On December 6th our precious baby girl turned SEVEN! We celebrated her birthday at Disney World over the week of Thanksgiving but still made sure to make her real birthday special too 🙂
Last year Britt chose to go to Cici’s with the family for her birthday celebration. Zach and I missed it as Spear was literally being born at the exact same time!
She opted to go back there again this year and we all met up for pizza and fun together! It’s always so cute seeing the cousins and their BFF bonds.
Big Daddy and Little Mama even surprised her! Big Daddy adores Britt and refers to her as “Miss America”
Cici’s is great. It’s cheap. Super kid friendly. And food that everyone likes. But omg that dang tv. They play Cartoon Planet which we don’t do in our home and the kids were all literally zombies the entire meal. Ugh.
Benefit of having two birthdays so close together (Britt and Spear are 5 days apart) is that I could re-use stuff from his party for her bday 😉 Leftover cupcakes for the win!
Also the dollar has a story…a random older lady came up to our table and asked who was the birthday child and then wished Britt a happy birthday and gave her a dollar! How precious is that??
Our tradition is to sing to the birthday child on their real birthday to wake them up for their special day. Britt’s birthday fell on a school day so we had to wake Tessie and Spear up a little earlier than usual so they could sing to her! Britt woke up so happy 🙂
I know many people who have birthday’s in December can’t STAND their birthday being so close to Christmas but Britt LOVES it. She loves that our elves visit her on her birthday each year and always bring her a little gift! She literally told everyone that the highlight of her birthday was the elves coming 😉
Mommy and Daddy surprised her with her birthday balloon! She was shocked!
Mrs. Charlotte text me that morning and asked me what time Britt had been born and what day of the week and man I struggled to remember that info! I took a little time and looked up all the kids birthday stats and thought this was so neat:
Spear and I loaded up to take a class snack to Britt’s school and to be part of her birthday celebration. Again, his party came in handy and I took treats that I hadn’t used for the party which worked out perfectly!
Britt LOVED having us there and introducing us to all of her friends and I enjoyed seeing her in her classroom element.
It was a chilly day so I bundled up this sweetie!
Our family birthday tradition is that the birthday celebrator gets to choose where we eat out for dinner. Britt chose Chic-Fil-A (love that she kept it cheap and easy this year haha).
It’s very important to me that I don’t lump the December birthdays in with Christmas. I don’t “save the best gifts for Christmas” and I make sure their birthdays are just as special and fun and exciting as the non-December birthday kids!
Britt mentioned wanting a “big cheetah” for her birthday and I ordered this online so I had NO CLUE that it was THIS BIG. It’s literally taller than Tess!!! Britt was SHOCKED and THRILLED!
Sweet Auntie Katie gave her a princess card that turned into a crown and a decorate your own water bottle kit!
Britt announced a couple weeks prior to her birthday that she wants a Banshee. Which is a toy based off Pandora that they sell at Disney and is NOT cheap. I told her Mommy was DONE buying for BOTH birthday and Christmas and that she’d have to use her own money if she wanted to buy it.
Grandpa and Grammie hooked her up with the cash she’d need to have enough! She was SO pumped!
She also loves loves loves Hatchimals and Grandpa and Grammie got her a set too!
Reading their cards to Britt and giving her their gifts from the heart.
I love that my kids have their own bonds that I’m not part of. She opened her gift from Kye and was SO excited. I guess it’s a friend of his that she’s admired for a long time! So thoughtful!
When we met Rey at Disneyland Britt specifically asked me to get the photo printed for her room so I got a frame too and she was so excited! I love that Britt appreciates the little things, she’s SO fun to buy for!
She really wanted a Rey lightsaber 🙂
All her gifts! We give each child 10 gifts on their birthday from us. Two of Britt’s were given to her on her Disney birthday trip (the BBB experience and her new BB8 book bag).
Britt’s big gift (well aside from the cheetah!) was a gymnastics mat so she can practice her moves at home. She is so passionate about gymnastics and I’m sure we’ll be filling the house with more equipment in the future!
I had found the unicorn balloon and banner for super cheap at 5 Below and figured we’d roll with a unicorn theme. I ordered her cookie cake and just told them to do any unicorn. I was blown away when Zach picked it up and the unicorn they did seriously matched the balloon I’d gotten her perfectly! Such a cute cake (and SO YUMMY).
This girl is all about some birthday fun! Daddy AND Big Papa surprised her at school plus I went to see her for her class snack and G-Mama came by to bring her a little gift too. Needless to say Kye was feeling a bit bummed that he didn’t get as many visitors for his birthday. It is hard because Britt’s is at a time where Zach is working around locally and can just pop in to eat with her. I told him we need to make sure to arrange it that way for Kye’s too!
We sang happy birthday one last time!
In it for the cake 😉
She had such a fun day! So thankful she’s my sweet girl!
Britt has consistently been taller than Kye at each age, he keeps waiting knowing that his time is coming to surpass her 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025