is so beautiful. I also love when you say “Daddy, I can’t see
you, fix the mirror”. You always want the rearview mirror on me so that you can
make eye contact with me. Your favorite songs to sing are “Hello” and “Fire to
the Rain” by Adel. You also like “See you again” by Wiz Kalifa (clean version!)
year has also brought on a lot of dancing. You love to dance. If a song comes
on during a movie you will just get up and dance around the living room. And the
dancing is not complete without accessories. Oh my goodness. Hair bands,
bracelets, gloves, scarves, hats, earrings, necklaces, rings, crazy socks, big
pink boas, you accessorize like crazy. I
love how you like to dress up. Whether is going out to dinner or checking the
mail, you will dress up.
I want you to know how much I love you, and how proud I am to be your Daddy. I
hope that you know that I love you more than anything in this world. Every
night when I sing to you and you look up at me with those gorgeous eyes and
beautiful smile, I can see that you love me too. You will always be my little
princes whether your 4 or 40.
With Love,
You can read Zach’s past letters to Britt here:
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025