The parks are INSANE over Thanksgiving but the crowds begin to die down the weekend after Thanksgiving so we planned our bigger park time for the weekend rather than trying to hit the parks during the week when it was super super crazy.
On Saturday we planned to get to Hollywood Studios super early for a mission: Jedi Training. Kye did Jedi Training for his birthday and Britt was really wanting to do it for hers too!
Hermey and Snowflake were loving our turkey cookies!
Right now Hollywood Studios is THE place to be. And it’s going to stay that way for quite awhile with Star Wars Land opening next summer! We arrived even earlier than we normally due. We knew it’d be packed with people racing to Toy Story Land and we wanted to be right up front to allow the kids to get signed up for Jedi Training.
Breakfast on the go!
We lucked out and they actually did Jedi Training sign ups prior to park opening. Zach took Kye and Britt at opening to Rockin’ Rollercoaster and Mrs. Charlotte, Tess, Spear and I headed with the masses to Toy Story Land. On our way there we got a call from Zach that Rockin’ Rollercoaster was down so Mrs. Charlotte hopped in line for Slinky Dog while I took Tess over to Alien Saucers.
We literally walked RIGHT ON. ZERO wait at all for Alien Saucers. The big ticket ride is Slinky so it really does free up the rest of the park!
My first time riding Alien Saucers! We had so much fun!
Zach, Kye and Britt made it in time for him to swap spots with G-Mama in line so she and the big two could ride saucers too before the line got started while Zach kept the spot for Slinky Dog!
We caught back up with them and I was able to get a rider swap so Tess and Mrs Charlotte got to ride it twice!
Yay for 7th birthday girl!!! Being 7 at Disney means you do not have to ride with an adult so Britt and Kye can FINALLY ride rides together!
There isn’t a whole lot to do in Toy Story Land with a baby. While they all waited for Slinky Dog I hopped in line for a meet and greet with Jesse and Woody. Spear and I met Buzz last visit so why not meet the rest of the gang? He was so easily entertained in line…he just kept trying to eat his stroller wheels. #buildingupimmunesystem
I loved how the characters were dressed for the holidays! Spear LOVES characters. And I love that he loves it so much 🙂 Woody was SO TALL that it was a little intimidating to me but not to Spear. Guess that’s a perk of having a mega tall Daddy 😉
Toy Story Land had lots of festive touches too!
Once the rest of our group rode Slinky they then broke up into separate groups. Mrs. Charlotte and Tess used the rider swap to ride Slinky Dog again while Zach took Britt and Kye to ride Rockin’ Rollercoaster since it was back up. Spear and I? We headed over to meet Buzz 😉
Stitch is still his fav but oh my goodness he LOVED some Buzz Lightyear!!!
Britt’s first time riding Rockin’ Rollercoaster!
Still waiting for her to finally admit she’s not a thrill ride kinda girl…still hasn’t happened…
Instead when we all met back up she said Rockin’ Rollercoaster is her new favorite ride!
Lucked out for the Imperial March
Spear kept on napping while Tess, Mrs Charlotte and I headed over to get a good spot for the Jedi Training and Zach took Kye and Britt to the backstage area to prep for the show. Kids have to be ages 4 and up to participate in Jedi Training and Tess said she wasn’t interested in doing it so we didn’t force her and just let her enjoy the experience from the audience 🙂
We had a good chunk of time to wait so I hung with Spear while he slept and Mrs Charlotte and Tessie went to meet Olaf!
Our Jedis ready for some training action!
They have a really neat parade for the kids heading to training so the crowd can be excited to see them! The whole Jedi Training show is really cute and well done where every child gets to feel special and involved and they do an awesome job with the photo pass photographers snapping tons of pics too! It has a simple storyline but a nice message to it too! Here’s a bit of the show and the finale 🙂
Britt was SO PUMPED!!!
Kye was really, really excited to do it again too since it’s been so long!
It was so fun watching both kids. I love seeing their differences. Britt was SO serious and really concentrating and Kye was just SO into it. Closing his eyes and really focusing and paying so much attention to every detail. They both were totally entranced in the moment and loving every second of it!
Poppin’ a squat hahahaha
Tessie helped use the force too 🙂
Ready for battle!
The got to fight Darth Vader which was awesome and they did GREAT! It was super funny when it was Kye’s turn as the host of the show said “keep smiling, it distracts them” bahaha!
Here’s a video of both of their battles!
My Master Jedi!
After the Jedi Training Zach took Spear and headed back to the house to be able to watch the FSU vs UF game and the rest of us headed to use our fastpass for Toy Story Mania! Kye and Britt got to ride together! I just LOVE the love they have and the bond they share 🙂
We then had a fastpass for Star Tours. Omg. Y’all. NEVER. AGAIN. I have done it one other time and it wasn’t that bad but this time I felt SO SO SICK. Like I had to sit down for AWHILE afterwards. Whew. Not my kinda ride! Mama is a WIMP!
Kye and G-Mama went to play some Star Wars video games and the girls and I watched Muppets 3D which was a first for me and it was cuter than I’d expected!
Our proud Jedis!
We had a fantastic morning at Hollywood Studios! I loved getting to watch Kye and Britt up on stage and loved seeing their joy in getting to sit together on rides. Poor Kye has been riding solo for SO long and he was pumped to have Britt as his ride buddy! We headed back and the kids had their lunches in the car and then we had naps/rests for more fun that evening!
Planning a trip to Disney? Be sure to check out our Disney Rental House! Dates are filling up quick and we offer a large discount for bookings made through the blog!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025